亚马逊网络服务’ cloud business soared, growing insanely fast, dwarfing its competitors and generating big profits. On the retail side, Amazon dominated the holiday season, even as itexperimented with drone deliveries和别的shipping innovations。Known for its online sales, Amazon finally introduced retail stores as well. And the company’s voice-powered assistant, Echo, clearly outshone Apple’s Siri and forced Google to play catchup with Google Home. As一份报告指出:
热斑,可能会持续一段时间,but if Amazon wants 2017—and beyond—to turn out as rosy as 2016, I have some suggestions for how to keep the good times rolling, focused mostly on transparency, openness and fairness:
AWS的成功只是杀了思科的云努力,Gartner reportedly estimatesthat Amazon’s cloud business is “several times the size of its next 14 competitors combined.” That’s great, but it also means Amazon must be wary of being deemed a monopoly. I’m sure Jeff Bezos and friends don’t see it that way, given high-profile competitors such as Google and Microsoft—and possibly Oracle. But AWS’ market dominance could persuade regulators to take action, which is the last thing Amazon needs.
+Also on Network World:任何云公司能否跟上亚马逊+
2. Retail pricing transparency
Amazon is increasingly competing on service and convenience, not just price. But the company’s constant experimentation with pricing schemes and offers is beginning to create confusion about exactly how good the company’s prices really are. Amazon has the ability, if not the desire, to make its price history transparent, letting buyers see how much others are paying for a given product, in both real time and over time. Heck, Amazon has the smarts and reach to show accurate data on how much the item is selling for elsewhere. That would create a level of customer trust that could only enhance the company’s sales.
3. Embrace data transparency
更大的问题,不过,是我们是否有信心亚马逊不会跟踪everythingit hears? Whether you’re talking about what you want for dinner or what really happened that night on the lonely country road. How might that information be used? Who could get access to it, either because Amazon sells it or some government agency demands it? When you’re automatically listening to everything we say, it’s important to not just tell us what you’re collecting, but let us see it, edit it and delete if we want to.
4. Build phones and tablets more like the Echo
As noted above, the Echo is a premium product, ahead of most of its competitors in terms of voice recognition and sound quality. And it doesn’t constantly bombard you with advertising as you use it. Sure, it’s deeply tied to the Amazon ecosystem, but compared to many of Amazon’s other consumer devices, it seems elegant and practically agnostic.
该re is an increasing amount of high-quality content onAmazon Prime,but the current reality is that no single service has all the content people want, which means there’s a real opportunity to make Prime the gateway to other services. Amazon is already starting down that path with available subscriptions to Starz and Showtime, among others, but there’s plenty of opportunity to expand this process.
While Amazon’s tech relies deeply on open-source components, critics have charged that AWS doesn’t contribute much of its work to the open source community. The company may be taking steps to change that with the最近Zaheda Bhorat的招聘负责其开源战略,not to mention bringingAdrian Cockrofton board in October. Let’s hope the trend continues.
7. Be nicer to its employees.