The 10 most powerful companies in networking

Our top columnists give the rundown on what makes each of these 10 companies the biggest power players within the enterprise

有个足球雷竞技app网络世界's top columnists tells what makes each of these 10 companies the biggest power players in IT.


By Frank Dzubeck,Industry Commentary

AT&Tkeeps getting bigger but still is managing to execute on all cylinders. It is earning accolades from financial analysts and seeing its stock price rise (buoyed by a potential 10% dividend increase and a $10 billion stock buyback).

During the last nine months, AT&T's wireline business revenue exceeded $43 billion. The last nine months' revenue for Cingular Wireless, which AT&T expects to own fully after it acquires贝沙茅斯, exceeded $27 billion. Projecting revenue for this last calendar quarter at $16 billion for AT&T and $10 billion for Cingular results in a staggering $96 billion annual run-rate. Voice revenues (54.5%) still drive AT&T's balance sheet, but data revenue (28.5%) is growing from quarter to quarter.

Look at these statistics for perspective on AT&T's stature: Its global backbone network comprises more than 535,000 fiber route-miles handling 7.6 petabytes of data traffic per business day; it hosts 30 Internetdata centerson four continents, five global network operations centers and 10 global customer-support centers; and it has almost 100,000 access points in 150 countries, as well as strategic relationships with 190 carriers.



虽然未来看起来很玫瑰色,但一个关键问题妨碍了甚至更大的成功 - 贝沙收购。AT&T仍然等待FCC的批准,该批准不会在其12月20日会议上讨论该问题。假设这笔交易在新的一年后得到了好的,整合贝尔茅斯运营将成为2007年的主要挑战。


Dzubeck, president of Communications Network Architects, can be reached at



By Frank Dzubeck,Industry Commentary

A company as powerful asCiscodeserves a metaphor. You could call it a juggernaut battleship crashing through the waves of the marketplace, seemingly unreachable by the competition. Or, because the network industry seems to have a love/hate relationship with Cisco, you could compare it with the New York Yankees (except there is no network industry equivalent in sight for the Boston Red Sox).

No matter how cynical these metaphors seem, they accompany a message of respect and admiration. The fact is, the industry is rank with competitive jealousy because Cisco is besting the competition on two basic financial fronts: revenue growth, at 18% vs. 14% for the industry; and operating margin, at 27% vs. 10% for the industry.

During the last few years Cisco's revenue has grown at a healthy 13% to its present level of $28.5 billion for fiscal 2006. Financial analysts have even greater expectations for fiscal 2007, when organic revenue growth is projected to be 14.7% to $32.7 billion. Most interesting is the slow but steady shift in the source of this revenue.

虽然思科继续从产品收益的85%和15%的服务,但其从路由和交换产品的收入下降,其来自先进技术产品的收入 - 例如家庭网络的收入,贮存-area networks,IP电话,wireless LANs安全-- is increasing. Advanced technology products accounted for 16% of Cisco's revenue in fiscal year 2005 and for 20% in 2006, and now is running at 23% for 2007. The company's advanced technology strategy is working brilliantly to diversify its revenue stream, protecting it from the next market bubble.

As it shifts to advanced technologies, Cisco must have a comprehensive strategy for enterprise services. Now, for example, it has life-cycle services that help enterprises both prepare and optimize their networks; technical services that keep networks operating efficiently and up-to-date; and remote operations management services. Plus, it has 35 deep products and services for numerous vertical markets, including financial services, healthcare and manufacturing.

Although Cisco spends more than $3 billion per year on R&D, all eyes are on its mergers and acquisitions. It has acquired more than 100 companies since its inception, including nearly 12 in 2006. Now that it has learned to finance acquisition through debt (Scientific-Atlanta, for example), no IT company with a significant installed base and revenues is safe.


Dzubeck, president of Communications Network Architects, can be reached at


霍华德安德森,Yankee Ingenuity

By rights,EMCshouldn't exist. It began life selling memory cards via telemarketing, morphed into the technical leader in disk storage whileIBM,StorageTek和HPwere asleep at the R&D switch, and then built on its unique ability to acquire strong niche companies and not screw them up.

可以延伸它贮存dominance into the right new areas of IT? Competitors have awakened from their technical slumber, and upstarts are nipping at its core market, itself a victim of Moore's Law. EMC has to sell 30% more storage each year to grow 10% in revenue, as the cost per bit drops 13% to 15% a year, compounded.

Look at EMC from a customer's point of view. A CIO of a financial services company put it this way: "I have over 100供应商in my shop. Every time I turn around my IT people are off to some users' meeting, usually in Florida. I want fewer vendors, and I want more from them!"

