有个足球雷竞技app网络世界物联网智能 //m.amiribrahem.com EN-US 星期二,2020年4月21日11时53分08秒-0700 星期二,2020年4月21日11时53分08秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 SAP是如何向工业物联网转型的 星期三,2017年11月8日六点18分00秒-0800 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森

The view of the industrial Internet of Things (IoT) as billions of sensors connected into intelligent systems distracts from its true role: digital transformation. The gargantuan task and investment of making all these connections, reliably and securely, is pointless unless there is a solid business reason — and there are two very good ones.

2 reasons manufacturers invest in IoT

The first reason big companies invest in IoT is they are worried about being digitally disrupted by a Tesla, Uber, or the next AirBnb in their industries — disrupt or be disrupted.

The second reason: a company’s slowing growth and the need for increased productivity. BCG’s Olivier Scalabre explained that driver during a 2016 TED Talk.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3236555/how-sap-is-making-the-shift-to-industrial-iot.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 传感器
思科如何推动其产业物联网业务发展 周三,2017年11月1日9点27分〇〇秒-0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


通过风险驱动的的IoT宣传周期 is with conversations with builders and implementers at companies investing in IoT, such as Cisco’s co-innovation center chief, Maciej Kranz.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3235659/how-cisco-drives-its-industrial-iot-business-forward.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 思科系统公司
对Daring Fireball的反驳:FreeBSD,英特尔和微软确实拯救了Mac 周四,二零一七年十月十九日十三点31分00秒-0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森 <本文> <节课= “页面”>

我的博客文章的要点, “的What the IoT industry can learn from Apple’s revival of the Mac," was to use Apple’s pivot to the Intel platform and compliance with the Open Group’s Unix standards as an example of the importance of a large vibrant ecosystem (created by Intel and Microsoft) is for the IoT industry to follow.

Without the PC ecosystem, the Mac would be an obsolete machine exhibited in the Computer History Museum. The PC ecosystem eliminated much redundant development, letting component and product companies focus on their products’ differentiation. The IoT industry would benefit if it had a robust ecosystem the eliminated redundant development. 

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3234506/rebuttal-to-daring-fireball-freebsd-intel-and-microsoft-did-save-the-mac.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 苹果
声音网络如何消除数十亿物联网传感器 2017年10月19日星期四09:57:00 -0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森

The Internet of Thing’s dirty little secret is the cost of deployment. For example, adding a low-cost motion sensor and radio to a traffic light to count passing vehicles before it leaves the factory is easy and inexpensive. The incremental cost of deployment is near zero, especially if low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) coverage or other low-cost communications coverage is available. But retrofitting the traffic light with sensors and radios will cost the municipality a public works truck roll, a crew, an electrician and a police traffic detail. Retrofits are expensive.

Retrofitting the world for IoT is a data science and a sensor engineering task to study the IoT problem and find the simplest way to acquire the data. The question for the data scientist is what minimum data resolution will provide the desired result: How many sensors per unit of area and how many readings per time interval are necessary to solve the problem? The engineer must trade off sensor costs, radio costs and network availability, and power consumption versus available power sources.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3234331/how-the-internet-of-sound-eliminates-billions-of-iot-sensors.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 传感器
如何构建低成本的物联网传感器网络 周一,2017年10月16日7时11分○○秒-0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森

Sensor Fusion for Public Space Utilization Monitoring in a Smart City (pdf) is simply the best read for IoT product designers, developers and implementers. It steps through designing a system to measure space utilization in a city — the trade-offs made in sensor selection and calibration, power source selection, network design, data cleaning and normalization, and data processing. The methodology can be generalized for designing any IoT network. The paper is nothing less than a perfect case study about how to build an IoT network.

