有个足球雷竞技app网络世界布赖恩·巴特 //m.amiribrahem.com EN-US 孙,2020年8月9日17时14分28秒-0700 孙,2020年8月9日17时14分28秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 云计算并不容易,但它必须如此 周五,2016年12月2日8点05分00秒-0800 布莱恩孤峰 布莱恩孤峰 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


Every once in a while IT begrudgingly agrees to implement a public cloud solution.  When the do, they carefully fence it off from the rest of IT—nominally to protect the company from hackers, but equally to protect the purity of IT. Treating cloud as a standalone point solution enables them to create a self-fulfilling prophecy, using the mixed results to demonstrate that cloud just can’t hack it in the real world. 

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网络在数字第一经济中日益增长的重要性 周四,2016年10月27日七时59分00秒-0700 布莱恩孤峰 布莱恩孤峰 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


我在迪斯尼乐园的中央预订部门工作的机会,同时从家庭,旅行社和特别活动协调员的电话谁所有想在商标迪士尼神奇份额。At my core I was a salesperson, leveraging a well-structured process to guide “guests” to the highest-revenue resort rooms.

+ Also on Network World: How the 'digitization of everything' will become a reality +

I had the opportunity to see first hand the value of a great customer experience. People from around the globe travel thousands of miles to get a slice of the Disney “guest” experience. And somehow the theme, view or location of a hotel room most people will spend little to no waking hours in matters. It matters only because it’s part of the experience and therefore not rationalized independently.

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是当今网络成本结构,指示未来? 周四,2016年9月22日8时44分零零秒-0700 布莱恩孤峰 布莱恩孤峰

I’ve been a fan of software-defined networking (SDN) since my first conversation about software-based firewalls for an application deployment in 2004. Our goal was to leverage the concepts of grid computing to grow and shrink the web and application server environments in response to load, and we got the idea to throw the firewall into the mix. What made our approach possible was the ocean’s depth of software development knowledge on our team tempered by a puddle’s depth knowledge of networking.

+ Also on Network World: Survey shows growing interest in SDN, where and how companies might deploy the tech +

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云计算和“最后一英里” 2016年7月28日星期四08:31:00 -0700 布莱恩孤峰 布莱恩孤峰

What does food and beverage production have to do with cloud and the last mile?  There are several interesting parallels.

Unknown to most people, the food and beverage industry operates on razor-thin margins. As a result, producers look for any advantage they can get through automation, scale and supply chain optimization. Water is both bulky and heavy while also plentiful and cheap. As the percentage content of water increases in a food or beverage, producers are incented to remove the water during production in a way that it can be reintroduced at the point of consumption. From soups to sodas, this model keeps transportation costs low while expanding profit margins.

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云计算给了企业创新的自由 星期一,2016年7月11日6时24分○○秒-0700 布莱恩孤峰 布莱恩孤峰

Although I’ve refused to get into the “what is cloud computing” argument over the years, it doesn’t mean I don’t have a very specific definition. I believe down at the very core of cloud computing sits an airtight, inviolable principle: A cloud enables the buyer to forgo asset ownership. 

+ Also on Network World: Banking on the cloud +

Through my years of consulting I have come to the conclusion that technology asset ownership is an addiction and one that must be overcome through willpower, a support network and a change in habit. I’ve had to commiserate too often with CIOs despondent over the failure of private clouds that don’t meet their goals to remain silent. The best way to illustrate my point is to consider the approaches of my fictional, but all too real, clients: Accumulation, Inc. and Leverage Enterprises.

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云服务攻击的过度消费 周二年,2016年6点45分00秒-0700 5月24日 布莱恩孤峰 布莱恩孤峰 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


The capacity planning challenge drove the development of grid computing, then virtualization, and finally cloud computing. Although with cloud we now have a way to rapidly scale up to meet increasing demand, it seems we have forgotten scaling down to conserve resources is equally important. Instead of provisioning “just in case” our worst fears came true, I find repeated examples where cloud is provisioned “just because.”

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创新是关键逆转的IaaS盘整 星期二,2016年3月8日11:50:00 -0800 布莱恩孤峰 布莱恩孤峰

When we talk about cloud computing, two companies immediately jump to mind: Salesforce.com and Amazon. Each represents a very different model of cloud, and each is equally valued by enterprises. Whereas Salesforce.com provides an ecosystem of out-of-the-box applications, Amazon provides the building blocks enabling companies to migrate existing applications to, or build new ones on, a cloud foundation. 

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无服务器计算:规划可能性(第2部分) 2016年2月17日星期三06:37:00 -0800 布莱恩孤峰 布莱恩孤峰 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

想象一下地图你的事。在此图,画出的“x”为每个用户,代表一个智能电话,平板电脑或笔记本电脑,其中用户接口所在。然后,在每个人从他们的设备上使用服务的数据中心的雷竞技电脑网站位置绘制一个“O”,无论是公司的电子邮件或Netflix的。It won't take long before realizing a third element, a line connecting each 'x' to it's corresponding 'o' is required to keep track of the relationship binding the two. What you end up with is an ordered mess, a highly random distribution of x's connecting via lines so dense they'd block out the sun to concentrated amalgamations of o's. Now ask: How does this model, where every 'x' terminates in an 'o,' enable interaction between two people standing next to each other? How does this model make sense in burgeoning Internet of Things (IoT) where a single system, such as an intelligent vehicle, interacts with multiple other systems? And finally ask: Is there enough time to coordinate and move the data if it has to travel halfway across a state, or country, to a common meeting place? 

