有个足球雷竞技app网络世界的Linux大亨 //m.amiribrahem.com EN-US 星期二,2020年4月21日13时41分08秒-0700 星期二,2020年4月21日13时41分08秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 计算机嘲弄Lunduke理论 - 没有任何技术是神圣 周一,2017年11月6日十三点21分00秒-0800 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克

“Any sufficiently popular, or important, computer technology will be mercilessly mocked 20 years later.” 

I call that Lunduke’s Theory of Computer Mockery. (Yes, I named it after myself. Because… why not?)

The more important the technology, the more ruthlessly and brutally it will be mocked. It helps if the technology was, itself, a bit flawed when new. But even when a piece of tech is well received initially, 20 years later it will be fully brutalized. 

Let’s take a look at some examples: 

Windows 95 

Would you use Windows 95 in 2017? Of course not. Would you make fun of it without regard for its feelings? Of course you would. 

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3236257/lunduke-s-theory-of-computer-mockery-no-technology-is-sacred.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 科技产业
MINIX是什么?世界上最流行的操作系统,多亏了英特尔 2017年11月2日星期四09:59:00 -0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


Now take a look in your data center — at all of your servers. What operating system are they running? 

Linux? Microsoft Windows? Mac OS X? You could be running any of those three — or one of countless others.

But here’s the crazy part: That’s not the only operating system you’re running. 

If you have a modern Intel CPU (released in the last few years) with Intel’s Management Engine built in, you’ve got another complete operating system running that you might not have had any clue was in there: MINIX

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3236064/minix-the-most-popular-os-in-the-world-thanks-to-intel.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 服务器 雷竞技电脑网站 英特尔 Linux的
Linux的命令行工具用于非Linux用户的工作 周三,2017年11月1日7点十四分00秒-0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

我度过的最壳牌我的计算生活(命令行,终端或任何你想将它命名您选择的平台上)。这可能是一个有点挑战性,不过,当我需要工作,大集团的其他人,特别是在大企业的公司, - 好 - 使用任何东西,但壳牌

的问题,突然出现制成。更糟当你的公司内的其他人使用不同的平台比你。我倾向于使用Linux。If I’m doing a lot of my daily work from a Linux terminal and the bulk of my co-workers use Windows 10 (entirely from the GUI side), things can get … problematic.

Luckily, over the past few years, I’ve figured out how to deal with these problems. I’ve found ways to make using a Linux (or other Unix-like systems) Shell much more doable within a non-Unix, corporate environment. These tools/tips apply equally well for SysAdmins working on a company’s servers as they do for developers or marketing people.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3235688/linux-command-line-tools-for-working-with-non-linux-users.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon Linux的 视窗
计算机的历史,第2部分 - TCP / IP很大程度上要归功于施乐PUP 周一,2017年10月23日8点48分零零秒-0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

要了解我们要去的地方,我们首先要明白的地方,我们已经。This applies equally well to the history of nations across the globe as it does to computers and computer networking.

With that in mind, we’re taking a slow (somewhat meandering) stroll through the history of how computers talk to each other. Last time, we talked a bit about dial-up Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs) – popular through the 1980s and the bulk of the 1990s.

Today, I’d like to talk about one of the most influential, but rarely discussed, networking protocol suites: PARC Universal Packet (PUP).

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3234634/history-of-computers-part-2-tcpip-owes-a-lot-to-xerox-pup.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 网络 互联网
服务器停机很糟糕。服务器速度变慢 2017年10月4日星期三03:10 -0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

我在我生命中的大公司我分内的工作,和你们大多数人一样,我已经经历了更多的网络和服务器停机,比我能撼动一棒在。有时,这些中断较小,只轻微破坏(文件服务器下去几分钟)。其他时候,停电可能造成大规模,大范围停工(当电子邮件服务器多小时进入脱机状态诸如 - 或天数)。 

These outages are, at least for the company, bad things. If your employees can no longer communicate, work all but grinds to a halt. One hour of total downtime multiplied by the average hourly pay of your employees can equal a pretty big amount of lost moolah.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3230488/server-downtime-is-bad-server-slowness-is-worse.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 雷竞技电脑网站 服务器
时间重新考虑你有多少客户数据存储 2017年10月3日星期二06:12 -0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


但这里的事情,存储的数据可能是个糟糕的经营决策。One that could cost your business a huge amount of money and, even worse, potential loss of trust by your most valuable customers.