The most interesting aspects of the paper by Billy Pik Lik Lau, Nipun Wijerathne, and Chau Yuen of the Singapore University of Technology and Design and Benny Kai Kiat Ng of Curtin University is how they matched the sensors to acquire the data at the right resolution to estimate space utilization and built a test bed, minimizing a wide range of implementation issues. To measure space utilization, meaning how populated a space is over multiple time intervals, they chose sound and motion sensors and the fusion of the two. The methodology applied in this paper could be adapted to other sensor types.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3233309/how-to-build-low-cost-iot-sensor-networks.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 传感器
什么是物联网产业可以从Mac苹果的复兴学习 2017年10月12日星期四07:51:00 -0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森

Update: In response to a post on Daring Fireball saying I had incorrectly stated things about the Mac, I have written a reply — Rebuttal to Daring Fireball: FreeBSD, Intel and Microsoft did save the Mac — which includes a correction and clarifications.


This post is an excerpt from a talk I gave at the Reality Virtually Hackathon that makes a similar comparison between virtual reality and augmented reality and the Mac. It holds true for the Internet of Things (IoT) and every emerging technology.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3232984/what-the-iot-industry-can-learn-from-apples-revival-of-the-mac.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 科技行业 苹果
机器学习能拯救企业服务器业务吗? 2017年10月2日星期一13:02:00 -0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森 <本文> <节课= “页面”>

Nvidia和服务器制造商戴尔EMC,HPE,IBM和超微宣布企业服务器采用的Nvidia’s Tesla V100 GPU. The question is, can servers designed for machine learning stem the erosion of enterprise server purchases as companies shift to PaaS, IaaS, and cloud services? The recent introduction of hardened industrial servers for IoT may indicate that server makers are looking for growth in vertical markets.

There are very compelling reasons for moving enterprise workloads to Amazon, Google, IBM and other hosted infrastructures. The scalability of on-demand resources, operating efficiency at cloud-scale and security are just three of many reasons. For instance, Google has 90 engineers working on just security where most enterprises are understaffed.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3229860/will-machine-learning-save-the-enterprise-server-business.html#tk.rss_philandroid 服务器 雷竞技电脑网站
pub / sub模型可以连接物联网设备,而运营商网络 星期一,2017年9月25日8点39分00秒-0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森

Three characteristics of the Internet of Things (IoT) differentiate it from industrial automation.

  1. IoT devices are inexpensive.
  2. IoT devices can be ubiquitously connected everyplace and anyplace.
  3. IoT devices have inexpensive or zero-cost deployment.

It explains why we see so few IoT networks and why most of the industrial IoT forecasts are measurements of industrial automation that we have had for decades.

The first one, with the exception of the issue of strong security, is easy. The second two, though, in New Jersey parlance — says easy does hard.

Ubiquitous connectivity is talked about, and there is a glimmer of hope presented by Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWAN) such as Senet that focus on both low-cost technology and a business model for entrepreneurial partners to deploy networks. But waiting for carriers to perfect and deploy 5G networks to build IoT solutions will delay innovators and prevent early adopters from building proof-of-concept and prototype networks essential for the iterative learning of technical methods, business cases and making financial projections of the benefits of IoT.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3228164/pubsub-model-could-connect-iot-devices-without-carrier-networks.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 传感器 联网
微软如何自我飙升滑翔机提高了物联网,数字助理 星期四,2017年9月14日9点52分零零秒-0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


限制重量和空间的计算资源的局限造成由滑翔机的机身增加了相关性普适计算的许多新的发展。自主滑翔机是由160MHz的的ARM Cortex M4的RAM 256KB和闪存上监视传感器,运行自动驾驶仪和控制伺服电机,以使研究人员增加了机器学习模型,不断学习如何使用电池运行的60KB控制自主地骑热电流。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3225304/how-microsofts-self-soaring-sailplane-improves-iot-digital-assistants.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 微软 5个原因,设备制造商不能保证物联网平台 星期一,2017年9月11日11:11:00 -0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森

If Akamai, Cisco and Google’s post-platform security and privacy machine learning security systems protecting the web and mobile platforms are indicative of the future, IoT device makers will only be part of a larger security ecosystem. That’s because they will not have the data to train the AI machine learning models.  

