有个足球雷竞技app网络世界开源事实与虚构 //m.amiribrahem.com en - us Tue, 11 Aug 2020 03:00:06 -0700 Tue, 11 Aug 2020 03:00:06 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png. 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288. 在IT安全领域,连续是新的黑色 星期一,2015年4月13日10:33:00 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

We have gone from the city that never sleeps to a world that is continuous. That's right, it seems along with the world shrinking, it is always on, someone is always watching or doing. Continuous has become the new black. 

Nowhere is this truer than in IT. We have Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration, Continuous Testing, Continuous Monitoring, continuous this, continuous that, continuous everywhere. Infosec is not immune to this, either. We are trying to protect against continuous attacks by deploying continuous scanning, continuous threat protection, continuous monitoring, all of it part of our continuous security. All of this sounds like an old George Carlin routine. But it's not it; it is the way things are today.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2908026/in-it-security-continuous-is-the-new-black.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction 开源(欺骗) 安全 RSA会议
安全即服务如何为一个组织节省数百万美元 2015年4月2日星期四13:05:00 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

In my 25+ years in IT, I have seen the outsource/insource pendulum swing back and forth. One of the popular arguments in favor of outsourcing is that it can save an organization dollars in total cost of ownership. In my experience, that is not always the case. But now Forrester has completed a study that says outsourcing Security-as-a-Service could help a company save millions of dollars over a period of three years.

The Forrester study was commissioned by Alert Logic, a managed cloud security firm (full disclosure: I have consulted for Alert Logic, but had no involvement in this study). While the study is specific to Alert Logic solutions around log management, threat management, and web application firewall (WAF), it could just as easily be applied to any MSSP, Security-as-a-Service provider.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2905366/how-security-as-a-service-can-save-an-organization-millions.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction 开源(欺骗) 安全
加密:安全市场最新的边境 星期三,2015年4月1日12:58:00 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

In response to the mind-numbing, never-ending reports of data breaches in the news, I am seeing a distinct move to data encryption as the latest best hope for information security. While encryption is certainly not new and is far from a panacea, the notion that my data is protected even if I am breached or compromised is appealing to many.

Two companies I have spoken with recently are riding this wave in raising VC money and gathering big-name clients. While both are in the encrypted data market and both have Israeli roots, they are actually not very competitive with each other. They play in different areas of the encryption game.

The first company is Secure Islands. Founded by brothers Aki and Yuval Eldar, two veterans of the Israeli tech scene, Secure Islands has a patented and patent-pending group of technologies that make up IQProtector. IQProtector offers Data Immunization, which in the Secure Islands view includes three logical stages:

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2905095/encryption-the-security-markets-newest-frontier.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction 开源(欺骗) 安全 加密
推动DevOps采用的好处是什么? 2015年1月15日星期四07:10:00 -0800 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

A new survey by CA Technologies shows that an eye-popping 88% of more than 1,400 IT or line-of-business executives have already adopted or plan to adopt DevOps within the next five years. This is up from about 66% in a similar survey taken last year.

What is driving this mass adoption of DevOps? The answer is really simple – DevOps is providing benefits. According to the respondents, the benefits they have seen or expect to see break down as follows:

011515 devops ca benefits CA

This is a pretty broad set of benefits. Any reasonable person could understand that if this list is accurate, DevOps will indeed find mass adoption in line with the numbers in this survey.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2871233/what-benefits-are-driving-devops-adoption.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction 开源(欺骗)
Docker是如何用一个容器造出鲸鱼的 2014年12月5日星期五06:24:00 -0800 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

Few tech companies are as hot right now as Docker. It seems everyone has gone goo-goo over containers. The funny thing is the idea of Linux containers is not really new, nor was Docker the first to use them. But there is no doubt that, true to its logo, Docker has built a whale from a container.

This past week, the company held its first Dockercon in Europe. From what I have heard, it was a standing-room-only crowd and the buzz was pretty loud. Docker put out three different releases on news at Dockercon. 

