
Got data? These useful tools can turn it into informative, engaging graphics.

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Skill level:专家。


学到更多: Try theHow-to: Get Started Guide。您还可以找到在你可以Protovis构建的各种图形的例子Protovis图库

桌面上的GIS /制图




最著名的桌面GIS软件可能是ESRI公司ArcView的, a robust, well-supported application that costs quite a bit of money. The open-source QGIS is an alternative to ArcView.

由于OpenOffice是微软Office,QGIS是为ArcView。ArcView的爱好者认为,ESRI公司的产品是一两年领先的开源替代品,具有更好的开发接口,享有商业支持,更适合打印输出。但是QGIS用户说开源替代方案是一个很好的计划,做有用的GIS工作很大 - 甚至可能比ArcView的更好的时候,以生成地图的网页,这要归功于一个插件,致力于发电HTML图像映射。

What's cool: QGIS大量的GIS功能, including the ability to create maps, overlay various types of data, do spatial analysis, publish to the Web and more. It can also be enhanced with plug-ins that add support for numerous undertakings, including geocoding, managing underlying table data, exporting to MySQL and generating HTML image maps.

缺点: As with any sophisticated GIS application, learning to use this software entails a serious commitment of time and training. Even in hour-long hands-on sessions with first ArcView and then QGIS, I noticed things that were easier to do in the commercial option. For example, ArcView had a one-click "normalize" function to immediately calculate, say, the percentage of people 65 and over versus the total population from a data table with both columns; in QGIS, I needed to pull up a "field calculator" and create a new column with the formula to do that calculation myself.

上运行,:LINUX,UNIX和Mac OS X,Windows操作系统。(这是一个情况下安装较为复杂的OS X,因为它需要一些依赖手动安装。还有一个用于Windows的一键式安装。)

Skill level: Intermediate to expert.

学到更多:静宜杂志的蒂莫西Barmann帐的CAR会议仍然可用两个非常有用的教程:介绍QGIS在映射使用JavaScript和jQuery最新。Barmann还提供了一个示例:罗得岛州的民族马赛克。另一种资源,以帮助您开始:QGIS教程实验室from Richard E. Plant, professor emeritus at the University of California, Davis.

注意:如果你有兴趣在GIS和需要考虑其他免费软件选项,下载该PDF挂牌开源/非商业GIS产品。如果你正在寻找一个免费的开源桌面GIS程序,可能是相当容易使用,雅各芬顿,在美国大学的调查报告研讨会计算机辅助报道的主任,建议采取一看系统自动地学分析(SAGA)网站。Finally, if analyzing geographic data in a conventional database sounds interesting,PostGIS“在空间上使”的PostgreSQL的relational database, according to the site.

基于Web的GIS /制图

我们大多数人都熟悉的像大公司的制图工具Google(其具有多个第三方前面的端部如地图A名单, an add-on that adds info to a Google Map from a spreadsheet). There's also雅虎地图Web服务Bing地图- 所有的API。但也有从地面设计,多达地图地理数据规模较小的组织或孤立的开源爱好者众多的其他选项。




What's cool:这是惊人的容易创建多种类型的位置数据的颜色编码地图 - 甚至IP地址(只使用列标题IP_ADDRESS)。

我花了大约60秒创建一个基本的地图从7级或世界各地的更高的地震电子表格自2000年1月1日,则几分钟更多定制侧翻框以显示日期和幅度。(你可以看到一个larger version on OpenHeatMap.com。)


OpenHeatMap自动算出并映射基于宽范围的地方定义的位置,依靠位置列是如何命名-- "address," "country," "fips_code" (used by the U.S. Census Bureau), "zip_code_area" (for five-digit ZIP codes), "lat" (latitude), "lon" (longitude) and so on.

This is a well-thought-out interface from a onetime Apple engineer. (Warden said he worked on several software projects at Apple, includingFinal Cut Studio的。)

缺点: There's no way to delete data once it's been uploaded (you can get around this by using a Google Spreadsheet as a data source), and editing time is limited to as long as your browser is open and you haven't started a new map. Embedded OpenHeatMap.com-hosted maps may be slow to load.

The documentation doesn't make it clear whether you can set where the map is centered or what the default zoom level should be; Warden told me by e-mail that the system remembers where you last positioned and zoomed the map before saving. And this feature still can occasionally be buggy, although Warden is responsive to bug reports.