As a result, IoT post-platform security and privacy will become a layer on top of IoT device security. These five factors are why that will happen.

1. Product developers underestimated IoT security

In their race to market, product developers building for new platforms will underestimate the security and privacy features that should be built into their products. In some cases, this will be an act of commission, but most will be an act of omission because it is difficult to anticipate the vulnerabilities until the products reach the market at scale. Windows and mobile devices experienced something similar. They have been hardened, but earlier in their evolution they were an easy target for cyber criminals.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3223952/5-reasons-why-device-makers-cannot-secure-the-iot-platform.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 安全
物联网隐私:30点的方式来建立一个安全文化 星期四,2017年8月31日6时50分00秒-0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


数据的绝对数量,这将是collected and the new more granular architecture of the IoT present new privacy concerns that need to be resolved on an equal scale as the platform’s forecasted growth.

A demonstration of this new aspect of privacy and compliance is the Privacy Guidelines for Internet of Things: Cheat Sheet, Technical Report (pdf) by Charith Perera, researcher at the Newcastle University in the U.K. The nine-page report details 30 points about implementing strong privacy protections. This report is summarized below.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3221474/30-ways-to-improve-iot-privacy.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 安全
利用物联网保护华盛顿山徒步旅行者的安全,预测天气 2017年8月30日星期三12:34:00 -0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森

Weather on Mount Washington in New Hampshire can be biblical. On one occasion, I started an early-morning April ascent with fresh snow at the base. Mid-day we stripped to our base layer of clothing when the bright sun warmed the temperature to 60°F. At the peak elevation of 6,288 feet, dark clouds closed in, the temperature dropped and the wind picked up. We ran for cover from lightning that had a very short distance to travel between the low clouds and the high peak to travel.

After hiking the mountain a half-dozen times, in all seasons and all conditions, it’s interesting to learn how the Mount Washington Weather Observatory on the peak uses IoT to update weather conditions on this frequent hiker destination.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3221246/using-iot-to-keep-mt-washington-hikers-safe-predict-weather.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 传感器
Mirai恶意软件疫苗可以保护不安全的物联网设备 星期五,2017年8月25日九点33分00秒-0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


研究人员提出了一个原始的解决问题的办法:使用这些设备的漏洞注入白色蠕虫,确保了设备。It is an epidemiological approach that creates immunity with a vaccine by exposing the immune system to a weakened form of the disease.

+ Also on Network World: How to improve IoT security +

These devices are still a threat because some cannot be fixed because they have hard-coded back doors. Other insecure devices have software or firmware vulnerabilities that cannot be fixed because product designers did not include a software updates mechanism.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3219851/this-mirai-malware-vaccine-could-protect-insecure-iot-devices.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 安全 网络安全
这本Linux工具可以提高物联网设备的安全 2017年8月24日星期四07:33:00 -0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森

The first rule of building a secure and feature-rich ecosystem is software management — push and pull software updates and software discovery through an app store mechanism from a trusted source.

In the go-to-market IoT race, though, that often doesn’t happen. Many Internet of Things (IoT) product developers have ignored the traumatic early history of Microsoft Windows, Android and web platforms, and expoits of IoT devices — because software updates have not been designed in — are regularly reported.

+ Also on Network World: How to improve IoT security +

Those earlier platforms have been hardened, updates have been automated, and the app discovery and installation have been made trustworthy. IoT developers need to follow their lead. 

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3219725/this-linux-tool-could-improve-the-security-of-iot-devices.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 安全 Linux 开源
如何提高物联网安全 星期一,2017年8月21日04:00:00 -0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



作者量化物联网的风险(IOT)设备: 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3217664/how-to-improve-iot-security.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 安全 应用安全 物联网的炒作周期解毒剂:与工程师坐在 星期一,2017年8月14日03:30:00 -0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森

Google’s former HR chief, Jonathan Rosenberg recounts in his book How Google Works a story about CEO Larry Page’s response to an MBA employee’s PowerPoint product plan. Page told the MBA, “Go sit with the engineers.”