I will look at each of them, but taken together, the message is clear – Docker has become much more than a container. It is now about running dozens, if not hundreds or even thousands, of Docker containers at once, across a multi-home, multi-platform environment. How do you interact with these containers with third-party tools and components? Orchestrating multiple Docker containers and the apps contained in them is now possible.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2855973/how-docker-built-a-whale-from-a-single-container.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction. 开源(欺骗) Linux. 码头工人 IBM
CA的秘诀是:一个有机工程团队 星期一,2014年11月24日06:35:00 -0800 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

I spent the early part of last week at the Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas attending CA World. This was a very different CA World than in the past. It wasn’t just that Magic Johnson and The Fray appeared, it was that CA has a new laser focus on the three key pillars on which they are building their business. All three are built on the back of the “organic engineering team,” which has been built up under the leadership of CEO Mike Gregoire.

Since taking over in 2012, Gregoire has steered CA into a strategy of building the company holistically rather than via acquisition. I had a chance to sit down and speak with Michael one-on-one.  He says his biggest accomplishment is building a “culture of software engineering.”

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2851632/cas-secret-recipe-an-organic-engineering-team.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction 开源(欺骗) 软件
云计算不是所以秘密的使命 星期二,2014年11月18日04:30:00 -0800 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

There is no denying that the cloud and cloud computing have changed the way many of us are doing business. You only had to attend last week’s sold out AWS re:Invent conference in Las Vegas to see the cloud out in force.

But as the cloud matures, we are seeing another layer of cloud computing that promises to shake the foundation of our IT infrastructure to its core – the advent of IT-as-a-Service, which will be perhaps the cloud’s highest calling.

Initially, many thought of the cloud as the successor to the web host. The next-gen data center. As someone who first became involved in web hosting in 1995 or so, I will admit that I thought that as well. The cloud is a great place to keep your web infrastructure, and it is even great to keep your apps and app infrastructure.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2848874/cloud-computings-not-so-secret-mission.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction. 云计算 亚马逊网络服务
云安全成长 星期一,2014年11月17日10:40:00 -0800 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

There was a time where cloud security was a bit of an oxymoron. But the fact is that the cloud has given the security industry a chance to reimagine and innovate to secure data both in the cloud and on premises. We are seeing sophisticated cloud security suites now that offer Security-as-a-Service and a higher level of security.

We have seen a steady evolution in cloud security from the early days. Initially, it seemed we were merely “cloud washing,” as Rich Mogull of Securosis calls it. That means we were taking older security solutions, moving them to the cloud, and just calling them cloud security. Call them what you will, but those solutions were not cloud security.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2848786/cloud-security-grows-up.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction. 云安全
Firemon为策略管理带来了策略自动化 星期二,2014年6月17日06:39:00 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

One of the neat things about my role as a consultant to the security industry is that I get to interact with lots of smart people and companies. One of the companies I occasionally consult for is Firemon. Their President/CEO Jody Brazil is one of the sharper people in the infosec space. Last week was a big week for Firemon, as they made two very significant announcements.

The first announcement was an entirely new product that they are calling Policy Optimizer. Firemon is big on descriptive names. But even being descriptive here does not totally cut it. Policy Optimizer is really an automation tool for the rat’s nest that is firewall compliance rules.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2364243/firemon-brings-policy-automation-to-policy-management.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction. 开源(欺骗)
高效的IT部门如何影响公司的底线 周三,2014年6月4日14:00:00 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

Many of us in the tech industry have suspected for a long time that companies that have great IT departments perform a lot better in this technology-dependent world we live in. But I was unaware if anyone had ever done any research into how high-functioning IT translated to the bottom line. The latest Puppet Labs survey does just this. As a result, don’t be surprised if Kramer doesn’t start advising investors to monitor IT function.

