麦考利表示,这些预测中至少有四项将有助于信息通信技术迅速向商业边缘转移。他详细阐述了其中三个方面:流动是疯了:“我们将看到没有雇主控制的个人拥有设备数量,没有雇主对品牌,模型或操作系统,”Macaulay说。“只需将应用程序交付给我的OnokberryDroid!”他说更高的带宽和更多的能力将确保超过60%的应用程序可以一方面举行。他指出各种设备的安全性,平台已经头疼了。供应商将提供解决方案,但对于一些外部安全性,将被视为设备所有者的责任。他指出了另一个趋势,“灾难恢复手册可以变成两个词——“回家”。“在许多组织中,已经决定为员工提供自己的个人电脑设备支付费用。这通常被用来推动一些标准化。随着这一趋势的加强,组织的ICT安全和应用程序交付将变得与操作系统和品牌无关。进入云计算可以缓解这个问题,因为这些组件的责任落到了云应用程序供应商身上。Macaulay说:“随着云应用程序的部署,过渡的方法变得更加成熟,而且通常比传统的Windows主版本升级更容易。”首席信息官被社交网络绑架了:它已经发生了,Macaulay说,正如他指向皇后镇警察运行自己有用的那样Facebook页面(参见http://www.facebook.com/pages/Queenstown-Police/36732244172?ref=ts)Enterprises使用Trade Me来处理工厂和设备,以及少量采购。他表示:“我们抱怨了15年的真正商业合作正在那里实现。”“我们需要为我们的(内部和外部)客户迅速地把它送到这里。如果我们不能交付,他们会使用他们已经熟悉的工具。他表示,下一个需求是使用他们在其他地方使用的相同的登录、密码和配置工具。“安全和系统管理的转变最初将是一个复杂的问题,但到今年年底将变得干净和简单。”CIO的职业道路需要我们的关注:“我们需要确定技术和战略领域的领导者,并提供环境和工具来培养他们的技能。随着新西兰计算机协会(NZ Computer Society)终于提供了一些有用的资格证书,我们有了一个包装器来围绕我们的培训/指导/经验框架。”麦考利说:“今年,我们将看到几个项目需要CIO的指导来支持这些轨道。”“我们必须调整结构,提供更好的动力,以确保我们保留和发展两方面的领导技能,同时提供真正的创新和新鲜思维。”2010 will pose a number of threats for the traditional Kiwi CIO yet an amazing opportunity for those willing to take risks, throw out the old rules and push more decisions out to the business units."准备好迎接商业应用的新浪潮吧山姆·希金斯,朗豪斯研究主管在讨论cio们应该关注的关键技术趋势时,Longhaus的研究总监山姆•希金斯(Sam Higgins)有趣地开始了他的讨论,话题是许多高管在经济危机期间搁置的一个话题——绿色ICT。希金斯说:“我们去年看到的情况可能是本来就应该是这样的——绿色信息通信技术确实只是整体商业战略的一部分,因此首席信息官们应该更广泛地参与这一主题。”希金斯说,绿色ICT问题在经济周期中出现得几乎太晚了。“根据我们的技术指数,硬件更新周期在2007年达到顶峰。绿色成为2008年的热门话题,这一事实来得有点晚。很多人已经进行了投资。“但绿色技术并不总是涉及新的大规模投资。希金斯指出,在对可持续性的高度关注下,许多引用的策略并不是特别新。他说:“可持续性几乎是一项原则——你应该永远是绿色的。”然而,关于可持续性的讨论通常没有涉及一件事——使商业应用合理化。希金斯表示:“首席信息官们已经合理化,减少了硬件,但他们没有消除应用组合中的重复,这也是不可持续的。”“你不可能在一个业务中维持多个应用程序执行相同的功能,所以可持续性在业务应用程序组合中与技术层一样重要。 CIOs should be looking at their application portfolio and asking the hard questions about what is their plan for renewal for business applications."An area that is also on the CIO radar is the increasing integration of business intelligence to what he calls "the information driven experience"."The modern application is a business intelligence-driven environment. It is information centric rather than process or transaction centric." He cites the case of an immigration case worker. In an information centric environment, the first screen will tell the worker how many applications are in the pipeline, whether there are applications that need to be picked up, or whether the department or business unit is meeting its service levels. For the worker, this means, "I know the context in which I am working, and I have data about the work that we are trying to achieve rather than a list of transactions or being given a hard copy file."He says the consolidation of business intelligence vendors in recent years was not just a competitive move to gain market share in BI. "What is actually happening inside a lot of those business application vendors, is the integration of business intelligence into the front end of the business application. "The information-centric experience is one CIOs need to learn more about because the applications [vendors like] Oracle, IBM and SAP are building today to roll out in the next three to five years will be in that flavour." An area for CIOs' attention is the "as a service" space. This includes infrastructure as a service, software as a service and platform as a service. "What CIOs should do is look for tactical opportunities to evaluate particular workloads and move workloads to the cloud."A migration to "as a service" is done by understanding what the workloads are and what tasks can be