Storage costs 

Just from the IT infrastructure point of view: As your business grows and the amount of data you store on each customer slowly expands (it always does), your cost for storing that data also grows. Rather quickly. Even if your data center is already well equipped, this is a not-insignificant recurring expense (failing drives, energy costs, other equipment needs, etc.).

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3230464/time-to-rethink-how-much-customer-data-you-store.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 存储 安全
怪异的IP网络:通过鸟类和业余无线电连接互联网 周五,2017年9月29日08:00:00 -0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克

If you're reading this, you have internet access.

You probably have it either through a local cable or fibre ISP or through your cell phone provider. We all have one (usually both) of these.

Speedy. Reliable (mostly). Boring.

What happens when that infrastructure goes down? Maybe the power goes out somewhere along the network. Maybe a cell tower gets attacked by Godzilla. Who knows? Dangers lurk around every corner. 

+ Also on Network World: When disasters strike, edge computing must kick in +

In those cases, when your traditional network connection fails you, you're going to need a backup. Something to get you back up, online and moving data around. And, what the heck, we might as well do it all with as much flair and pizzazz as possible.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3229566/weird-ip-networks-internet-via-birds-and-ham-radios.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 互联网 网络
2个选项决定开放计算标准也不是很大 星期四,2017年9月28日七时55分00秒-0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


It’s not an easy question to answer. But the answer has vast and potentially severe ramifications for almost every company on the planet (at least if you rely on your website for doing any percentage of your business). 

A recent kerfuffle with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the organization responsible for standardizing much of the web that most people use on a daily basis, has caused many to ask for the shut-down of the W3C and the creation of a new standards body. But is that actually a good idea?

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3229386/2-options-for-deciding-open-computing-standardsneither-is-great.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 互联网 开源
Nextcloud的文件存储解决方案得到了增强的安全性 星期三,2017年9月27日5点33分00秒-0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <文章> <节类= “网页”>

Nextcloud 今天发布Nextcloud的预览13,为企业和个人用户的在线文件存储解决方案。


When we’re talking about the needs of big businesses, keeping files secure is absolutely critical. There has been no shortage of data breaches and hacks in recent months – reliable encryption and security is absolutely vital to reducing those problems. 

+ Also on Network World: 4 ways to simplify data management +

From Jos Poortvliet, member of the Nextcloud, team:

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3228007/nextclouds-file-storage-solution-gets-a-security-boost.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 存储 安全
W3C DRM上诉失败,投票保密 2017年9月18日星期一08:11 00 -0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

今年夏季早些时候,万维网联盟(W3C) - 该组织负责定义组成的Web标准 - 决定的embrace DRM(又名 “EME”)作为Web标准。我对此非常不满。I don’t know many who were.

Shortly after that, the W3C agreed to talk with me about the issue. During that discussion, I encouraged the W3C to increase their level of transparency going forward — and if there is an appeal of their DRM decision, to make that process completely open and visible to the public (including how individual members of the W3C vote on the issue).

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3225456/w3c-drm-appeal-fails-votes-kept-secret.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 互联网 开源
方便的数据存储服务都喜欢快餐 星期三,2017年8月30日7点47分00秒-0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

最近我做了(不幸的)决定在特定的快餐建立吃。对于这个故事的缘故,让我们把它Shmurger Shming。



简单。它很方便,有非常小的前期投资(时间和金钱),这是食物。技术上。换句话说,懒。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3220928/easy-data-storage-services-are-like-fast-food.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 存储 云储存 雷竞技电脑网站 计算机的历史,第1部分 - 公告板系统 周一,2017年8月28日11:27:00 -0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

大约是人类一个奇怪的小怪癖的是,我们(作为一个群体)往往以为事情已经他们目前是很多的时间比他们实际上一直是这样 -并且,他们是不太可能改变。


Sometimes it's good to sit back and look at how things have already changed — to see how things might change in the future.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3220488/history-of-computers-part-1-the-bulletin-board-system.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 服务器 网络 电子邮件 互联网
如何从头开始建立一个全开源的IT基础设施 08:47:00 -0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克

Hypothetical: You need to set up the IT infrastructure (email, file sharing, etc.) for a new company. No restrictions. No legacy application support necessary. How would you do it? What would that ideal IT infrastructure look like?

