有个足球雷竞技app网络世界沙龙佛罗伦萨 //m.amiribrahem.com en - us 太阳,2020年8月9日15:05:09 -0700 太阳,2020年8月9日15:05:09 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 成功的远程工作策略的关键 2020年5月5日星期二03:00:00 -0700 沙龙佛罗伦萨 沙龙佛罗伦萨 做好远程工作是很困难的。但是,有了使命驱动的方法和有效的技术,高效的远程工作策略真的会得到回报。https://www.cio.com/article/3233200/the-keys-to-a-successful-remote-work-strategy.html IDG内幕 什么女人希望在IT职场:6的关键因素雇用和保留 周五,2019年11月1日03:00:00 -0700 沙龙佛罗伦萨 沙龙佛罗伦萨 女性正成群结队地退出,因为企业难以聘用和吸引到这些有价值的员工。改变的第一步是什么?倾听女人想要什么。(内幕故事)https://www.cio.com/article/3449225/what-women-want-in-the-it-workplace-6-key-factors-for-hiring-and-retention.html IDG内幕 为什么你需要一个企业架构师 星期四,2017年5月18日五时48分00秒-0700 沙龙佛罗伦萨 沙龙佛罗伦萨 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


越来越多的这个角色是由企业架构师填补:谁可以翻译公司的业务战略转化为具体的解决方案,设计和执行IT系统架构蓝图来支持这一战略,在技术技能,市场Upwork。市场营销的高级副总裁和类别丰富皮尔森说,阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3197393/why-you-need-an-enterprise-architect.html 终结世代刻板印象的5个步骤 2017年5月17日星期三07:23:00 -0700 沙龙佛罗伦萨 沙龙佛罗伦萨 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

任何形式的刻板印象是有害于你的组织。而代定型 - 千禧懒惰,有权和有需要的;婴儿潮一代是谁讨厌变化胡思乱想勒德分子;代X ...好了,憎恨一切,每个人 - 并没有什么不同。影响多样性和包容负永存这些定型以及接合,生产力和士气,它使团队协作困难的,如果不是不可能的

一些最普遍的定型包围千禧。说首席执行官William A.希曼,那些谁是大约20〜35岁,Metrus研究所的。席曼说他不断面临客户混淆和误解有关从这种混乱出现代的差异,和定型。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3197154/5-steps-to-ending-generational-stereotypes.html 10需求最大的技术技能 2017年5月16日星期二04:38:00 -0700 沙龙佛罗伦萨 沙龙佛罗伦萨

想找一份新工作还是想得到晋升?招聘人员和招聘经理们总是在寻找理想的候选人,他们要具备技术知识、经验和软技能,这样才能给他们的公司带来竞争优势。但并非所有的技术技能都是生而平等的。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3196977/10-most-in-demand-tech-skills。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3196977/10-most-in-demand-tech-skills.html IDG内幕
IT行业薪水最高的15个工作 2017年5月9日星期二04:53:00 -0700 沙龙佛罗伦萨 沙龙佛罗伦萨

技术提供了一些任何行业的最高支付和多样化的就业机会。虽然像软件工程师和产品经理的传统高科技角色仍然有很高的需求为CIO们努力寻找熟练的IT专业人员,在销售的角色,市场营销和业务发展都提供健康的工资和备用路径进入该行业。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3195333/15-of-the-highest-paying-jobs-in-it.html IDG内幕 倦怠是不是在美国的员工什么改变 2017年5月5日(星期五)10:41:00 -0700 沙龙佛罗伦萨 沙龙佛罗伦萨 <文章> <节类=“网页”>




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为什么人工智能职业可以从语言学学位开始 2017年5月2日星期二11:40:00 -0700 沙龙佛罗伦萨 沙龙佛罗伦萨 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

一个语言学学位传统的学生准备在学术界,专业写作或翻译的职业生涯,但随着技术的不断进步,这些毕业生是从不可能的地方找到了他们的需求很高技巧- 位在人工智能。

公司在AI市场正在转向那些有语言背景中的东西像产品开发和客户服务帮助援助,说卡特里纳Balcells,在对话搜索技术公司首席官语言 Inbenta

“语言学重要的是要更好地了解用户和他们是如何与公司沟通。如果我们能够开发技术,使用自然语言处理,以帮助客户找到他们要找的内容,那么这减少了需要有一个人做到这一点,它在提高客户满意度同时, “Balcells说。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3193843/why-ai-careers-can-start-with-a-degree-in-linguistics.html 2017届的毕业生们可能要幡然醒悟了 2017年5月1日星期一10:39:00 -0700 沙龙佛罗伦萨 沙龙佛罗伦萨

The Class of 2017 graduates in just a few weeks and will enter the IT job market, but they may be in for a rude awakening, as new iCIMS research reports that their skills and education aren't aligning with what recruiters and hiring managers are looking for in entry-level talent.