done in the cloud. "A lot of organisations are thinking of moving developing and testing in to the cloud. All the big platform vendors are offering those sorts of workloads," he says.This way, CIOs can learn about the business model with the cloud. "It is a great start because it is something the CIO can do in his own backyard and not upset the business. But it also has a direct impact on the business, because the CIO can reduce the time to make changes to the applications," says Higgins.He says people can then start to look at other areas of moving to the cloud like document management, portfolio management and business intelligence. "Anything that is spiky, that ramps up and then ramps down are all good workloads to start with," he says. "A good example I use is when there is a disaster relief. That is the situation where you need to get things up and running quickly."削减“驼鹿”成本——斯蒂姆·希迪,弗雷斯特公司高级分析师“对于过去25到35年供应商强加给他们的条款和条件,首席信息官已经到了恼怒的地步。他们正在考虑如何重新控制IT支出,”Forrester高级分析师蒂姆•希迪表示。希迪表示,新兴的采购和参与模式为首席信息官提供了一系列的选择。他列举了企业削减IT MOOSE成本的至少三种方法,也就是维护和运营组织、系统和设备的支出。第一站是云。他表示:“我相信云技术具有强大的技术交付能力,因为它还能将控制权交还给首席信息官和it组织,并赋予他们购买力。”希迪认为,2010年不会大规模转向云计算。但他建议:“任何担心运营支出的CIO至少应该在自己的业务中试用一些云解决方案。”他说,运营MOOSE的“真正胜利”在于虚拟化。“我认为,在2010年,我们将看到虚拟化从服务器转向存储和桌面。一些高级首席信息官会开始考虑将他们的桌面环境虚拟化得比现在更厉害。“另一方面,精益软件基本上只是适合目标的软件,并完成它需要做的工作。Sheedy说:“通常情况下,你会购买每个组件或每个功能,所以这实际上意味着从大型的、繁重的应用程序套件向只完成工作的软件转变。” This shift in buying behaviours toward a more component-based [solution], as opposed to the suite solution, has been observed in North America and is starting to happen in New Zealand and Australia, he says.Lean software and software as a service (SaaS) go hand in hand, he says. "The idea of lean software means that you need to start looking at different types of ways of delivering and licensing software, and SaaS will become one of the ways that you could consider that."Another model CIOs should look at is managed outcome pricing for projects. Sheedy says in IT and business in general, the focus on contracts for projects is on price, at the risk of damaging the outcome. "You see projects delivering to original scope even though the business requirements have changed and business requirements change daily, weekly monthly, annually. So change is something that needs to be built into your contracts with your services provider," says Sheedy."With a fixed price engagement, you end up in either scope creep hell or you end up getting legal people, or paying extra charges within the contract." For instance, if the project is about decreasing customer churn, this should be the KPI for the service provider. "This model will typically cost more, but you get what you want out of it," says Sheedy. "You get what you want; you get what the business needs."There is incentive there for the service provider to ensure they continue to change the project as the business requirements change, to make sure they meet the final goal of reducing the customer churn.Big projects require a lot of cultural change, he says. "It is not just the IT bits they will deliver [but] the IT capabilities. But you have not made them responsible for driving cultural change. Whereas, if you're concerned about the business outcomes and that provider is also motivated in the same direction, then they will start to be concerned about the cultural change issues."成为雇主选择欧文·麦考尔,仓库集团的首席信息官欧文考尔他说,当经济好转时,人们将开始寻找新的工作。这对商业团队有积极或消极的影响。因为在过去的一年里,工作保障“令人震惊”,“可能有一些人一直在工作,但很想离开。”但他们不能或不愿冒险采取行动。麦考尔说:“积极的一面是,当你有不敬业的员工时,他们可能真的会跳槽,找到自己喜欢的工作,这是好事。”