Page’s point: An effective new product plan can be created only if the engineering details are understood.

Along this line of thinking, I spoke with Joe Biron, Internet of Things CTO at PTC, because the company has staked its future on IoT, and Biron has a decade of IoT engineering experience. PTC’s mature businesses, mechanical design, and product lifecycle management are closely related to the company’s industrial IoT business, where the company is focused for growth.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3215185/iot-hype-cycle-antidote-sitting-with-the-engineers.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 混合云 云计算
物联网需要模拟才能成长 星期二,2017年8月1日0点42分○○秒-0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森

Without simulation, complex systems would fail. Satellites would not reach an accurate orbit, semiconductor circuits would not function, and bridges would not carry the load. Businesses and governments would not invest in these projects without robust simulation software. And without a simulation proving value and functionality, IoT networks of hundreds of thousands or millions of inexpensive devices adding up to large capital investments will not be built.

Researchers from the University of Bologna published an analysis of IoT simulation and a smart cities vehicular transportation system case study (pdf). They recommend a networked simulation of orchestrated simulators that model specific IoT features that fit the diversity of IoT devices and use cases.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3211355/the-iot-needs-simulation-to-grow.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 科技行业
LoRaWAN是构建全堆栈生产物联网的关键 2017年7月26日星期三11:28:00 -0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森

Outside of the consumer market, real examples of the Internet of Things (IoT) often disappoint because in the end, they are limited by one or more of the IoT’s constraints: tens of billions of devices, cheap to acquire, cheap to deploy, security and ubiquitous connections.

I spoke with Dave Kjendal, Senet’s vice president of engineering and CTO, because he has built products and networks that meet these constraints. It was insightful because Senet has produced products using the entire IoT stack. 

Senet’s evolution began in 2009 with low-cost fuel oil tank sensors communicating over the unlicensed airwaves to optimize delivery routes. The company now operates a general purpose LoRaWAN IoT network that covers one-fortieth of the United States. LoRaWAN is an implementation of low-power, wide-area networks designed to transmit small messages at a frequency of about one an hour. It serves about 55 percent of IoT WAN connectivity. It is a different technical approach than what the mobile carriers promise with 3GPP, which is yet to be standardized.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3211390/lorawan-key-to-building-full-stack-production-iot-networks.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 传感器 移动
蓝牙Mesh网络:是对物联网创新的标准体吗? 星期四,2017年7月20日8时12分〇〇秒-0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森 <本文> <节课= “页面”>



网状网络并不是新的。它是一种网络拓扑,其中每个节点中继数据的网络。所有网格节点的数据网络中的分布合作。物联网用途建造的 Zigbee的 -a低功耗,低带宽的ad hoc网络,是网状网络。约会到2002年,Aruba Networks公司成立打造Wi-Fi网状网络。在2014年,在香港的示威学生使用的移动应用程序的FireChat to turn the crowd’s smartphones into a Wi-Fi and Bluetooth mesh network so authorities could not interrupt protester’s coordinating conversations by blocking 3G and 4G network access. Bluetooth Mesh has some very desirable features:

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3209667/bluetooth-mesh-networks-is-a-standards-body-right-for-iot-innovation.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 移动 联网 将物联网党像1999年? 星期一,2017年7月17日8时36分零零秒-0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森

After I read Brian Bailey’s IoT semiconductor design article, IoT Myth Busting, I thought of Prince’s song 1999, in particular, the line:

“So tonight I'm gonna party like it's nineteen ninety-nine.” 