This year’s survey results represent analysis of more than 9,200 respondents, over twice as many as last year. Also, for those in the enterprise who aren’t ready for the DevOps space, 42% of respondents were from organizations with more than 500 employees. Fully 15% had more than 10,000 employees. To be sure, the survey results are still skewed towards technology and web companies, which represent 33% or so of the respondents. That being said, it still leaves the majority of companies participating as non-tech companies.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2359381/how-high-performing-it-departments-affect-their-companies-bottom-line.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction 开源(欺骗)
Devops对企业不可行吗?告诉IBM 2014年6月3日星期二13:30:00 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

There has been quite a bit of controversy lately over an article in the Wall Street Journal about whether or not DevOps was viable for enterprises. After spending a few days here in Orlando at the IBM Innovate conference, I can tell you that DevOps is very much alive and viable in even the largest enterprises.

Actually, no one doubted that certain enterprises were thriving using a DevOps IT philosophy. The so-called unicorns (not sure if my friend Gene Kim coined the phrase, but he certainly has popularized it) like Google, Facebook and Twitter have massive IT infrastructures that are being continuously updated have used DevOps as a competitive advantage. In fact, without DevOps some doubt these companies could function at the high level they do. But beyond the unicorns, what about the horses (again as Gene calls them)?

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2358490/devops-isnt-viabiere-for-enterprise-tell-that-to-bm.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction. 开源(欺骗) IBM
愚蠢的兔子,没有像盒子里的devops这样的东西 2014年5月21日星期三10:31:39 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔 <文章>

昨天在博尔德,科罗拉多州,我托管了第一个 camp devops 举行与胶水会议2014 (胶水是今天,如果您在丹佛/巨石区)。这是一个伟大的会议,在Devops的不同方面。

我喜欢参加这样的事件,因为它让我有机会与大量的人交谈并学习什么问题和主题对人来说很重要。Devops是今天最热门的趋势之一。我是 devops.com 的编辑,所以显然我非常适合这个话题。

全面阅读本文,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226975/silly-rabbit--there-s-no-such-thing-as-devops-in-a-box.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction 开源(欺骗) 软件 雷竞技电脑网站 系统管理 开源 升级到三星Galaxy S5?不,谢谢 星期二,2014年5月13日09:55:00 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

For those who don't read my blog here regularly, I am not a big fan of the Samsung Galaxy phones. In fact, I think my Samsung Galaxy S4 is the worst phone I have ever owned and have written so several times (here, here and here). So when given the option to upgrade to the Galaxy S5, is it a small wonder that I said "thanks, but no thanks"? Actually it wasn't as cut and dried as that.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226903/upgrade-to-samsung-galaxy-s5-no-thanks.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction 开源(欺骗) 智能手机 统一通信 无线网络 开源 美国电话电报公司(AT&T) 星系 AV死了的那天 2014年5月7日星期三13:17:56 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔 <文章>
我是一个孤独的少女卤素队'Buck 〜Don Mclean,American Pie




似乎每个人都是一个-witter(看我在那里做了什么) symantec说av是死的。好吧,实际上他所说的是,“我们不会以任何方式想到杀毒剂作为赚钱者。”对于赛门铁克,这意味着死了。但如果AV不是赚钱者是死亡的定义,我会说AV于2009年9月29日去世。那是真正的一天去世了,它是微软杀死它。

全面阅读本文,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226873/the-de-the-av-died.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction. 开源(欺骗) 安全 雷竞技电脑网站 网络安全 移动安全 杀毒 开源 微软 关于安全报告和天气预报 2014年5月5日星期一17:35:00 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

Well, we are deep into the security report season. What started as a drizzle with the RSA conference has turned into a torrent. Of course, the Verizon Data Breach report has become the big dog of security reports, but it is far from alone. Many of these reports contain some great data and metrics. But overall, reading through them I get the impression that I don't need the weatherman to tell me it's raining. I can just look outside and see that for myself.

