
Got data? These useful tools can turn it into informative, engaging graphics.

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What's cool: Tableau Public offers a variety of ways to display interactive data. You can combine multiple connected visualizations onto a single dashboard, where one search filter can act on numerous charts, graphs and maps; underlying data tables can also be joined. And once you get the hang of how the software works, its drag-and-drop interface is considerably quicker than manually coding in JavaScript or R for most users, making it more likely that you'll try additional scenarios with your data set. In addition, you can easily perform calculations on data within the software.

缺点:免费版的表的业务ss intelligence software, your visualization and data must reside on Tableau's site. Whenever you save your work, it gets sent up to the public website -- which means you can't save work in progress without running the risk that it will be seen before it's ready (while Tableau's site won't deliberately expose your work, it relies on security by obscurity -- so someone could see your work if they guess your URL). And once it's saved, viewers are invited to download your entire workbook with data. Upgrading to a single-user desktop edition costs $999.

Not surprisingly, all that functionality comes at a cost: Tableau's learning curve is fairly steep compared to that of, say, Fusion Tables. Even with the drag-and-drop interface, it'll take more than an hour or two to learn how to use the software's true capabilities, although you can get up and running doing simple charts and maps before too long.


Runs on:Windows 7的,Vista中,XP,2003,Server 2008中,2003。

Learn more: There areseven short training videoson the Tableau site, where you can also find downloadable data files that you can use to follow along.

You can see a sample in our article "Tech Unemployment Climbs; Self-employment Steady“。


A pioneer in Web-based data visualization, IBM's Many Eyes project combines graphical analysis with community, encouraging users to upload, share and discuss information. It's extremely easy to use and very well documented, including suggestions on when to use what kind of visual data representation. Many Eyes includes more than a dozen output options -- from charts, graphics and word clouds to treemaps, plots, network diagrams and some limited geographic maps.


It took me about three minutes to create a bar chart of top H-1B visa employers.


What's cool: Visualization can't get much easier, and the results look considerably more sophisticated than you'd expect based on the minimal amount of effort needed to create them. Plus, the可能的图表类型的列表includes explanations of the types of data each one is best suited for.

Drawbacks: Both your visualizations and your data sets are public on the Many Eyes site and can be easily downloaded, shared, reposted and commented upon by others. This can be great for certain types of users -- especially government agencies, nonprofits, schools and other organizations that want to share visualizations on someone else's server budget -- but an obvious problem for others. (IBM does offer a contact form for businesses interested in hosting their own version of the software.) In addition, customization is limited, as is data file size (5MB).


Runs on:Java和可显示Flash任何现代的Web浏览器。

Learn more: IBM's website features pages explainingdata formatting for Many Eyesand可视化的选择.

You can see some featured visualizations on the许多眼睛home pageor browse through some of thetens of thousands of uploads. One interesting map showspopular surnames in the U.S. from the 2000 Census马丁瓦滕伯格,许多眼睛的创造者之一。


What it does: Although VIDI's website bills this as a tool for the Drupal content management system, graphics created by the site's visualization wizard can be used on any HTML page -- no Drupal required.

上传数据,选择一个可视化类型,做一点定制选择的,和图表,时间线或地图准备好通过自动生成的嵌入代码使用(使用iframe, not JavaScript or Flash).

What's cool: This is about as easy as Many Eyes -- with more mapping options and no need to make your visualization and data set public on its website. There are quick screencasts explaining each visualization type and several different color customization options. And the file-size limit of 30MB is six times larger than Many Eyes' 5MB maximum.

Drawbacks: Oddly, the visualization wizard was a lot easier to use than the embed code -- my embedded iframe didn't display while trying to preview it on the VIDI website; I needed to save the visualization and go to the "My VIDI" page to get embed code that actually worked. Also, as with any服务,如果您正在使用该Web发布,你要确信主机的服务器可以处理您的流量,将可超过您需要显示的数据。


Runs on:任何Web浏览器。

Learn more: TheVIDI主页features a link to an 11-minute video tutorial.

我花了不到五分钟,以创建一个示例:一地图地震of 7.0 magnitude or more since Jan. 1, 2000.


What it does: One of the more traditional corporate-focusedbusiness analyticsofferings in this group, Zoho Reports can take data from various file formats or directly from a database and turn it into charts, tables and pivot tables -- formats familiar to most spreadsheet users.

What's cool:您可以安排从Web上的数据源的数据导入。数据可以使用SQL查询,并可以变成可视化和服务被设置为Web发布和共享(虽然如果它是由两个以上的用户访问,您将需要付费帐户)。

Drawbacks:可视化选项是非常基本的和有限的。与基于Web的数据交互的实时可有时呆滞。数据文件被限制为10MB。我发现导航有时混乱 - 例如,在我保存的样本数据库的副本,我被告知这是该文件夹中的“我的报告,”但我有一个很难发现。

技能等级: Advanced beginner.

Runs on:任何Web浏览器。

Learn more: There are视频演示and样本on Zoho's website.

Code help: Wizards, libraries, APIs

Sometimes nothing can substitute for coding your own visualization -- especially if the look and feel you're after can't be achieved without an existing desktop or Web app. But that doesn't mean you need to start from scratch, thanks to a wide range of available libraries and APIs.