Without a lot of irrational exuberance, we won’t see IoT edge and fog networks soon

Most IoT applications are prototypes and proof of concepts (PoC) designed to justify enterprise budget increases and follow-on venture investment rounds. Unless we return to and party like it is 1999 when telecoms over-invested in capacity ahead of demand, the telecom carriers are not going to build the new fog and edge networks that IoT needs to grow ahead of demand. At this stage, we would have to see a return of the irrational exuberance, a term coined by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, used to describe the over investment and over valuation during the dot-com bubble.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3208075/will-iot-party-like-1999.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 联网
麻省理工学院物联网和可穿戴的项目预示着工业安全的未来 2017年7月10日星期一10:09:00 -0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


很少用于构建无所不在的物联网的组件未来会现已开始供货。想象未来的最好方式是通过原型。关键任务或高投资回报率的应用原型会逗钱出来研发预算,以建立他们。All the prototypes will lead to a greater understanding, and when the cost of the problem matches the development investment  the prototypes will become products. With cost reduction and standardization, products could become generalized extensible platforms.

+ Also on Network World: How industrial IoT is making steel production smarter +

MIT built a fitting prototype that could, with further development, scale into a platform. A multidisciplinary team from the MIT Design Lab led by MIT Media Lab researcher Guillermo Bernal won best research paper at the Petra Conference last month for the team’s work applying IoT and wearables to industrial safety. The sophisticated and purpose-built prototype at the center of the research makes the paper “Safety++. Designing IoT and Wearable Systems for Industrial Safety through a User-Centered Design Approach” extremely tangible and predictive about how the IoT will unfold.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3206768/mit-iot-and-wearable-project-foretells-the-future-of-industrial-safety.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 传感器 联网
搜索在物联网地面实况 星期四,2017年7月6日11:14:00 -0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

我一直在读,每天写物联网(IOT)约一个月,而我还没有发现地面实况。I’m not new to the field, but now focused on IoT I am trying to find a relative measure of the importance of IoT developments.

One of the definitions of ground truth in the Oxford Dictionary is:

“Information obtained by direct observation of a real system, as opposed to a model or simulation; a set of data that is considered to be accurate and reliable, and is used to calibrate a model, algorithm, procedure, etc.”

Calibrating the development of the IoT with ground truths that match the 20 billion to 50 billion forecasted devices requires a departure into the leap-of-faith lane. This is not pessimism, but a lack of published information that probably does not exist outside of research papers.   

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3206165/searching-for-ground-truth-in-iot.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 传感器 大数据 无线上网
创建无线智能基础设施:4个专家建议 周三,2017年6月28日10:00:00 -0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


物联网的异质性的范围是由自主车辆,其具有数千由大容量电池传感器经常在高速通信今天定义和低延迟到简单的传感器。这些传感器由环境电源供电,送一些罕见的字节进行通信的状态(开/关,温度,振动的振幅和相位等)。 To阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3204129/creating-a-wireless-smart-infrastructure-4-expert-recommendations.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 基础设施 传感器 物联网和机器学习之间不可分割的联系 周五,2017年6月23日10:59:00 -0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森

I met with a team of Microsoft AI researchers recently to discuss original adaptations of Resnet 50, a version of the convolutional network Microsoft used to win the Imagenet 2015 image recognition competition. The discussion about the scientists work caused me to reconsider the inextricable link between IoT and machine learning.

Control loops are a fundamental principal of the internet of things (IoT.) If then, then that (ITTT) has a long history in conditionally controlling things dating to the invention of the electric relay in the 1830s. Over time, single relays were combined into state machines, and later, relays became transistors. During the glamorous growth of computers in IT, consumer and mobile sectors, less glamorous ITTT computers have been applied to many use cases such as controlling machines in factories and performing lab experiments.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3202701/the-inextricable-link-between-iot-and-machine-learning.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网
雾计算可能是物联网的计算模型 星期三,2017年6月21日5时39分〇〇秒-0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森

Fog computing and fog networking could fill the latency and range gap in the internet of things (IoT.) For the last couple of years, researchers have been reporting on developments in fog’s role in completing IoT’s ubiquitous connectivity. It is similar to cloud computing architectures but it brings the cloud to the edge to meet the different demands of IoT.

The underlying concept is the cloud for some real-time IoT services could be too slow because the quality of service (QoS) specifications for the IoT application exceeds the cloud’s QoS. The solution is to move the cloud out into the network.