Wouldn't it be great if we could take these trends and see what the next big attack vector is going to be? Yes it would, but unfortunately most of us won't know the next big attack vector until we see write-ups in next year's reports.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226856/on-security-reports-and-weather-forecasts.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction 开源(欺骗) 安全 网络安全 合规 网络犯罪 开源 威瑞森 安全管理员和高管:我们几乎不再交谈了 星期五,2014年5月02日15:08:00 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

At this past year's RSA Conference, I was the moderator on a panel about "Security Metrics: What matters?" One of the participants was my friend Jody Brazil, President of Firemon. Jody referenced a new survey that Firemon had partnered with the Ponemon Institutue about security metrics and the interaction between security teams and executives.

The full survey was just released last week. Without even getting into what metrics you should measure and what you should report, the survey shows some startling findings around how security admins and the executive team interact (or at least how they perceive each other to interact) or maybe how they don't interact.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226843/security-admins-and-executives-we-hardly-talk-anymore.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction. 开源(欺骗) 安全 雷竞技电脑网站 基础设施 开源
Masergy将MSSP加入其产品线 2014年5月1日星期四09:49:00 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

I first became aware of Masergy back in the early part of the last decade. Since that time they have grown into a network services powerhouse offering a wide range of network services to a global enterprise clientele. Their lineup includes managed solutions with fully integrated real-time analytics, global unified communications as a service (UCaaS), and software-defined network control. Now, with theacquisition of Global DataGuard, Inc., Masergy has added managed security services to the mix.

If you have not heard of Masergy before, they have become a powerhouse in global cloud networking. What is Global Cloud Networking? Good question. I know it sounds a little like marketing speak. What it means, though, is that basically today's larger enterprises have far-flung assets throughout the globe. With offices in different locations, infrastructure hosted in multiple data centers, employees, partners and customers worldwide, it takes a global provider like Masergy to connect all of the pieces and make there their connectivity is as efficient as possible.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226830/masergy-adds-mssp-to-its-lineup.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction 开源(欺骗) 安全 雷竞技电脑网站 基础设施 网络 开源
JumpCloud刚刚淘汰了cron 2014年4月29日星期二14:32:00 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

For just about as long as I have been in technology, when I spoke to engineers about having a specific task run on schedule I was told that we could "run a cron job" to make it happen.  Over the years I realized that sys admins and engineers had a love/hate relationship with cron. It was a simple way of running repetitive tasks over and over again on a schedule, but it was just too simple. Cron didn't give you the insight and GUI to actually manage all of these tasks, follow up to see if they were successful, change them from server to server, etc.  It was good and easy, but not good enough. I always wondered when something better would come along.  Now all of these years later JumpCloud has delivered a better cron.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226815/jumpcloud-just-made-cron-obsolete.html#tk.rss_opensourceFactandFiction. 开源(欺骗) 服务器 雷竞技电脑网站 Linux. 开源 Unix
Microsoft Office vs谷歌Docs:胖夫人还没唱 2014年4月21日星期一17:19:00 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔

I was reading ComputerWorld's Preston Gralla's article on Microsoft Office whipping Google Docs. I just don't see it. While I agree that you can't compare the feature set of power tools that MS Office gives you compared to the utilitarian features from Google, I don't know if I would say the game is over quite yet.

Google VS Microsoft

Let me say from the outset that I actually prefer MS Office to Google Docs, hands down. For my part, I really do wish it was over. I don't like editing in Google Docs and for anything other than simple Word or very simple spreadsheets, it's just a web-based notepad. 

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226772/microsoft-office-vs-google-docs-the-fat-lady-hasn-t-sung-yet.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction. 开源(欺骗) 软件 开源 微软 G套件 微软办公软件
MongoDB 2.6 - NoSQL都长大了 2014年4月17日星期四11:00:09 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔 <文章>

<图> NoSQL数据库现在一直爆发到市场上。然而,在讨论NoSQL时,许多DBA仍然眨眼,笑了笑,哥本多的方式看着年轻的相对。可爱和长袜,但如果你想玩玩具,请继续前进。随着MongoDB的最新版本,这不再是这种情况。MongoDB 2.6是NoSQL全部长大。


