有个足球雷竞技app网络世界的保罗·鲁本斯 //m.amiribrahem.com EN-US 星期六2020年21点04分08秒-0700 5月23日 星期六2020年21点04分08秒-0700 5月23日 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 移动设备是新的桌面,这对企业应用程序很有好处 2017年5月9日星期二09:53:00 -0700 鲁本斯保罗 鲁本斯保罗 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


GlobalStats发现,在世界范围内,在Android的百分之37.91有百分之37.93互联网使用的市场份额,领先的Windows。“这是技术史上的一个里程碑,一个时代的结束,” StatCounter的首席执行官Aodhan卡伦说。 "It marks the end of Microsoft’s leadership worldwide of the OS market which it has held since the 1980s. It also represents a breakthrough for Android, which held just 2.4 percent of global internet usage share only five years ago."

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如何用免费的开源软件经营你的小生意 星期三,2017年4月19日13时09分00秒-0700 鲁本斯保罗 鲁本斯保罗

Editor's note: This article was originally published in November, 2013. It was last updated in April 2017.

Take a look at the next desktop PC or laptop you come across. Odds are good it won't be running an open-source operating system. Microsoft's closed-source Windows has by far the highest share of the PC client operating system market, followed in a distant second by Apple's macOS. Linux and other wholly open source operating systems have only a tiny market share.

It's not hard to see why. Despite the advances made by distributions such as Ubuntu, desktop Linux is still miles behind Windows and macOS in terms of the look, the feel and the slickness that most office workers have come to expect. The vast majority of companies simply aren't prepared to make office workers use an open source OS — and most office workers aren't prepared to use them, either.

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为什么(有时)应该让软件来运行您的业务 星期三,2017年4月12日10:40:00 -0700 鲁本斯保罗 鲁本斯保罗

Changing your business processes to match your software sounds like a classic case of the tail wagging the dog. After all, business leaders are responsible for deciding how their company is run, and software is supposed to support that, helping the company run as efficiently as possible.

Yet this is exactly what is happening in 82 percent of enterprises, according to a survey by TrackVia, maker of a low-code software development platform. These companies report changing a part of their business operations or processes to match the way their software works.

Is allowing corporate software to dictate how a company is run an abrogation of management's duty to manage, or can it sometimes be the best way to manage a company?

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开发人员喜欢容器的5个原因 2017年4月6日星期四10:02:00 -0700 鲁本斯保罗 鲁本斯保罗

Linux容器已经存在了近十年,但是直到四年前Docker的发布,大量的开发人员才开始采用这项技术。现在,集装箱似乎无处不在,其受欢迎程度也在不断上升。< p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3188187/5-reasons-developers-love-containers。要完整阅读这篇文章,请点击这里

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3188187/5-reasons-developers-love-containers.html IDG内幕
如何赚钱从开源软件 星期四,2017年3月9日10:24:00 -0800 鲁本斯保罗 鲁本斯保罗 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

谈谈开始基于开源软件和通话业务将不可避免地转移到红帽。这是因为Linux供应商是一个公司的光辉例子的从一个开源产品赚钱。但是,如何方便是不是真的建立一个开源的启动,使钱?对于每一个成功的故事像红帽有像氰家公司的fail to thrive  and projects that are abandoned.

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从一个开源项目的兴衰的经验教训 2017年2月8日星期三10:36:00 -0800 鲁本斯保罗 鲁本斯保罗 <本文> <节课= “页面”>

八年前,的CyanogenMod 项目分解到移动设备软件的场景。基于Android的开源手机操作系统迅速引起了开发人员,Android的粉丝和投资者的关注,并吸引了来自科技巨头,包括微软和谷歌的兴趣。但在去年年底该项目壮观崩盘。 Today the CyanogenMod project is no more, but the arc of its story offers fascinating insight into the world of open source software development.

The project started out innocently enough following the discovery, in 2008, of a way to root mobile phones running Google's Android operating system, allowing modified firmware to be installed on rooted devices. One such piece of firmware was created by a developer called Steve Kondik, whose online handle was Cyanogen — a colorless toxic gas made by oxidizing hydrogen cyanide. The modified firmware was known as CyanogenMod.

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为什么员工不使用协作工具 2017年1月2日星期一04:28:00 -0800 鲁本斯保罗 鲁本斯保罗

Slack exploded onto the scene three years ago, and since then just about everyone from industry giants like Facebook to small groups of open source developers have been getting in on the team collaboration software act.

Today the pace of collaboration software development and innovation is frenetic, and according to research by G2 Crowd, a peer-to-peer business review platform, the boom in corporate adoption shows no sign of slowing down in the near future. It found that more than half of all companies have already implemented team collaboration solutions of one kind or another, and 31 percent plan to adopt one in the next two years.