Low latency and QoS is important in IoT use cases like self-driving vehicles and controlling robots and other control applications that require minimum latency to synchronize, supervise, control and initiate machine actions. Range is important when connecting devices over long distances where hubs and gateways are not locally available.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3202644/fog-computing-may-be-iot-s-computational-model.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网
网络工程是满足物联网期望的关键 星期一,2017年6月19日五时58分00秒-0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森 <文章> <节类=“页”>

在魔鬼在细节 - 最能描述的IoT。计算将消失说莫博士。以及公共和数据科学家乐观喷在20十亿至50十亿连接的IoT设备发射数据源源不断的思想。


而且,所有这些物联网设备会给背景下人们的日常生活。灯调光或照明,以配合我们的情绪或行为,冰箱会发出警告,我们要么吃太多或不行使足够开门之前。我们的设计师眼镜与集成的Microsoft Hololens技术将投射的时刻最显着的情况下在该位置。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3201042/network-engineering-is-key-to-meeting-iot-expectations.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 消费者物联网可能会超过工业物联网 周一,2017年6月12日04:00:00 -0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森

Both Gartner and Tech Insider agree, the Internet of Things (IoT) will be a major tech category, predicting  20.4 billion units and 23.9 billion devices, respectively, by 2020.

They disagree, however, about where those devices will go. Gartner says two-thirds of the devices will land in consumer applications. Tech Insider says over three-fourths will land in government and business applications.

+ Also on Network World: 5 things to think about for industrial IoT readiness +

Why is there such a big difference in forecasts? Which forecaster’s crystal ball is less occluded? Gartner’s forecasts depend on more stable, smaller IoT consumer islands, while Tech Insider’s forecasts depend on large clouds often built on evolving technologies.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3200134/consumer-iot-could-outpace-industrial-iot.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 硬件
研究人员发现了物联网安全方面的漏洞 星期二,2017年6月6日11时34分〇〇秒-0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森

Researchers from the University of Michigan and Stony Brook University published a paper explaining a novel approach to IoT security challenges (pdf). The researchers pose the question:

 “What are the new intellectual challenges in the science of security when we talk about the Internet of Things, and what problems can we solve using currently known security techniques?”

This research approach is very accessible because it uses existing categories and concepts by comparing security methods developed for smartphones, PCs and the cloud to identify the gaps and challenges to IoT security. The IoT stack is defined with the familiar layers:

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3200030/researchers-find-gaps-in-iot-security.html#tk.rss_philandroid 物联网 安全
你应该在Twitter上关注的20位人工智能专家 2017年5月24日星期三12:51:00 -0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



+ Also on Network World: What AI can and cannot do today +

The short summaries of each persons’ biographical information add depth to the tweets. The biographical information was extracted from public sources, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, university websites, Crunchbase and business websites. Given the suspicions about the authenticity of news stories, the biographical information about each person adds a level of diligence to choose if the reader finds personal value in following one of them.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3198385/top-20-ai-experts-you-should-follow-on-twitter.html#tk.rss_philandroid 软件 推特
谷歌的AI从下一个平台转移到其下一个产品 2017年5月18日星期四07:52:00 -0700 史蒂芬最大帕特森 史蒂芬最大帕特森 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


谷歌和它的用户大交易不会改变:以换取用户的数据不可缺少的免费应用程序。更易于使用会话接口,如谷歌主页和谷歌助理与AI建立可能是与用户的信息作为货币购买的下一个免费的谷歌不可或缺的应用。这是一个良性循环。与不可或缺的应用程序,如谷歌搜索的用户交互,翻译和助理使用AI,创造了更多的数据来创建新的不可缺少的AI系统。Pichai confirmed this during the Google I/O keynote when he said:

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3197369/googles-ai-shifts-from-the-next-platform-to-its-next-products.html#tk.rss_philandroid 软件 消费电子产品 谷歌 谷歌主页