要全面阅读本文,请单击此处 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226757/mongodb-2-6----nosql-all-grown-up.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction. 开源(欺骗) 软件 雷竞技电脑网站 开源 Docker成为事实上的Linux标准 2014年4月16日星期三15:09:36 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔 <文章>

<图> 本周举行的红帽峰会出来的很多新闻。常规的大量嗡嗡声围绕着集装箱化和 Docker尤其是。Docker设置为使用最新版本的RHEL(RHEL 7.0)发货。此外,Docker将与Red Hat的开放班纳斯集成。这是早期公告那个Red Hat正在推出以Docker容器格式提供的应用程序的认证。

要全面阅读本文,请单击此处 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226751/docker-becomes-de-facto-linux-standard.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction 开源(欺骗) Linux. 虚拟化 开源 IBM的Bluemix将PaaS提供大而小的开发人员 2014年4月4日星期五16:32:14 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔 <文章>

IBM Las Vegas最近的脉冲会议就像二月的圣诞节。无论是在中市还是大型企业,独立顾问或员工工作,都有一些人为所有人。这是最好的一部分是,由于IBM继续推出他们在脉搏宣布的情况下继续给予给予的礼物。

我有机会赶上IBM Midmarket Gm,John Mason和GmIBM Ecosystem,Sandy Carter,讨论脉冲以及IBM如何与开发人员社区合作。  It is not often that a media person has the chance to interview two IBM GMs at once. The information that John and Sandy shared was really great. It is obvious that IBM is very serious about DevOps and working with developers.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226678/ibm-s-bluemix-delivers-paas-to-developers-large-and-small.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction. 开源(欺骗) 雷竞技电脑网站 软件 开源 IBM 放眼望去,混合云朵随处可见 2014年3月25日星期二17:22:29 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔 有一天,我和Alert Logic的朋友Misha Govshteyn谈论了关于 Alert Logic的威胁管理器和Web安全管理器的最新版本。Misha非常兴奋,因为通过最新版本的威胁管理器,Alert Logic使客户能够拥有一致的特性集和用户体验,无论是在公共云还是私有云,甚至是在本地数据中心。雷竞技电脑网站一开始,我不太明白为什么Misha对此如此兴奋,但后来我意识到——未来属于混合云部署,为此调整解决方案非常重要。

//m.amiribrahem.com//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226613/hybrid-clouds-as-far-as-the-eye-can-see.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction 开源(欺骗) 安全 雷竞技电脑网站 网络安全 萨斯 开源 Zscaler梦想将路由“转移”到云 2014年3月19日星期三15:28:26 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔 <文章>

<图> 想象一下从周边移动到云的路由器。更重要的是,让别人管理别人,在安全方面烘烤,为您提供更大的可见性,稳定和管理控制,同时节省您的钱。那是如何破坏的?这正是Zscaler及其愿景首席执行官Jay Chaudhry想要带来您附近的公司,其中 zscaler shift ..

我仍然挖出上个月的RSA会议,但我想写下Jay Chaudhry的Zscaler。今年,今年我很高兴在美国周一周一的美国成长资本会议上有杰伊。周杰伦是一个有远见的词。他与几家安全公司的成功使其成为他的愿景,但除了与他交谈之后,除了我总是感到充满活力。

以完整阅读本文,请单击此处 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226570/zscaler-dreams-of--shift--ing-routing-to-the-cloud.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction 开源(欺骗) 安全 移动安全 小型企业 开源 云提供商作为云安全提供商 星期五,2014年3月14日17:49:45 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔 我在今年的RSA大会上观察到的一个现象是,云提供商正在不断演变为云安全提供商。过去人们常说,安全是拖累云应用的因素之一,但事实是,云提供商通过成为云安全提供商,改变了这一观点。无论是提供内置在平台中的有机、自主的解决方案,还是与云安全专家合作,大多数云提供商现在也是云安全提供商。

在RSA展会期间,我有机会和几个云服务提供商交谈。Alert Logic的人实际上有一个合作伙伴展区,其中包括一些Alert Logic的云/托管/服务提供商合作伙伴。代表他们的是Navisite、Sunguard和Rackspace。