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已发现的VMware在AWS云战略的救世主? 周三,2016年12月21日10:07:00 -0800 鲁本斯保罗 鲁本斯保罗

Adversity makes strange bedfellows, and in the case of VMware — a company that has made its fortune selling server virtualization software — that bedfellow is Amazon Web Services (AWS), the  public cloud leviathan.

Let's rewind to the middle of October, when Mark Lohmeyer, a VMware cloud business unit vice president,  announced that the company was forming a strategic partnership with AWS so that VMware's server virtualization and other software could be run in the AWS public cloud. The idea is that VMware customers using the company's software to run a private cloud in their own data centers will be able to expand into a similar VMware infrastructure run in AWS's public cloud, thereby forming a VMware-based hybrid cloud. The VMware software (called vCenter) used by company administrators to manage the private cloud will reach into the AWS cloud to manage the VMware software running there as well.

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了解你的(网络)的敌人 周三,2016年12月14日7点40分00秒-0800 鲁本斯保罗 鲁本斯保罗

Picture this: Your company's network is facing a DDoS attack, but you have no idea who is responsible or what their motivation might be. Without this knowledge, you can't tell if they want money in exchange for stopping the attack or if the attack is a diversion to occupy your security team while your network is being penetrated and commercial secrets are stolen.

In the aftermath of a network breach it can also be incredibly useful to know some information about the likely attackers. That's because knowing who they were — or just where they were from — can help you carry out a more accurate damage assessment exercise.  This knowledge can guide you where to look for signs of data compromise, and what other specifics (such as exploit kits or Trojans that may have been left behind) to search for.

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为什么微软正在全力对AI 周三,2016年11月9日8时07分00秒-0800 鲁本斯保罗 鲁本斯保罗

Microsoft is betting on artificial intelligence (AI) with the creation at the end of September of a new AI and Research Group. This newly formed group brings together Microsoft's research organization and more than 5,000 computer scientists and engineers focused on AI and is now the fourth major division in the company, on par with the Windows, Office and Cloud divisions.

The job of the AI and Research Group will be to work on four overarching initiatives:

  • Harnessing AI through agents such as Cortana, the company's digital personal assistant
  • Infusing AI into Skype, Office 365 and every other Microsoft application
  • Making cognitive capabilities such as vision and speech and machine analytics available to external developers
  • Using Azure to build a powerful AI supercomputer in the cloud to provide "AI as a Service”
如何最大化你的软件IP的价值 2016年10月31日星期一10:24:00 -0700 鲁本斯保罗 鲁本斯保罗

上个月,黑莓宣布退出手机-making业务,但黑莓的名字将居住。这是因为该公司已经与一家印度尼西亚公司,将制造,分销和推广黑莓品牌的设备运行的是BlackBerry软件许可协议。阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3137032/how-to-maximize-the-value-of-your-software-ip.html IDG内幕 哪里可以找到世界上最好的程序员 周一,2016年10月24日7时51分○○秒-0700 鲁本斯保罗 鲁本斯保罗 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



那么,哪些国家生产最好的程序员是一个有趣的问题要问。也许更重要的是一些国家为什么带路 <抛开类= “fakesidebar”>

[同样在CIO.com:的需要主现] 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3134526/where-to-find-the-worlds-best-programmers.html 关于开源分叉,你需要知道什么 星期二,2016年10月4日10:07:00 -0700 鲁本斯保罗 鲁本斯保罗

Picture this: Your company is ticking along nicely, making use of a reliable and well-engineered piece of software to support some important business process, when suddenly it becomes apparent that all is not well in the project's developer community. A fork is in the cards, and the very future of the project hangs in the balance.

Before we get to the crucial questions of whether a fork is really such a bad thing and what a CIO should do when faced with one, let's first be clear about what we're talking about.

In their study of software forks, researchers Gregorio Robles and Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Spain define a fork like this:

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什么许可开源的兴起许可手段 星期四,2016年9月15日5时09分00秒-0700 鲁本斯保罗 鲁本斯保罗 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


此开源软件FUD主要是关于开源许可。有许多不同的许可证,一些更严格的(有些人使用术语“保护”)比其他人。限制性许可证,如GNU通用公共许可证(GPL)使用的copyleft的概念,它赋予人们自由分发拷贝和一张软件的修改版本,只要同样的权利,在派生作品保留的权利。在GPL(V3)由开源项目如bash和GIMP使用。还有可以在Affero GPL,其提供开放版权到被通过网络提供的软件(例如作为网络服务。) 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3120590/what-the-rise-of-permissive-open-source-licenses-means.html 技术,比其名称承诺提供更低 周一,2016年8月29日6时44分零零秒-0700 鲁本斯保罗 鲁本斯保罗

隐形斗篷听起来像很多的乐趣,而好消息是,他们的确存在。但现实的情况,至少在目前,是不是幻想,你想象一下近。阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 (内幕故事)//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3113468/beware-technology-that-delivers-less-than-its-name-promises.html IDG内幕