Skill level: Beginner.

上运行,: Web browsers enabled for Flash or HTML 5 Canvas.

学到更多:书名尽管如此,四分钟的视频“如何OpenHeatMap可以帮助记者“提供了一个明确的解释,针对有意使用该服务的任何人。你也可以查看样本OpenHeatMap Gallery并检查了这个守护者其中使用的Facebook的互动式地图


它能做什么: OpenLayers is a JavaScript library for displaying map information. It's aimed at providing functionality similar to those big companies' code libraries -- but with open-source code. OpenLayers works with OpenStreetMap and other maps, as本教程的与谷歌显示使用

Other projects build on it to add functionality or ease of use, such asGeoExt, which adds more GIS capabilities. For users who are comfortable hand-coding JavaScript and prefer not to use a commercial platform such as Google or Bing, this can be a compelling option.

缺点: OpenLayers is not yet as developed or as easy to use as, say, Google Maps. The project page notes that it is "still undergoing rapid development."

Skill level:专家。


学到更多: Try this的OpenLayers简单的例子。一个好的样本Ushahidi平台的海地地图

还有其他的JavaScript库将用于叠加在地图上的信息,如Polymaps。And there are a number of other mapping platforms, such as Google Maps, which offersnumerous mapping APIs;雅虎地图Web服务, with its own APIs; theBing地图平台和API;和GeoCommons



What's cool:OpenStreetMap的主要吸引力是它的社会性质,这导致了许多有趣的用途。例如,它与兼容Ushahidi的移动平台使用在海地和日本地震后,众包信息。(虽然Ushahidi的可以使用底图层几种不同的提供商,包括谷歌和雅虎,一些项目创建者觉得有一个开源的选择最舒适的症结。)

缺点:与任何项目接受公众意见,也可与贡献者有时精度问题(如直升机起降坪有人曾经放置在我家附近的 - 它实际上是一个相当几英里远)。虽然,为了公平起见,我遇到一个以上的企业,谷歌地图,列出得可怜过时。此外,地图的一般外观和感觉是不是很擦亮商业选择。

Skill level:高级初级到中级。



Temporal data analysis



它能做什么:这个桌面软件是用于分析涉及时间成分的数据点。在一个演示I wrote about last summer, creators Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg -- the pair behind the Many Eyes project who are now working at Google -- showed how TimeFlow can generate visual timelines from text files, with entries color- and size-coded for easy pattern spotting. It also allows the information to be sorted and filtered, and it gives some statistical summaries of the data.

What's cool:TimeFlow使得它非常容易以各种方式,诸如切换视图或如日期范围或8级以上的地震通过标准滤波数据进行交互。时间线视图提供了一个滑块,使您可以在一个时间段零英寸虽然许多应用程序可以绘制条形图,少还提供日历视图。而且不像基于Web的谷歌融合表,TimeFlow是一个桌面应用程序,使得它快速,无痛,以编辑各个条目。


Skill level: Beginner.

上运行,:桌面系统上运行的Java 1.6,包括Windows和Mac OS X.

学到更多: 退房重要提示

注意:如果你正在寻找发布可视化的时间表,更好的选择,包括谷歌的Fusion Tables,VIDI或SIMILE时间轴小部件


有些数据可视化怪才认为字云要么不很严重与否非常原始。你可以把它们作为可视化的提拉米苏 - 曾经时髦的,现在过度使用。但我还是喜欢这些图片是从一个文本文件中显示的每个词一次,取决于多久源每一个出现改变字的长度。



What's cool:这是一个快速,有趣,轻松地在文本中发现的单词频率。

缺点: Because it's trying to ignore words such as "a" and "the," the basic configuration can miss some important terms. In my tests, it didn't know the difference between "it" and "IT," and completely missed "AT&T."

Skill level:高级初学者。这个应用程序在命令行中运行,因此用户应该有能力找到文件路径,并将其插入一个样本命令。

上运行,:在Windows,Mac OS X和Linux上运行Java。

学到更多: Check the examples that come with the download.


These tools use a pre-Facebook/Twitter definition of "social network analysis" (SNA), referring to the discipline of finding connections between people based on various data sets. Investigative journalists have used such tools to, for example, find links between people who are involved in development projects or who are members of various boards of directors.



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