Choosel(under development)

What it does: This open-source Web-based framework is designed for charts, clouds, graphs, timelines and maps. Right now, it is geared more for developers who create applications than it is for end users who need to save and/or embed their work; but there's an互动在线演示让你快速上传一些数据可视化。

What's cool: As with Tableau Public, you can have more than one visualization on a page and connect them so that, for example, mousing over items on a chart will highlight corresponding items on a map.

Drawbacks: This is not yet an application that end users can use to store and share their work. And I found the online demo to be finicky about uploading data -- even after I corrected field formats for dates (dd/mm/yyyy) and location (latitude/longitude) as documented, my data wouldn't load until I had another text field added (rather than just having numerical fields). It was also unclear how to customize labels. This project shows promise if it's further developed and documented.

技能等级: Expert

Runs on: Chrome, Safari and Firefox.

Learn more:有一个短片叫Choosel-- Timeline and Basic Featuresand a sample titledEarthquakes With 1,000 or More Deaths Since 1900.


What it does:麻省理工学院的这种分拆比喻项目is designed to help users "easily create Web pages with advanced text search and filtering functionalities, with interactive maps, timelines and other visualization." Billed as a publishing framework, the JavaScript library allows easy additions of filters, searches and more. The简单的数据可视化的新闻工作者page offers examples of the code in use at a number of newspaper websites.

Of course, "easy" is in the eye of the beholder -- what's easy for the professionals at MIT who created Exhibit might not be that simple for a user whose comfort level stops at Excel. Like most JavaScript libraries, Exhibit requires more hand-coding than services such as Many Eyes and Google Fusion Tables. On the other hand, Exhibit hasclear documentation for beginners, even those with no JavaScript experience.

What's cool:对于那些谁是舒适编码,展览提供了大量的意见 - 地图,图表,timeplots,日历等等 - 以及定制的镜头(方式格式化单个记录),并可以被搜索或分类方面(属性)。你更容易得到你想要表现出比,比方说,许多眼睛准确呈现。和你的数据仍然在本地,除非和直到你决定出版。

Drawbacks: For newcomers unused to coding visualizations, it takes time to get familiar with coding and library syntax.

技能等级: Expert.

Learn more:有许多的例子,你可以看看,包括Red Sox-Yankees Winning Percentages Through the Years,U.S. Cities by Populationandothers.

注意:有许多其他JavaScript库,以帮助创建可视化,比如最近发布Data-Driven Documentsand thejQuery Visualize plug-in. Six Revisions' list of20个新鲜的JavaScript数据可视化库给你有多少可供选择的想法。


What it does:不同于Google Fusion Tables, which is a full-fledged, self-contained application for uploading and storing data, and generating charts and maps, Chart Tools is designed to visualize data residing elsewhere, such as your own website or within Google Docs.

谷歌同时提供使用“简单的URL请求谷歌图表服务器”,用于创建静态图像和访问JavaScript库,用于创建交互式图形可视化的API图表API。谷歌提供的数据大小,页面加载,所需的技能和其他因素来帮助你的比较decide which option to use.

对于简单的静态图形,有一个wizard为了帮助您创建一些示例格式的图。它会尽可能帮助您输入数据逐行,虽然任何像样的大小的数据集 - 也就是说,超过半打左右的条目 - 这更有意义format it in a text file.


What's cool: The static image chart is reasonably easy to use and features aLive Chart Playground,它允许您调整代码和实时看到你的结果。

The more robust API lets you从谷歌电子表格拉数据. You can createicons that mix text and imagesfor visualizations, such asthis weather forecast note, and what it calls a"Google-o-meter" graphic. The Visualization API also has some of the我见过一个JavaScript库最好的文档.


技能等级: Advanced beginner to expert.

Runs on:任何Web浏览器。

Learn more: See开始With Chartsand互动图表. There are also samples in theGoogle Visualization API Gallery.

JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit

What it does:InfoVis可能不是最知名的JavaScript可视化库中,但它是如果你有兴趣在网络上发布交互式数据可视化绝对值得一看。白宫同意:InfoVis用于创建奥巴马政府的Interactive Budgetgraphic.

What sets this tool apart from many others is the highly polished graphics it creates from just basic code samples. InfoVis creator Nicolas García Belmonte, senior software architect at Sencha Inc., clearly cares as much about aesthetic design as he does about the code, and it shows.

What's cool: The samples are gorgeous and there's no extra coding involved to get nifty fly-in effects. You can choose to download code for only the visualization types you want to use to minimize the weight of Web pages.

Drawbacks: Since this is not an application but a code library, you must have coding expertise in order to use it. Therefore, this might not be a good fit for users in an organization who analyze data but don't know how to program. Also, the choice of visualization types is somewhat limited. Moreover, the data should be in JSON format.

技能等级: Expert.

Runs on: JavaScript-enabled Web browsers.

Learn more: Seedemos with source code.


What it does:标榜为“可视化图形工具包,”斯坦福大学的可视化集团这个项目是目前比较流行的JavaScript库,用于将数据转化为视觉效果的一个;它的设计让用户对显示的控制来平衡简单。

What's cool: One of the best things about Protovis is how well it's documented, with大量的实例设有可视化和示例代码。也有大量可用samplevisualization类型,包括地图和一些统计分析。这是一个强大的工具,可建显卡这样的color-coded U.S. map with timeline slider.

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