The research, the Class of 2017 Job Outlook Report, which polled 401 U.S. college seniors and 401 recruiting professionals between March 6 and 17, 2017, reveals that while 91 percent of college seniors polled think they have the skills necessary to land the job they want, a whopping 98 percent of recruiters receive resumes from unqualified applicants.

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为什么需要系统可靠性工程师 星期三,2017年4月26日五时51分00秒-0700 沙龙佛罗伦萨 沙龙佛罗伦萨

How can you ensure that the software and services you build today can deliver what your customers and consumers need in the future? If this is a question you think your organization should be asking, then you might need a systems reliability engineer (SRE). SREs are software engineers who focus on the reliability and uptime of applications and services not just in the short-term, but with a focus on scalability and long-term use.

Sometimes referred to as "site reliability engineer," or "services reliability engineer," this engineering role is one that's finding its footing as DevOps practices take hold in IT departments, says Jason Hand, DevOps evangelist and incident and alerting specialist with VictorOps. The roles are most prevalent in cloud services, SaaS, PaaS and Iaas companies whose clients rely on them to keep those services available 24/7/365, he says. For organizations that rely on uptime, availability and reliability, an SRE is a logical talent add, as every minute of downtime chips away at the bottom line, Hand says.

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6个领导素质,以招聘员工时 2017年4月24日星期一04:42:00 -0700 沙龙佛罗伦萨 沙龙佛罗伦萨 <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >领导才能寻找招聘< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100719362 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2017/04/leadership - qualties - 100719362 - orig.jpg”data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2017/04/leadership - qualties - 100719362 - orig.jpg“alt = "领导qualties " / > < p类=“slideCredit”>图像< a href = " https://www.pexels.com " rel = =“平等”“nofollow”目标>领导力并不局限于C-suite(高层管理人员);> < p class = " jumpTag”> < a href = " /文章/ 3191620/6-leadership-qualities-to-look-for-when-hiring。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

妇女在科技10个最好的城市 星期三,2017年4月19日5时41分00秒-0700 沙龙佛罗伦萨 沙龙佛罗伦萨 < a href = " /文章/ 3190907/10-best-cities-for-women-in-tech。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3190907/10-best-cities-for-women-in-tech.html IDG内幕
求职者的经历如何影响你的品牌 周一,2017年4月17日4点29分00秒-0700 沙龙佛罗伦萨 沙龙佛罗伦萨

The internet is forever. Memes, Tweets, blog posts, PR wins and gaffes -- once published, these things won't ever go away. Nowhere is this fact more important than on employer review sites, where candidates and employees turn to share their thoughts, feelings and personal experiences interacting with a company, says Dan Schawbel, research director at Future Workplace.

The research, "The Future of Recruiting," from Future Workplace and HR and social media recruiting technology solutions company CareerArc, surveyed 1,054 total respondents, including 616 employers and 438 job seekers, and showed that 61 percent of job seekers visit a company's online properties first before applying; a 17 percent increase from 2015.

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存储和网络专业人员的工资继续上涨 2017年4月12日星期三06:27:00 -0700 沙龙佛罗伦萨 沙龙佛罗伦萨

While 2016 saw U.S. tech salaries remain essentially flat year-over-year, key skills, especially in the areas of storage and networking, did warrant increases, according to the annual tech salary report from careers site Dice.com.

Their recent survey polled 12,907 employed technology professionals online between October 26, 2016 and January 24, 2017. The survey found that, overall, technology salaries in the U.S. were essentially flat year-over-year (-1 percent) at $92,081 in 2016, a slight dip from $93,328 in 2015. However, there are some notable exceptions across the country and for specific skills areas like storage and networking seeing increases, says Bob Melk, president, Dice.com.

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尽管存在政治上的不确定性,但雇主仍对招聘持乐观态度 周一,2017年4月10日6时二十分00秒-0700 沙龙佛罗伦萨 沙龙佛罗伦萨

U.S。雇主们对第二季度乐观,绝大多数计划增加招聘或维持目前的员工人数,根据的万宝盛华雇佣前景调查2017 时,释放3月14日 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3188540/despite-political-uncertainty-employers-bullish-on-hiring.html IDG内幕