//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226545/cloud-providers-as-cloud-security-providers.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction 开源(欺骗) 雷竞技电脑网站 安全 开源 Amazon.com
AT&T奇巧(KitKat)的升级让我的Galaxy S4变得更糟了 2014年3月10日星期一15:43:31 -0700 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔


//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226501/at-t-kitkat-upgrade-made-my-galaxy-s4-worse.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction 开源(欺骗) 智能手机 软件 无线网络 移动应用程序 安卓 开源 美国电话电报公司(AT&T) 星系 CA从“不断获取”走向创新工厂 2014年3月7日星期五08:35:52 -0800 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔 在长岛(Long Island)长大的计算机公司(Computer Associates)是当地的技术巨头。创始人Charles Wang拥有岛民曲棍球队——他是一个传奇的成功,我们自己的长岛版的比尔盖茨。他通过不断收购公司并将其加入到收入组合中来建立了Computer Associates。在公司的所有起起落落中,包括它从计算机联合公司转变为CA,一个不变的是它的收购策略。人们过去常开玩笑说CA代表“不断获取”。但现在,这似乎已经让位于一种新的理念,即把CA变成一个创新工厂。

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226484/ca-moves-from--from--from--from-from--to-innovation-factory.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction. 开源(欺骗) 移动应用程序 雷竞技电脑网站 安全 智能手机 开源 RSA会议 软件会吃安全行业吗? 星期二,2014年2月25日10:04:16 -0800 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔 好了,RSA周的第一天已经在书里了,事情有了一个振奋人心的开始。我今天开始得很早,因为我是美洲增长资本大会(Americas Growth Capital Conference)一个重要小组的主持人。我的小组讨论的是安全自动化。小组成员是ZscalerCisco/Sourcefire,约翰·萨默斯< a href = " http://www.akamai.com " > Akami, Marc Willebeek-LeMair < / > < a href = " https://www.clicksecurity.com/ " >点击安全< / >,Rajat Bhargava < a href = " http://www.jumpcloud.com " > JumpCloud < / >。< / p > < p类=“jumpTag”> < a href = " / / 2226413 /条will-software-eat-the-security-industry . html #跳”>阅读这篇文章,请点击这里< / > < / p > < /节> < / >的文章//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226413/will-software-ate-the-security-intustry-.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction. 开源(欺骗) 安全 雷竞技电脑网站 数据泄露 开源 RSA会议:你要去旧金山吗? 2014年2月22日星期六09:40:12 -0800 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔 <文章>



首先,RSA会议人现在已经拍摄了莫斯蒙中心的北部,南北和西髁。这导致供应商提供更多展览空间。这应该减轻过去几年的问题,在那里没有比有展览空间更多的安全供应商。随着较大的展览馆,将有更多的供应商抱怨他们的商品。我总是惊讶于RSA的展览摊位的大小和费用。 I have a feeling that this year will be the biggest yet.

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226396/rsa-conference--are-you-going-to-san-francisco-.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction 开源(欺骗) 安全 雷竞技电脑网站 合规 开源
vSphere增加了移动管理功能 Fri,2014年2月21日10:18:51 -0800 艾伦肖梅尔 艾伦肖梅尔 随着BYOD的普及,供应商通过移动界面管理他们的解决方案的能力变得越来越重要。拥有一个可以在手机浏览器上运行的基于web的GUI已经不再重要了。这对财务、人力资源、甚至IT业都适用。所以,VMware的VSphere团队发布了自己的应用来管理VSphere安装就不足为奇了。

被称为Mobile Watchlist,可用于iOS和Android市场(没有Windows应用程序?)The App has a bunch of features, including:

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2226390/vsphere-adds-mobile-management-capability.html#tk.rss_opensourcefactandfiction. 开源(欺骗) 基础设施 系统管理 软件 无线网络 移动应用程序 开源 VMWare