I decided to sit down and think of my ideal setup — based on quite a few years of being a vice president of engineering at various companies — and document them here. Maybe you’ll find my choices useful; maybe you’ll think I’m crazy. Either way, these are good things to consider for any organization. 

Run services on your own servers 

The first thing I’m going to decide on, right up front, is to self-host as many services as I possibly can. 

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3217713/how-to-set-up-an-all-open-source-it-infrastructure-from-scratch.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 开源 雷竞技电脑网站 Linux的 存储
标准组织(如W3C)需要更多的透明度 星期一,2017年7月31日八点16分00秒-0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


Case in point: the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). 

A few weeks back, I wrote about one of their most recent standards—Electronic Media Extensions (EME)—which sought to create a standard framework for Digital Right Management (DRM) on the web. When the W3C officially approved this standard, it generated massive backlash from every corner of the technology world. 

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3212249/standards-bodies-like-w3c-need-more-transparency.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 互联网 开源
从microsoftexchange服务器迁移的两个原因 星期三,2017年7月19日7点24分零零秒-0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <文章> <节类= “页”>

一个几个星期后,我写道:“choosing Microsoft Windows for your organization should get you fired.”

It’s a statement that, while certainly a bit on the inflammatory side, I completely stand by—mostly due to the known insecure nature of running Windows as a server operating system.

What I didn’t do was give specific examples of what to move your existing Windows-based infrastructure to. Sure, the obvious answer for most SysAdmins is simply “migrate the servers over to Linux.” But what about specific server applications that your organization might already rely upon? That’s a whole other can of worms.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3209151/2-reasons-to-migrate-off-of-microsoft-exchange-server.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 服务器 雷竞技电脑网站 开源 微软 微软的Exchange
W3C接受了drm,把自己放在了历史错误的一边 2017年7月10日星期一12:19:00 -0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

上周,万维网联盟(W3C)-The组织,规范“网络”的方面的目的-voted赞同在网络上DRM。It’s a move that is in direct opposition to the W3C's mission statement—and puts them squarely on the wrong side of history.

Specifically, what the W3C is approving is a specification called Encrypted Media Extensions (EME)—an extension to existing HTML to make implementing playback restrictions a "standard" across all web browsers. 

Contradictory statements from the W3C

These sorts of restrictions (DRM) are, by definition, created for the sole purpose of making it harder for people to see/hear/consume some piece of content—a movie, a song, a book, an image, etc. —often based on their hardware, software or geographical location.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3205900/w3c-embraces-drmputs-itself-on-the-wrong-side-of-history.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 互联网 软件开发
选择Windows为您的组织应该让你解雇 周三,2017年6月28日12时22分零零秒-0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克

In the wake of yet another ransomware attack—this time named NotPetya—I have a special message specifically for those of you working in organizations that continue to run Microsoft Windows as the operating system on either your servers or your desktops:

You are doing a terrible job and should probably be fired. 

I know. That’s harsh. 

But it’s true. If you haven’t yet replaced Windows, across the board, you absolutely stink at your job. 

For years, we’ve had one trojan, worm and virus after another. And almost every single one is specifically targeting Microsoft Windows. Not MacOS. Not Linux. Not DOS. Not Unix. Windows. 

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3204156/choosing-windows-for-your-organization-should-get-you-fired.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 在Windows Server 安全 雷竞技电脑网站 网络犯罪 视窗
如何加快你的网站的网页加载时间 周二,二零一七年六月二十零日5时09分00秒-0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



在有些情况下这样的系统使得感着大量的场景。但我在这里告诉你,现在,这是极不可能的,你真正需要他们...至少对于大多数网页的。And, what’s more, if you migrate away from a CMS system you can not only make your webpages smaller and faster-loading for your visitors… but you can save significantly on your server infrastructure costs as well.

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3202029/how-to-quicken-your-sites-webpage-load-time.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 互联网 网络管理 开源
省钱,让您的网站更好,通过杀死的JavaScript 星期一,2017年6月5日7点03分00秒-0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克

Bandwidth, storage space and computing power (CPU/RAM/etc.) on your web servers represent a distinct and noteworthy cost for any company with a major online presence.