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无服务器计算:我们是如何到达这里的?(第1部分) 星期一,2016年2月1日十一时20分零零秒-0800 布莱恩孤峰 布莱恩孤峰 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


2001年,我开始了我的旅途入云的世界计算。随着工厂车间自动化和嵌入式系统的背景下,我的观点是承认与分布式计算的天然的亲和力倾斜。当时的热点话题是网格计算,并作为我学习,我认识了一个模型,是有道理的:CPU清除。CPU虚拟化清除所有浪费在台式机和服务器,因为他们等待事情做备用CPU周期(在一秒钟的十亿测量的范围内运作时,它变成了很多的时间浪费在等待着什么做的)。然而,CPU清除被视为行人在最好的,不是一个真正的IT人会使用。怎么会这样的模式可能在企业IT领域的工作,其中大铁藏在堆积如山的数据中心,设计像电源备份和带宽的巴菲特真核尘地下室,做了所有繁重的?雷竞技电脑网站这似乎是一个合理的解释,但是当我拉着绳子,问其原因,服务器比台式机更好,谈话后,谈话就戛然而止。我不得不进一步推以更好地理解。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3028055/how-the-physical-server-is-becoming-obsolete-part-1.html 2016年的年度IT驱动的业务问题的解决方案 星期四,2016年1月21日12点10分00秒-0800 布莱恩孤峰 布莱恩孤峰 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



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你认为你可以跳过云学习曲线吗?再想想。 星期二,2016年1月5日8点01分00秒-0800 布莱恩孤峰 布莱恩孤峰 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


在讨论云计算应用和它的挑战,I’m instantly reminded of Jurassic Park. During the initial tour of the grounds, Dr. Ian Malcom sounds a warning to Jurassic Park entrepreneur John Hammond:

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云计算:的全方位渠道客户体验引擎 2015年12月4日星期五08:00 -0800 布莱恩孤峰 布莱恩孤峰 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

在最近的一次谈话中,有人问我是什么,我觉得是背后的技术创新,在全球范围内破坏企业的驱动力。期待某种云计算为中心的答案,当我回答我的问话很惊讶“的时间。” Although cloud is certainly the engine underpinning many tech advancements, the driving force is the conservation of our most precious resource: time. 

We have created a connected world in which we have blasted through barriers to cram as much as possible into our daily lives. We save time by doing research online. We save time by texting when we can't talk. We save time by letting a GPS-enabled map guide us to our destination. Given all the enabling technologies at our disposal, it's no surprise our expectations from online transactions are projected onto our offline life. These mismatched expectations are the core reason why businesses are shifting from a multi-channel customer experience strategy to omni-channel.

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一窥混合云在2016年的未来 周三,2015年11月18日13时09分00秒-0800 布莱恩孤峰 布莱恩孤峰

Over the years, I've learned that predicting what will happen in emerging technologies is much easier than predicting when it will happen. Case in point: hybrid clouds. Many of us in the cloud community predicted in 2009 that cloudbursting would be the impetus for an explosion in public cloud consumption; and I went so far as picking 2010 as the beginning of the transition.

Well, my prediction was sound in direction but way off the mark in timing. Since 2009, I've learned that the barriers to hybrid cloud are more numerous than originally anticipated -- something I'll address in greater depth in a future post. However, seeing mass adoption on the horizon in 2016 (I'm crossing my fingers this time), it's important to move the conversation forward by providing some introspection on where the hybrid cloud is today.

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考虑到混合云?下面是你需要考虑什么 2015年11月5日星期四07:15:00 -0800 布莱恩孤峰 布莱恩孤峰 <文章> <节类=“页”>

作为云的长期主张计算,尤其是公共云,我通过在混合云发生的对话激发现在。然而,有黑暗的一面混合云模型只是刚刚开始进行讨论。混合私有和公共云可以发送,它现在批准将基础架构元素和数据出其控制的直接活动空间的消息。就在几年前,这种类型的行动会被厌弃的风险和效率低下。事实上,公共云已经降低了屏障技术采用的零。有工作要做的雇员能够找到,采纳,并使用一个SaaS,PaaS的,或IaaS的以分钟为单位的解决方案。公共云提供商提供有限的免费试用知道,一旦他们的工具已经成为用户的日常工作流程的一部分,采用率将会显著增加。在采购新技术在最短的时间内以周测量的世界里,这是什么资金需要考虑到这个现实?准备To阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/2999865/considering-the-hybrid-cloud-heres-what-youll-need-to-consider.html