有个足球雷竞技app网络世界詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 //m.amiribrahem.com 念头美国 周四,06 Aug 2020 21:56:14 -0700 周四,06 Aug 2020 21:56:14 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510. 510. https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 管理互联网或安全危机的8种方法 周一,2017年10:49:00 -0700 5月15日 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫

Your business is hit with a ransomware attack. Or your ecommerce site crashes. Your legacy system stops working. Or maybe your latest software release has a major bug. These are just some of the problems that ecommerce, technology and other companies experience at one time or another.

The issue is not if a problem – or crisis – occurs, but how your company handles it when it does. Manage the problem poorly, you risk losing customers, or worse. Handle a crisis promptly and professionally, you can fend off a public relations disaster and might even gain new customers.

So what steps can businesses take to mitigate and effectively manage an IT-related crisis? Here are eight suggestions.

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15点的方式,使会议效率更高 星期二,2017年5月2日11:41:00 -0700 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫

Let’s be honest, almost no one likes meetings. They can be disruptive, tend to go on for too long and often feel like a waste of time.

But meetings don’t have to be boring, drawn out affairs. Meetings, when done right, can produce new ideas, solve problems and help move projects forward.

Here are 15 ways you can make your organization’s meetings must-attend gatherings that make attendees feeling like they accomplished something.

[ Related: How to make meetings more productive ]

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8个大小型企业的生产力和协作应用程序 星期二,2017年4月11日10:32:00 -0700 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫

Small business owners, whether working in a busy office, on the road or from home, can easily get distracted – and overwhelmed. From email (and text) messages bombarding their inboxes and smart phones, to having to stop what they are doing to attend meetings or put out fires, to the temptation to check social media, it can be hard – make that nearly impossible – to stay focused and complete tasks on time.

And while many entrepreneurs claim to be excellent multitaskers, research has shown most are not.

So what, if anything, can small business owners do to stay focused and on top of things? Following is a list of free or inexpensive tools (listed alphabetically) that can help.

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如何抵御网络攻击和数据泄露 2017年3月29日星期三14:18:00-0700 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 <文章> <节类= “页”>

根据由赛门铁克进行的研究的,针对小企业的网络攻击(少于250名员工的公司)已在过去六年里一直稳步增长过去,黑客专门针对员工人数(网络钓鱼)。虽然服务,或DDoS攻击的分布式拒绝,攻击仍然是网络战,勒索软件和恶意软件攻击的主要形式,针对智能手机和物联网的用户(IOT)设备,以及PC和系统在Mac和Linux上运行,也给小企业一个很大的威胁。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3186468/how-to-fend-off-cyberattacks-and-data-breaches.html 技术支持最佳实践 星期二,2017年3月21日10:56:00 -0700 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫

No product or service – or end user – is perfect. This is especially true when it comes to hardware and software. That is why companies, if they want to stay in and grow their business, need to provide help to customers when things go wrong. And while no two products or problems are exactly alike, the best tech support departments share the following eight traits.

[ Related: 11 tips for improving your company's customer support ]

1. Offer multi-channel tech support, including live chat.

“The ubiquity of instant communication channels has meant that people want to get the support they want, whenever they want and through whatever method is most convenient,” says Amir Farhi, vice president, strategic alliances & business development, WalkMe. “Rather than relying [just] on email and phone communications, businesses should provide [tech support via] social media channels, [live chat] and messaging apps such as WhatsApp.” They should also “make sure [tech support representatives] are readily available and trained to use all channels.”

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为你的电子商务创业公司筹集资金的9个简单方法 星期三,2017年2月15日05:05:00 -0800 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 现在开一家新公司比以往任何时候都容易,至少看起来是这样,尤其是电子商务或科技公司。但是,为你的初创公司筹集资金是很困难的,尤其是有那么多新公司在争夺同一个种子资金池。那么,哪种方法或来源最有可能获得或提供你发展业务所需的资金呢?根据企业家和投资者的说法,以下是9个最好的例子。Make It In Brooklyn pitch competition ",该公司联合创始人Zuley Clarke表示:"在创建Humblee的前六个月,我们参与并赢得了Make It In Brooklyn pitch competition "。“除了奖金,我们还从有影响力的评委那里获得了有价值的反馈,与投资者建立了联系,并为我们的业务制造了轰动。赢得球场比赛是令人难以置信的,但仅仅是进入(球场比赛)的好处也是巨大的。

(内幕故事)//m.amiribrahem.com//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3170097/9-simple-ways-to-raise-capital-for-your-ecommerce-startup.html IDG内幕人士 8数据存储和恢复提示 星期二,2017年1月17日07:13:00 -0800 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 今天,小企业和大企业有同样多(或几乎同样多)的数据存储选择。但是有这么多的数据存储选择,您如何为您的业务选择正确的呢?以下是在发生灾难时如何确保关键数据可用的方法。


//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3157760/8-data-storage-and-recovery-tips.html IDG内幕人士
9大小企业社交媒体禁忌 2016年12月8日星期四11:01:00-0800 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫

These days, just about every business, regardless of size, has a presence on social media. It might be just a Facebook or a Pinterest page, but chances are if you are a small business owner, especially a retailer, you have an account on one of the major social media platforms. And while having a Facebook and Pinterest (as well Twitter and Instagram) page can be beneficial, it can negatively impact your business if you make one (or more) of these nine small business social media mistakes.

