在经济衰退后的环境中,最突出的商业和技术挑战是什么?我们会就企业、ICT团队和你的职业生涯现在该做些什么,向一群高管和分析师展开调查。交付客户价值乔纳森·艾尔斯,首席信息官,卡特·霍尔特·哈维在金融危机期间,企业终止或推迟了关键项目,乔纳森•艾尔斯(Jonathan Iles)和他的团队正在从事“相当大的项目”。事实上,今年还会有更多,”卡特·霍尔特·哈维的首席信息官说。正如他对他的团队所说,“我们正驶进完美风暴。所以,让我们把舱口封好,准备好这些船,这样当我们进入时,我们就有高度的动力,我们知道我们在做什么,我们设法把一切都团结在一起。他说,在过去的一年里,CHH的ICT重点是为客户创造价值,这将在未来12个月内继续下去。“2010年,我们仍将非常关注价值,并改善与客户的关系。”这些项目包括从ERP升级到艾尔斯所说的“非常基本的东西”,比如CRM和定价和发票系统。“这意味着我们的客户,那些购买我们的木制品、纸浆纸和包装的人;他们对我们有更好的体验,所以我们要争取更大的市场份额。这才是真正为企业带来最大价值的东西。此外,团队还在为全年的轮班做准备。艾尔斯表示:“我预计在未来12至18个月内,该业务将出现一些重大的结构性变化,同时也将增加许多项目。” "We need to maintain the high quality of infrastructure delivery, despite the fact that we are containing costs.""We are driving really hard on infrastructure," he says. "We have made some major savings that allowed us to spend more money on ERP, without increasing the budget.""This is about, 'How do I align with the business strategy? Am I implementing the right strategy to fit the business?'"Like his executive colleagues, the past year has delivered a handful of lessons for Iles. Foremost is, "You need to be ruthless with your business cases." The second is the value of having flexible contracts with key vendors. "This flexibility should enable no-penalty changes to be made -- including the ability to terminate services at no cost," says Iles.CHH renegotiated several key contracts at the beginning of last year to introduce competition into the relationships, with the result that costs for several services dropped significantly. This exercise will be done this year. "When the economic climate changes quickly, having long-term, inflexible contracts can be a major burden," he says.Another key lesson during the economic slowdown was the importance of having variable costs. For instance, says Iles, if the company sells a business unit, there is no proportionate reduction in software and hardware maintenance. "We would like to reduce the cost proportionally. The only way you can do that is by variable cost," says Iles. "Most of our costs are fixed, but we certainly want to move to a more variable cost model," which he notes is the promise of cloud computing.As for post-recession plans, Iles foresees a busier period ahead. "For me, post-recession means a surge of activity and I can see that that is going to be coming."Interestingly, one of his major activities last year was far removed from ICT. Iles joined Pat O'Connell, CIO of Rank Group, of which CHH is a subsidiary, and Glenda Mullany of IT firm The Tango Group, to complete a series of endurance challenges to raise funds for charity. The group's "最后的挑战他正在攀登北岛最高的四座山——汤加里罗山、恩格鲁霍山、鲁阿佩胡山和塔拉纳基山。他们在11月实现了这一目标,并为罗德尼的女性避难所起亚蒂马塔诺信托基金(Kia Timata Ano Trust)筹集了逾2.2万新西兰元。(参见http://cio.co.nz/cio.nsf/spot/AFD817D770AAD3B6CC25767D007DE7A1?Opendocument&HighLight=2,peak,stop)For Iles,这里有一条信息与他在CHH的全部日程产生了共鸣。“这表明我们的团队能够应付繁重的工作,而且还有时间为社区服务。”加强与企业的ICT接触保罗·尼克尔斯,普华永道新西兰业务担保合伙人每一件事都需要不断的审查和挑战。这是"新常态”普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)新西兰业务担保合伙人保罗•尼克尔斯(Paul Nickels)表示,如今的企业都是如此。尼克尔斯指的是麦肯锡关于经济秩序重组的报告,以及摆在每个人面前的不断变化。那么,这对首席信息官们意味着什么呢?“走出办公室,更多地与同行联系,了解是什么推动了这种变化,”尼克尔斯说。他说,CIO现在的任务是考虑“他们将如何更多地参与业务”,“他们如何成为业务伙伴,他们认为自己的想法可以增加哪些领域的价值。”他表示,随着企业关注运营价值和可能降低成本的领域,首席信息官(cio)和组织的所有部门都面临压力。因此,在未来12个月里,这些类型的接触非常重要。他说,首席信息官必须参与那些关于商业战略的前期讨论。“他们参与这些讨论越多,他们影响方向的能力就越强,他们真正执行组织要求的能力也就越强。”他指出,“IT和业务之间始终存在一种强大而健康的紧张关系”,有些人称之为业务对齐。这一点在cio身上得到了体现,他们的业务已经扩展到信息通信技术以外的领域。“我能想到一些组织,CIO现在是组织变革推动者小组的一部分,他们参与所有的大项目。”尼克尔斯表示,未来12个月,首席信息官们应该致力于这个领域。它始于与商业同行的联系。“必须在一定程度上尊重彼此的纪律,”尼克尔斯说。 "You have got to understand the strengths of the parties and what they will bring."He says CIOs who have achieved this have made time for themselves and their teams to connect within the organisation. They are able to answers questions in regards to their IT spend, benchmarking and cost of service.He says PwC works with CIOs to create a "story board" discussion with their peers. The process enables CIOs to articulate their views on key questions such as, "What is going on in technology at this point in time and what is your plan and what do you plan to do? What has been in your agenda in the last period of time? Where are your areas of focus?"With a CIO's busy schedule, "there is often no time for self reflection". But Nickels says this exercise is important, and CIOs should be able to articulate these points to the business. CIOs who have already reached this stage can then take a closer look at the business model, and see where they can add value. "They need to be braver in experimentation, try new things, and be a little bit more agile."Those who have achieved this have the respect of their peers and their teams have a very commercial view and understanding of the business. "They know where the pain points are. They will be on top of those, and are in a position to offer alternatives and solutions."抛弃旧的规则Peter Macaulay, IDC新西兰终端用户业务负责人IDC新西兰终端用户业务负责人彼得•麦考利(Peter Macaulay)表示,今年将出现令人沮丧的转变和疯狂的趋势。“我们一直在努力解决的大多数问题将继续需要关注,在某些情况下,会演变成可怕的怪物。许多人会变得成熟,有些人会逐渐消失,”麦考利说。在这些形形色色的问题中,他提到了CIO们将被迫适应的三个根本性转变——流动性“疯狂”,CIO们被社交网络“绑架”,以及CIO的职业道路需要关注。他表示:“首席投资官转变为更有效的策略师,将通过解决这些转变的方式,扩大风险/收益的分散。”他的观点形成于他与高级首席信息官和行业远见者的讨论,以及IDC新西兰ICT 2010十大预测(见IDCresearch.co.nz):