有个足球雷竞技app网络世界,克林特·博尔顿 //m.amiribrahem.com en - us 2020年4月16日星期四04:12:27 -0700 2020年4月16日星期四04:12:27 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 物流公司如何利用SD-WAN取得竞争优势 周五,2017年12:43:00 -0700 5月12日 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

四年前在一个相对陌生的技术,赌博已经初显成效了一家物流公司,它是使用软件来刮百万美金起跳其带宽连接成本。今天货代公司 JAS全球正在利用一个软件定义的广域网(SD-WAN)来运行云应用中,根据JAS CIO马克贝克。最终,贝克希望使用SD-WAN的预测分析策略来发展业务骨干。

SD-广域网让企业来设置和管理网络功能,包括虚拟专用网,广域网优化,VoIP和防火墙,使用软件程序的业务路由典型地由路由器和交换机进行。正如虚拟化软件扰乱了服务器市场,SD-广域网都抖了网络设备市场。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3196628/how-a-logistics-firm-leverages-sd-wan-for-competitive-advantage.html 为什么数字颠覆没有双峰模式的空间 2017年5月11日星期四09:58:00 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

Saying bimodal IT is dead may be a tad premature. But as digital disruption continues to sweep across sectors -- driven by companies such as Amazon.com, Uber and Airbnb -- two-speed IT is beginning to look and feel antiquated. Some CIOs and consultants argue that the operating model hinders innovation at a time when companies must accelerate their digital initiatives.

Introduced by Gartner in 2014, bimodal IT splits technology departments into two groups: a stable mode (Mode 1) where the bulk of technology is carefully cultivated and refined and a second mode (Mode 2) that espouses experimentation, free-thinking and agility. Forking IT into separate tracks made sense a few years ago, as many CIOs worked to plug gaps in talent, process and technology, Forrester Research analyst Matthew Guarini tells CIO.com.

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人类(仍然)是最薄弱的网络安全环节 2017年4月19日星期三13:10 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

Humans remain the weak link in corporate data protection, but you might be surprised hat it isn't only rank-and-file employees duped by phishing scams who pose risks. Some companies are lulled into a false sense of cybersecurity by vendors. You read that right:Some enterprises believe the shiny new technologies they've acquired will protect them from anything.

Just ask Theodore Kobus, leader of BakerHostetler’s Privacy and Data Protection team.

ted kobus BakerHostetler

Theodore Kobus, BakerHostetler’s Privacy and Data Protection team.

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VMware收购Wavefront背后的原因是什么? 2017年4月18日星期二09:06:00 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

VMware收购监控软件厂商波前收购金额不详的是移动核心VMware的战略,完善了其产品组合的简化和管理混合云环境。它突出在需要确保私有和公共云执行达到标准之间运行的应用程序 <一边类=“fakesidebar”> [30个CIO们共享他们的战略重点]

公司承接数字转换是重上混合靠在云部署软件,场景横跨几乎所有行业打出来。为了使这个以高速度,公司正在制定的DevOps,其中代码是不断写,运,运行并定期完善。在DevOps的环境中,企业开发代码应用程序的功能,称为微服务,这是他们通过虚拟容器运送到私有云环境和公共云系统,例如亚马逊网络服务,微软Azure和谷歌云之间运行。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3190744/what-s-behind-vmware-s-wavefront-acquisition.html 大学研究云电话服务 2017年4月7日星期五10:21:00 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

Georgetown University is testing a cloud phone service intended to replace its 25-year-old system, which would cost millions of dollars to replace. The move, part of a broader telecommunications infrastructure overhaul, advances the private university's plan to migrate to consumer-friendly cloud and mobile software, says CIO Judd Nicholson.

Georgetown University CIO Judd Nicholson. Georgetown University

Georgetown University CIO Judd Nicholson.

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卡车公司如何加快移动应用程序开发 2017年4月6日星期四10:00:00 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

员工希望获得来自移动设备,这是CIO们一个难题业务应用:他们适应传统的软件设计用于在台式机和笔记本电脑上运行,以在智能手机和平板电脑上运行或买一个平台,使这样的便携用最少的代码?Trucking conglomerate Paccar chose the latter option to help deliver mobile applications across the company’s DAF, Peterbilt, Leyland and Kenworth business units, says CIO Lily Ley.

lily ley Paccar

Paccar's CIO Lily Ley.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3188146/how-a-trucking-company-sped-up-mobile-app-development.html IT领导者分享他们如何平息网络安全攻击 星期二,2017年4月4日十三时十二分00秒-0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

Ask CIOs and CISOs what cybersecurity fears keep them up at night and you’ll hear a range of responses -- from social engineering hacks such as phishing, as well as malware that enables perpetrators to hijack users' websites -- the dreaded ransomware -- and denial-of-service attacks. Depending on their business you might hear them say "all of the above."

These threats are driving increased spending on cybersecurity tools intended to protect corporate data from nation-state actors, lone wolf attackers and other malcontents who are seeking access to corporate data. IT leaders know that it takes only one well-placed exploit to infiltrate a corporate network, but they also acknowledge that the best approach is to shrink their attack surface and be ready to respond to an incident in the event of an attack.