[ Related: Facebook, Snapchat and the future of live video ]

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如何保护您的电子商务网站免受欺诈、黑客和抄袭 2016年11月7日星期一06:17:00-0800 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫

Setting up an ecommerce site is easy these days. Keeping your site safe from hacking, fraud and copycats, not so much. And as small business owners know all too well, one major breach – or too many charge backs or someone stealing your business name or copying your products – could mean the end of your business.

[ Related: 8 keys to ecommerce success ]

Here are seven ways small ecommerce business owners can protect their online stores from hacking, fraud and/or copycats.

1. Trademark your company name and logo

“The most important tip for business owners to protect their site and brand is to ensure [their] name is clear for use as a trademark,” says Sonia Lakhany, trademark attorney, Lakhany Law. “Too many entrepreneurs mistakenly think that because a domain name is available or that they were able to form an LLC or corporation with their local Secretary of State that their business name or brand is available as a trademark.”

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实现IT目标的8种策略 2016年10月26日星期三12:46:00-0700 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 <文章> <节类=“网页”>


[相关阅读: <强> 7个非技术技能每个项目经理需要 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3135719/8-strategies-for-achieving-it-goals.html 小型企业在考虑SaaS时会考虑什么 Tue, 27 september 2016 09:02:00 -0700 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


1。确保您的软件很容易使用 - 并且易于理解“企业老板和员工期待[云]商务应用程序和服务是那么容易,因为他们的个人消费应用程序使用,”肯Oestreich说,导演,产品营销,云服务,思杰。“云服务和应用必须直观,让人们可以开始使用它们无需培训。您的应用程序和服务的更容易的使用,更多的人会使用它们,而且由于服务收入是根据使用情况,您希望客户经常使用这些服务,并为长时间。” 要全面阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3124532/8-things-small-business-look-for-when-considering-saas.html 12个提示,以帮助中小型企业选择和管理供应商 2016年8月25日星期四13:20:00-0700 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫

Picking good suppliers and partners is critical to your company’s success, especially a smaller, growing business. Pick a vendor that is difficult to work with, doesn’t provide a service as promised, isn’t there when you need help and/or hits you with hidden fees, and your company could be in serious trouble.

So what steps can you take to help ensure you don’t wind up in a bad business relationship? Here are 12 strategies for selecting the right business partners and suppliers.

1. Make a list of your requirements and expectations. “One of the most important parts of creating and maintaining vendor/partner relationships is to have very clearly spelled out expectations at the onset,” says Diane Helbig of Seize This Day. “Establish an understanding of what each party will bring to the relationship, when and how. That gives you something to measure the relationship against and let’s your partner/vendor know not only what you want from them, but what you will be bringing to the relationship.”

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有效灾难恢复计划的8个要素 星期二,2016年7月5日7时26分零零秒-0700 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫

Earlier this month, a monkey caused a nationwide power outage in Kenya. Millions of homes and businesses were without electricity. Which just goes to show that “not all disasters come in the form of major storms with names and categories,” says Bob Davis, CMO, Atlantis Computing.

“Electrical fires, broken water pipes, failed air conditioning units [and rogue monkeys] can cause just as much damage,” he says. And while “business executives might think they’re safe based on their geographic location,” it’s important to remember that “day-to-day threats can destroy data [and] ruin a business,” too, he says. That’s why it is critical for all businesses to have a disaster recovery (DR) plan.

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视频促进业务发展的6种方式 2016年6月9日星期四09:12 -0700 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 <文章> <节类= “网页”>




为什么要告诉人们你做什么时,你可以告诉他们? To阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3081523/6-ways-video-can-boost-your-business.html 如何让您的小型企业安全与数据破坏和黑客 星期三,2016年4月27日04:3900 -0700 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫 詹妮弗·隆诺夫·希夫

Cybersecurity – and security breaches – continues to be a hot topic. And small ecommerce businesses, especially ones using an open source platform, are particularly susceptible to hacks and breaches. So what can small ecommerce shops do to protect their sites as well as any sensitive (customer) data? Following are 10 suggestions from ecommerce security experts.

[Related: 5 tips for defending against advanced persistent threats ]

1. Educate employees. “Cyberattacks are becoming more and more sophisticated and it's easy to be fooled by emails, links and attachments that look like everyday business requests,” says Norman Guadagno, chief evangelist, Carbonite. “It only takes one click for malware, viruses and ransomware to in infiltrate your system, compromising important business data.”

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