然而,正如麦考尔所指出的,这也有不利的一面,因为“你的企业里有很多有才华、有经验、有知识的人离开了”。那么,CIO应该做些什么呢?麦考尔说:“如果你还没有这样做,你需要开始建立一种人们愿意与之共事的企业文化,这样你才能成为人们选择的雇主。”这意味着,建立一个“高度投入的工作环境”。它是真正致力于一个人的发展的结合。如果一个人看到自己在发展,就会发出各种信号,表明自己受到重视。"He says this does not mean "throwing them on a whole bunch of courses, but really understanding who the people are and working from their strengths so they know where they want to go.""I'm not saying our model is perfect," says McCall. "So we are very focused on that development process on trying to understand people's strengths and aspirations and working on their strengths."The second important thing is recognising what staff actually do. "People won't necessarily admit it openly, but most people would like to be recognised and told that they did a good job.""We actively encourage a process of recognising and acknowledging your peers and the people who work with you, so we strive to get that right, we try to get that positive reinforcement culture," says McCall.At the Warehouse, he says, people can fill in recognition cards ("like little postcards") about a positive work of a peer or colleague. Within the IS team, Owen holds a monthly meeting with a morning tea and gets recognition notices from the rest of the business for the IT team. The Warehouse group also hands out a monthly award for a team that has done something notable. McCall says often it is project-related, but oftentimes it is also about operational improvement projects. He is proud to say the IT support office "has a very good track record" of getting these awards in the past two years. In discussions with his CIO colleagues, McCall says they have similar challenges on employee engagement, and some of them use the same tools and engagement surveys. A good way to start is to get feedback from staff, says McCall. But he has one caveat for CIOs who start this programme. "If you ask them and don't follow through, you are likely to cause more damage than if you never asked them in the first place."收集更多CIO的成功案例罗素·琼斯,ASB集团首席运营官拉塞尔·琼斯,ASB集团的首席运营人员很清晰,CIO应该努力更好。其中最重要的是客户参与和人民管理。“这是关于了解您的客户,服务水平和管理,以支持这一点,”他说。“您需要识别您正在为客户提供服务,您正在通过工作人员的努力提供这些服务,该团队与您和支持这些团队的支持。您必须拥有适当的水平和理解琼斯说,客户和客户携手共进,提供这些服务。“你不能去买一块硬件并获得成功。你必须拥有这些组件,你必须让人们制作组件工作。这是最大的杠杆的人;它们是最大的重要的一部分。凡人管理是另一个重要技能组合。琼斯注意到今天的企业对自己来说是不寻常的,因为他们正在使用和与第三方合作的很多时间。“你需要能够拥有良好的关系[以及]良好的规格和要求,并使供应商在您的生态系统中作为您的团队的一部分工作。“琼斯去年开始从银行集团技术职位的头部迁移。”他们都是关于提供良好的质量,以商定的服务水平的系统和良好的管理方式,在商定的服务水平和商定的服务水平和承诺中,具有良好的服务。“我现在的角色是提供技术和后台支持服务劳斯特别的地方解释说,琼斯解释道。 "Our customers are other parts of the ASB group and we need to provide services to them." The shift, he explains, came as the bank's new chief executive implemented a new management agenda, moving to a "value chain model as opposed to an organisation model of standalone business units".In a banking environment, he says, there is a need to understand risk management. "You need to be aware of good risk management practices, you need to have operational risk practices in place and you need to be able to organise around that and hold people accountable for that and have world-class practices in place."Speaking from the perspective of a head of technology branching into other areas of the enterprise, he says it is important to have "strategic agility"."If you only understand technology, then you are going to battle broadening your horizon. So it is better to have some kind of strategic agility. You can apply the same thinking to other [areas] than technology."关注CIO新西兰推特@cio_n
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