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前任CIO抓住AI,RPA发烧 2017年3月31日星期五10:56:00 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

公司正在探索自动化手动业务运营,但很少有机构知识这样做。杰夫·唐纳森,但是,确实。唐纳森,谁工作了16年 IT系统建设以视频游戏零售商GameStop,正在建设的方法,结合机器人过程自动化(RPA),人工智能(AI)和设计思维以帮助企业自动化手动和日常任务,如数据处理和劳动力优化。 要完整地阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3186856/former-cio-catches-ai-rpa-fever.html AI,在农业和害虫控制机器学习开花 2017年3月22日星期三13:28:00 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rising in prominence with the proliferation of chatbots, virtual assistants and other conversational tools that companies are using to improve customer service, productivity and operational efficiency. But AI is also helping to automate and streamline tasks in data-intensive industries traditionally ruled by rigorous science and good old-fashioned human analysis.

Seed retailers, for example, are using AI products to churn through terabytes of precision agricultural data to create the best corn crops, while pest control companies are using AI-based image-recognition technology to identify and treat various types of bugs and vermin. Such markedly different scenarios underscore how AI has evolved from science fiction to practical solutions that can potentially help companies get a leg up on their competition.

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为什么您的云战略应包括多个供应商 2017年3月21日星期二10:57:00 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

For decades, enterprise computing environments have been composed of servers, storage and networking equipment developed by different vendors. Those choices often hinged on the best products to power applications and data -- as well as the enticing volume discounts tossed into enterprise agreements. A similar scenario is playing out in cloud computing infrastructure, where CIOs are grappling with how to best architect systems for multi-vendor, hybrid cloud strategies.

A telling exchange on cloud vendors occurred during the Wall Street Journal’s CIO Network event last month when an audience member shared his perspective on the challenges of choosing between different cloud vendors with Adrian Cockcroft, vice president of cloud architecture strategy for Amazon Web Services (AWS), who was speaking on stage.

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为什么伟大的首席数据官很难找到 周五,2017年3月17日9时42分〇〇秒-0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

Chief data officers (CDOs) are among the most highly sought-after executives among corporations for whom data analytics has become a cornerstone of digital strategies. But the rush to promote data-crunching experts to the CDO role has created a new challenge: Finding a leader who can use data to help drive a business transformation.

Companies eager to establish data analytics have promoted managers to the CDO role based on their technical wizardry rather than their leadership capabilities, says Joshua Clarke, partner for executive recruiter Heidrick & Struggles, who highlighted the problem in "Choosing the right chief data officer," a new report detailing the rapid evolution of the CDO role.

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谷歌让与Kaggle艾买天赋发挥 2017年3月16日星期四05:56:00 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

If you're a company entrenched in an arms race for artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, you could do worse than tapping into a pool of thousands of data scientists to augment your digital products and services.

That's the pole position Google holds after acquiring crowdsourcing platform Kaggle last week for an undisclosed sum. Some 600,000 professional data crunchers use Kaggle to build prediction models for such heady challenges as cancer detection and heart disease diagnoses. And experts say Kaggle could help Google facilitate broader adoption of AI technologies.

"Data science and machine learning is now global and this is a validation of the idea that Google recognizes that most of the smartest people in the world work for somebody else," Neil Jacobstein, who chairs the artificial intelligence and robotics track at Singularity University, told CIO.com. "This is potentially a very positive move, I think, that could make everybody more competitive."

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为什么通用电气在科技人才争夺战中获胜 2017年3月13日星期一05:51:00 -0700 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


该公司已强调了巨大的作用,GE计划在这么玩的诱惑来自苹果,谷歌和微软的顶级技术主管-called第四次工业革命,通过软件平台和API比重金属定义了更多的时代。它还大修这是更多的通过引进技术招聘谁提供由硅谷巨头搭的那种薪酬适合于工业巨头昔日的人才招聘会的做法。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3179835/why-ge-is-winning-the-war-for-tech-talent.html 聘用首席人工智能官之前要三思 04:17:00 -0800 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

SAN FRANCISCO -- Artificial intelligence (AI) will become so instrumental to corporate revenue growth that businesses should hire a chief artificial intelligence officer to spearhead AI initiatives, says Andrew Ng, who drives global AI strategy at Chinese search giant Baidu. Not so fast, says Neil Jacobstein, chair of artificial intelligence and robotics at Singularity University, who isn't a fan of companies centralizing leadership for AI functions.

The two clashed on the topic here last week at the WSJ's CIO Network, where Ng and Jacobstein spoke on a panel. Although they disagreed on the organizational approaches to AI, Ng and Jacobstein both said that the technology is a potentially game-changing way to harness the vast amounts of information corporations collect.

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边缘计算将吹走云 周三,2017年3月1日十三点27分00秒-0800 克林特·博尔顿 克林特·博尔顿

SAN FRANCISCO -- The ubiquitous cloud computing craze may not be long for this world if venture capitalist Peter Levine is right. The Andreessen Horowitz general partner said that as more computing capabilities move to so-called "edge" devices, including anything from driverless cars and drones to the boundless devices that make up the internet of things (IoT), the cloud will slowly evaporate.

"A large portion of computation that gets done in the cloud today will return to the edge," said Levine at the Wall Street Journal's CIO Network event here Tuesday.

Levine said the driverless car, whose 200-plus CPUs effectively make it a "data center on wheels," is a prime example of an edge device whose computing capabilities must be self-contained. Levine said that an autonomous vehicle relying on the cloud fo

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