As traffic to a company’s website increases, most opt to throw money at the problem. More servers. Caching systems. More bandwidth. 

But these are Band-Aids—temporary solutions to the problem, solutions that will only suffice for so long before yet another round of "throw money at the problem" is required to keep up with ever-growing web traffic. 

The real problem is simple: Your web pages are just plain too big.

Way too big. Enormously large. The average website is 2.9 MB in size (as of May 15, 2017). And that's just the average—an average that is growing. Fast.

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3199685/save-money-and-make-your-website-betterby-killing-javascript.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 雷竞技电脑网站 软件 应用性能管理
使用Linux在大型组织中的包装问题 周三,2017年12:05:00 -0700 5月31日 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>




比方说,你是负责IT的一个1000人的组织。您的服务器的需求决定了你需要(或者至少可能想要的)一个面向服务器的Linux发行某种形式的付费支持合同。很容易的。您可以选择Red Hat企业或SUSE Linux企业。服务器需要得到满足 <一边类= “fakesidebar”> 相关阅读:评论:5个开源替代路由器/防火墙

但对于营销部门?是否为所有的企业级,服务器为中心的分布有意义吗?可能不会。也许你可以在媒体的一个标准化生产为重点,你已经选择了您的服务器的企业分布的分布,或者是社区驱动的两侧。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3199032/the-problem-with-linux-packaging-in-large-organizations.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon Linux的 开源 Nextcloud 12扩展了数据存储以支持大型组织 星期二,2017年七时十一分00秒-0700 5月30日 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


作为能折腾的文件(电子表格,图像,备份等)的地方,尤其是如果在某个地方很容易共享与你互动,并与工作,是疯狂的方便。它势必脱裤子通过电子邮件繁琐将文件发送到你的同事(或更糟的是, sneakernet )。 <一边类= “fakesidebar”> 相关报道:工程公司使用云存储速度文件加载,然后拔出它的MPLS网络

服务,如谷歌驱动器和升降梭箱易于安装和使用。而作为一个结果,几乎每一个人(和他们的狗)在一个或另一个有一个帐户。许多公司甚至利用其中之一用于整个组织存储文件。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3198415/nextcloud-12-expands-data-storage-to-support-large-organizations.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 开源 存储 最终Linux的木马:的Windows子系统为Linux 2017年5月17日星期三07:52:00 -0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <文章> <节类= “网页”>


This is not an article about how Linux is superior to Windows. Truth be told, I don't begrudge any person's choice of computing environment—be it Windows, Mac, BSD, Amiga. What each person uses is truly up to them. Me? I use open source. I use free software. I use Linux. 

So, what then, do I make of Microsoft's Windows Subsystem for Linux aka WSL? 

For those unfamiliar, the WSL is basically a compatibility layer within Windows 10 that allows you to run Linux binaries. The end result is that you can run a full Linux shell, complete with Linux terminal applications, on a Windows PC.

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3197264/the-ultimate-linux-trojan-horse-windows-subsystem-for-linux.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 开源 Linux的 微软
构建linux驱动的设备,第1部分:使我的linux世界成为现实 2017年5月15日星期一11:43:00 -0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

有时候,如果你渴望爱情,你需要下车你懒的 tuchus ,并使其发生自己。 

For years now, I've been hoping and pining (and often complaining and whining) about how much I want Linux-powered... everything. Not Android. Not ChromeOS. Real Linux. The kind of Linux you have full control over—the sort you'd install on your desktop PC. 

And when I say "everything," I mean everything. The set-top box connected to my TV. My game consoles (including handheld game consoles). Tablets. PDAs. Home server. The works. 

All of it. Running Linux and free software. 

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3196930/building-linux-powered-devices-part-1-making-my-linux-only-world-a-reality.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 开源 Linux的 硬件
综述:宏碁Chromebook的R11-平均的Chromebook,真棒仿真笔记本 星期二,2017年5月2日7时40分○○秒-0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


但我不得不使用宏碁Chromebook R11 (机会在 CB5-132T-C9KK 模型),所以我决定去看看多么有用它可能是对像我这样,别人谁真的不使用谷歌比YouTube和视频群聊偶尔视频聊天等(对于朋友,我似乎无法说服使用别的)。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3193844/review-acer-r11-chromebookaverage-chromebook-awesome-emulation-laptop.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 硬件 消费类电子产品 开源 我在很长一段时间兴奋了新的Ubuntu版本,首次 周一,2017年5月1日六时36分00秒-0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


Nowadays, I use Ubuntu only when there is a good reason to review a new release—which has happened less and less. And even in those cases, I tend to use it sparingly. 