What is he really saying? First, that he is tired of being the systems integrator for all these disparate parts and he wants vendors that can make all of their parts work seamlessly together. Second, he is saying that "piece parts vendors" with just a slightly better solution will be on the outside looking in. And third, he implicitly is throwing down the gauntlet to EMC: Are you ready to become a truly strategic vendor -- with entire solutions -- or just a tactical one?

其中存在着电磁兼容的strategy and its challenge. Early technology made the firm, so it had to be first-rate in engineering. Now it is mastering two new disciplines -- financial engineering and technical integration. It has bought a gaggle of firms since 2003, pretty much saying it would rather buy good technology -- which brings with it a customer base and a trained sales and service organization -- than spend 10 years trying to make it. And with the Nasdaq still down and the stock market acting rationally, acquisition finesse becomes a valued skill.

毫无疑问:如果EMC的举动into the rarified altitude of a strategic vendor, acquisitions aren't a nice-to-have, they are a have-to-have. To most IT honchos, storage is boring, right? But it isn't boring if you are a financial industry CFO and know you'd better keep every e-mail since the beginning of time or be in violation of yourcompliancerequirements. And storage isn't boring if data backup can't get you to recovery management.

What is Act 2? EMC is vulnerable, because it cannot match the hordes of IBM and HP consultants helping customers find their way. So it must pick tangential areas for expansion intelligently. The first new areas were those where storage is integral, such as content management, through the Documentum acquisition, or enterprise storage management, through the purchase of Legato Systems. Now ,with theRSA安全purchase, EMC has moved into security and recovery management and opened another door into the corporation.

EMC从储存以外的地区获得超过一半的业务,并呼叫自己是一个信息基础架构公司,告诉我们 - 没有。

但它可以看到问题:公司网络很复杂databasesthat cry out for help and need root-cause analysis to fix; corporate officers want to drive down the cost per transaction and increase availability; corporate customers want to push the right data down the pipe for new Internet applications.

There are only a few really strategic vendors to corporations -- IBM, HP,甲骨文, SAP and Cisco.戴尔is a special case (and an EMC partner). EMC has the opportunity to play right up there with IBM and HP, if it keeps its storage users happy -- which means big R&D spending -- if it can buy the right companies at the right price, and if it can integrate the product lines seamlessly.

Anderson, founder of Yankee Group and co-founder of Battery Ventures, is the William Porter Distinguished Professor at MIT. He can be reached



由Mark Gibbs,Backspin

Until September,HP'spublic face was looking pretty good. Under the leadership of CEO Mark Hurd, HP was starting to see a revitalization of its business that could have made it bigger thanIBM。HP's marketing and sales were going great guns, and the company seemed to be doing everything right. But that rosy outlook was about to run into a brick wall.

When the smelly stuff hit the whirling blades, what emerged was a pretty pathetic and sordid tale of board-level silliness that defied belief. On discovering aboardroom press leak, the board's chairperson, Patricia Dunn, instigated an investigation to find the guilty board member. This was no less than a witch hunt, involving illegal data-gathering, surveillance and covert investigation. "Colossally stupid" is how the California attorney general wound up describing the affair.


赫德的销售和营销策略确实是在工作的。据Yaser Anwar称,StreetInsider.com的贡献者,“过去两年的近80%的惠普利润增加可以归因于其企业服务器和存储和个人系统组分区,由于产品线,降低成本和集价格以最大限度地提高盈利能力而不是收入。“

HP is set on a strategy that focuses on profitability, and its products show a real technical and marketing edge in theserver和刀片市场。虽然这些边缘可以 - 而且很可能会在明年左右侵蚀,但惠普不会站立;除非有重大的市场中断,否则公司应能够保持其增长,并至少保持其市场份额。

The company's biggest threat is戴尔。为了解决这一威胁,惠普正在开始使侵略性的举措能够改变与其销售网络的关系。据欧洲报道,惠普正计划绕过经销商,并测试营销营销方法,可以让它直接进入其最大的荷兰客户。这种大胆,潜在的盈利能力,移动风险,如果他们认为HP最终可能会使它们脱离循环,那么经销商可能会失去承诺的风险。

惠普还在其网络管理业务中积极前进。该公司最近收购了Mercury Interactive,使其成为我的全新客户群。和水星的应用程序开发管理产品很好地补充了HP的OpenView网络管理软件。


HP’s board-level problems are not over, and in the next few months we can expect to see various directors being held accountable for their misdeeds. Still, HP’s customers, OEMs and resellers seem convinced that the company has what it takes to satisfy enterprise needs — at least for now.

毫无疑问,惠普的董事会层面的问题near over, and in the next few months we can expect to see various directors being held accountable for their misdeeds. Despite that, it seems HP's customers and OEMs are convinced that the company has what it takes to satisfy enterprise needs. As for resellers, they're still on board, too — at least for now.


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