有个足球雷竞技app网络世界Paul Heltzel //m.amiribrahem.com en - us 2020年8月13日星期四17:16:08 -0700 2020年8月13日星期四17:16:08 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 11名技术开发人员现在应该探讨 2017年4月24日星期一04:54:00 -0700 保罗Heltzel 保罗Heltzel <本文> <节课=“页面”>


这是不是所有的下一件大事。对于开发商未来的机会不断涌现,从尖端技术,如人工智能,虚拟现实的融合。增强现实,物联网和云技术......,当然,对付那些从这些趋同进化的安全性问题。 <抛开类=“fakesidebar”> [了解如何获得成功我们的事业发展开发者指南。|编程的艺术正在迅速发生变化。我们帮助您浏览的什么是热在编程和正在发生的事情冷。| Keep up with hot topics in programming with InfoWorld's App Dev Report newsletter. ]

If you're interested in expanding your developer’s toolkit, check out these trending domains—and our tips on how to get ahead by getting started with them.

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尽管有这些糟糕的技术经理,如何成功 2017年4月3日星期一06:46:00 -0700 保罗Heltzel 保罗Heltzel

No amount of free sodas and beer Fridays are going to wash away the taste of bad leadership. If your dream development gig is turning into a nightmare and your projects are suffering, it might be time to manage up your boss—before your career takes a turn in the ditch.

Management guru and author Peter Drucker said that “only three things happen naturally in organizations: friction, confusion, and underperformance. Everything else requires leadership.”

While there are truly great leaders in IT, not all inspire confidence. Worse, you can’t always choose who will lead your team. But you can always map out new paths in your career. With that in mind, here is a look at some prototypically bad managers you may have already encountered in your engineering departments, with tips on how to deal with each of them. In the meantime, keep your head on a swivel and read on.

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不要成为一条死胡同开发商 星期二,2017年1月17日7点08分00秒-0800 保罗Heltzel 保罗Heltzel

If you’re getting unclear direction from the boss, working long hours without proper compensation, or feeling like you can’t speak up, your career may already be accelerating toward a dead end. These are only a few of the symptoms of an engineering job gone wrong.

Or maybe you feel like you’ve been pegged: the invisible developer, the awkward communicator, the underachiever. You’re juggling multiple projects, chasing bugs, learning new skills, but you don’t feel like you’re growing, and your career trajectory looks flat.

What can you do about it?

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16种构建更好开发团队的方法 周一,2016年6月20日7点33分00秒-0700 保罗Heltzel 保罗Heltzel <本文> <节课=“页面”>

有关的摇滚明星开发者都在谈论,大家都知道它需要一个强有力的,协调一致的团队协同工作以获得最佳的工作完成。So here’s the question: What does it take to establish a great team of developers who create great products and work well across departments?

We reached out to tech executives and engineering managers who have done exactly that and asked them to share their hard-earned wisdom of team building.

From finding the best fit for your next hire to keeping your team fresh and motivated, the following collective advice will have your team coding at its best.

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开发人员会犯的7个致命的职业错误 周一年,2016年5时55分00秒-0700 5月16日 保罗Heltzel 保罗Heltzel

You'll find no shortage of career motivational phrases surrounding failure: Fail fast, failure builds character, the key to success is failure, mistakes make you grow, never be afraid to fail. But the idea of mistaking your way to the top of the software industry is probably unsound. Every developer will have their share of missteps in a career but why not learn from others’ experience -- and avoid the costliest errors?

That’s what we did: We talked with a number of tech pros who helped us identify areas where mistakes are easily avoided. Not surprising, the key to a solid dev career involves symmetry: Not staying with one stack or job too long, for example, but then again not switching languages and employers so often that you raise red flags.

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《成功之路:科技领袖通晓一切 星期一,2016年3月28日5点35分○○秒-0700 保罗Heltzel 保罗Heltzel

If you’ve ever looked around your company headquarters and thought to yourself: “I should be running things,” maybe you’re right. For those with vision, tech chops, and people skills -- along with a laser focus on turning a profit -- being a company’s tech lead may be the right fit.

But you have questions: “How do I get started? Do I need a graduate degree? And what’s it like to manage effectively at the highest levels?”

Luckily, we have answers from a range of technology executives from firms around the country -- long-established players and plucky startups. These experts shared what it takes to lead, how they began, what they learned along the way, and the best way to make the leap to the top of the org chart.

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你现在需要掌握的13项开发技能 星期一,2016年2月29日06:25:00 -0800 保罗Heltzel 保罗Heltzel

Heavy weighs the crown of the developer king.

Yes, as software eats the world, demand for skilled developers remains high. But software’s pervasiveness -- from the server to the cloud to the coming onslaught of wearable and IoT devices -- means far greater responsibilities for software engineers and the need to constantly expand your skills.

Companies are now frequently looking for someone who is comfortable with every layer of the development stack, has the ability to extract insights from massive data sets, and can think strategically about devices to come, all while reconsidering old systems using the latest languages and frameworks. It’s enough to have no idea where to start.

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如何在即将到来的科技零工经济中蓬勃发展 周一,2015年10月26日6时29分00秒-0700 保罗Heltzel 保罗Heltzel

Disruptive technologies do more than shake up markets -- they drastically alter the way we work. And it’s not only nonstop cost cutting that has businesses favoring IT contractors they can bring on -- or scale back -- as necessary without paying benefits. Emerging platforms, in particular around the cloud, have many organizations shifting their staffing models toward project-based, contingent work in hopes of landing the key skills necessary for their businesses to stay competitive in a constantly evolving technical landscape.

In short, the days of decades-long careers in corporate environments may be dwindling for many IT pros, and while millennials coming of age in tomorrow’s gig-based tech employment market may be attracted to the idea of remote work for multiple clients -- as can be seen by the growth of co-working environments -- not everyone is prepared to embrace a nomadic future of career contingency.

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未来云:一个IT职业生涯将会是什么样到五年以后 2015年9月8日星期二06:21:00 -0700 保罗Heltzel 保罗Heltzel

Don't get us wrong: In today's quickly evolving tech world, it's easy to get lost chasing the turbulent present moment. The pace of change can be dizzying, and keeping up on everything that's emerging in IT today can drive even the most devoted tech worker to distraction.

But IT pros who don't take the time to lift their heads and assess the likely IT landscape five years out may be asking for career trouble. Because one fact is clear: Organizations of all stripes are increasingly moving IT infrastructure to the cloud. In fact, most IT pros who've pulled all-nighters, swapping in hard drives or upgrading systems while co-workers slept, probably won't recognize their offices' IT architecture -- or the lack thereof -- in five years.

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