There were many reasons for that change. Mostly it boiled down to a general disagreement with the direction Ubuntu was taking.

+ Also on Network World: Lessons learned from the failure of Ubuntu Touch +

I wasn't a fan of their in-house developed desktop environment (Unity). I didn't like how slow it was. I didn't like how buggy it was. I didn't like how un-customizable it was. I guess it would be fair to say, "I didn't like it." 

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3193381/im-excited-for-a-new-ubuntu-release-for-the-first-time-in-a-long-time.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon Linux的 开源 Ubuntu的
从Ubuntu触摸的失败中吸取的教训 星期二,2017年4月25日8时07分00秒-0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克

With the death of yet another open source/free software/Linux-based mobile platform, Ubuntu Touch, clearly it is time for us to sit down and have a frank discussion about what we in the free software world can reasonably accomplish in a mobile platform. 

One of the biggest issues—if not THE biggest issue—with Ubuntu Touch was that it simply had goals that were far too aggressive to reasonably achieve. It suffered from the all-too-common malady known in software development as feature creep. 

Ubuntu Touch was not simply a project to bring the existing Ubuntu system to mobile hardware and add functionality specific to that hardware (such as phone dialing, cell data, etc.). The project also contained: 

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3192311/lessons-learned-from-the-failure-of-ubuntu-touch.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon Linux的 开源 智能手机 Ubuntu的
Ubuntu手机安全更新将于6月结束,app store关闭 周一,2017年4月24日07:00:00 -0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <文章> <节类= “页”>

Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Canonical (the company behind the Ubuntu Linux distribution), announced his company would not only be abandoning their custom desktop environment (Unity), but also halting development on their phone/tablet operating system, many questions were left unanswered.

One of those questions: What happens to the existing phones and tablets running Ubuntu Touch that have already been sold? 

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3191867/ubuntu-phone-security-updates-end-in-june-app-store-closing.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 开源 Linux的 智能手机 Ubuntu的
即时消息服务连接开放源代码的服务器代码 星期二,2017年4月11日七时55分00秒-0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <文章> <节类= “页”>



线客户源是已经可用。但现在该公司即将发布的服务器的源代码,下以及向上在GitHub上和许可AGPL。 要阅读此文章全面,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3188972/instant-messaging-service-wire-open-sources-its-server-code.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 开源 协作 乳齿象 - 免费的软件,分散Twitter的竞争对手 周一,2017年4月10日11:35:00 -0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


其中的一个难题是事实,我花了大量的我的时间量宣传和倡导自由和开放-source软件。然而,为了赢得大批观众,与宣传,我最终需要使用社交网络(如Twitter和谷歌加),这是 - 不是免费的软件。


多年来,一些社交网络如雨后春笋般出现是多一点免费软件为基础的 - 或者,至少,开源。然而,它们都没有真正抓住的必要我做什么更广泛的公众出头的兴趣。散居是一个很好的例子是表现出极大的希望,但是从来没有真正起飞。(It still exists, but without the audience numbers and/or growth that is needed.) 

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3188766/mastodonthe-free-software-decentralized-twitter-competitor.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 开源 社交网络
Linux的视频编辑器OpenShot 2.3印象:新工具,快速的性能 周五,2017年3月31日十一时二十分○○秒-0700 布赖恩·兰迪克 布赖恩·兰迪克

Video editors have historically been a source of difficulty for Linux users. But, my oh my, has that changed in a big way lately. 

I’ve personally been using Kdenlive—a video editor produced by the KDE project—with great success over the last year. I had absolutely no reason or need to look elsewhere for my video production needs.

But then along came OpenShot 2.3. And—holy guacamole, Batman—if it isn’t absolutely amazing.

To read this article in full, please click here

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3186857/linux-video-editor-openshot-23-impresses-new-tools-fast-performance.html#tk.rss_linuxtycoon 开源 软件 Linux的