有个足球雷竞技appPatrick Thibodeau //m.amiribrahem.com en - us 2020年9月28日星期一18:27:23 -0700 2020年9月28日星期一18:27:23 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 美国法律允许低H-1B工资;只是看看苹果 周一,2017年5时09分00秒-0700 5月15日 Patrick Thibodeau和Sharon Machlis Patrick Thibodeau和Sharon Machlis

If you work at Apple's One Infinite Loop headquarters in Cupertino as a computer programmer on an H-1B visa, you can can be paid as little as $52,229. That's peanuts in Silicon Valley. Average wages for a programmer in Santa Clara County are more than $93,000 a year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

However, the U.S. government will approve visa applications for Silicon Valley programmers at $52,229 -- and, in fact, did so for hundreds of potential visa holders at Apple alone.

To be clear, this doesn't mean there are hundreds of programmers at Apple working for that paltry sum. Apple submitted a form to the U.S. saying it was planning on hiring 150 computer programmers beginning June 14 at this wage. But it's not doing that.

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三分之一的虚拟服务器是僵尸 星期五,2017年5月12日04:33:00 -0700 帕特里克锡伯杜 帕特里克锡伯杜 <文章> <节类=“网页”>

新的研究发现,所有的物理服务器的25% - 和所有虚拟服务器的30% - 是昏迷。这些是不具有活性的过去六个月系统。

与昏迷,或僵尸的问题,物理服务器是众所周知的。过去的研究的有经常把不死企业物理服务器的数量在20%至30%范围内。但这个最新的研究看着虚拟服务器,以及,他们可以代表显著成本,IT部门 <抛开类=“fakesidebar”> [延伸阅读:The行军]

That's because users may be paying licensing fees on their virtual servers, as well as on the software they support, said the researchers.

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为国会培训h - 1b接班人的IT工作者 星期二,2017年5月9日四点58分00秒-0700 帕特里克锡伯杜 帕特里克锡伯杜

Craig Diangelo was an IT worker at Northeast Utilities in Connecticut until he completed training his H-1B-visa-holding replacement. He was one of about 200 who lost their jobs in 2014 after two India-based IT offshore outsourcing firms took over their work at what is now called Eversource.

Diangelo, at first, was quiet, bound by severance agreements signed with the company. Then he started speaking out.

craig diangelo Craig Diangelo

Craig Diangelo

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解雇IT员工以提起歧视诉讼 2017年4月27日星期四16:46:00 -0700 帕特里克锡伯杜 帕特里克锡伯杜

The University of California IT workers replaced by an offshore outsourcing firm intend to file a lawsuit challenging their dismissal. The lawsuit may be filed as early as next week.

It will allege that the tech workers at the university's San Francisco campus were victims of age and national origin discrimination.

The IT employees lost their jobs in February after the university hired India-based IT services firm HCL. Approximately 50 full-time university employees lost their jobs, but another 30 contractor positions were cut as well.

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常见问题:特朗普H-1B行政命令的真正影响 星期三,2017年4月26日五时57分00秒-0700 帕特里克锡伯杜 帕特里克锡伯杜

President Donald Trump is calling for "a long-overdue reform of H-1B visas." But what changes does he want, and can he get Congress to agree?

Here's a look at some some of the key questions around Trump's visa reform effort and his "Hire American, Buy American" executive order.

What's the most important thing that Trump wants to accomplish?

In issuing his executive order, Trump called the "totally random" H-1B lottery "wrong." He wants the visas distributed to "the most-skilled and highest-paid" applicants. He wants to end "abuse."

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Linux、个人电脑和特朗普的“买美国货”问题 周五,2017年4月21日4时08分00秒-0700 帕特里克锡伯杜 帕特里克锡伯杜

Some PCs are assembled in the U.S., but not many. This includes those from Lenovo, the China-based firm that runs a factory in North Carolina. Apple operates a Mac Pro assembly plant in Austin, but makes many of its other products overseas.

Lenovo and Apple may have an edge in selling PCs to the U.S., under President Donald Trump's recently signed "Hire American, Buy American" executive order signed this week, say analysts.

All PCs are made with components sourced globally, but vendors that assemble products in the U.S. may gain preference. Trump's executive order doesn't spell out how "buying American" will work for IT suppliers -- if it happens at all.

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H-1B签证申请单;特朗普效应 2017年4月18日星期二05:32:00 -0700 帕特里克锡伯杜 帕特里克锡伯杜

The U.S. government today said it received 199,000 H-1B visa petitions for the upcoming 2018 fiscal year -- 37,000 less than in 2016.

The government will issue 85,000 visas distributed via a computer-generated lottery. The winners will be able to use their visas at the start of the federal fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1.

Industry analysts see President Donald Trump's actions and campaign rhetoric as having had an impact on the offshore outsourcing industry, which includes the largest users of H-1B visa workers. Firms considering shipping IT jobs overseas appear now to be more cautious than in recent years.

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招聘和员工跟踪的奇怪新世界 星期二,2017年4月18日五时30分00秒-0700 帕特里克锡伯杜 帕特里克锡伯杜 <本文> <节课=“页面”>




“那是相当的公共知识,”贝特朗Dussert,人力资本管理(HCM)改造的副总裁和思想领导力甲骨文。“你可以组装销售人员的已知列表,并将其与地理标记的鸣叫。”(线索可以在网络上找到。举例来说,看到这个企业博客文章的 意大利等待Adobe公司的顶级销售表演 )。 To阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3190609/the-strange-new-world-of-hiring-and-employee-tracking.html 特朗普下令对H-1B进行大规模改革 2017年4月18日星期二05:26:00 -0700 帕特里克锡伯杜 帕特里克锡伯杜

President Donald Trump will sign an executive order Tuesday dubbed "Buy American, Hire American" that calls for sweeping reform of the H-1B visa process.

Its centerpiece is the replacement of the H-1B lottery with a system that distributes visas on the basis of wages, skills and education.

"We want to switch away from a random lottery system, in which it's weighted toward the lowest wage workers, towards a system that prioritizes higher skilled, higher paid workers," said a senior administration official, in a background briefing to reporters on the condition that officials not be identified.

Such an H-1B reform "would make it much more difficult to use it to replace American workers," the administration official said.

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雷竞技电脑网站随着用户转向租用服务器,数据中心的数量减少 2017年4月11日星期二04:56:00 -0700 帕特里克锡伯杜 帕特里克锡伯杜

Data centers are declining worldwide both in numbers and square footage, according to IDC -- a remarkable change for an industry that has seen booming growth for many years.

Users are consolidating data centers and increasingly renting server power. These two trends are having a major impact on data center space.

The number of data centers worldwide peaked at 8.55 million in 2015, according to IDC. That figure began declining last year, and is expected to drop to an expected 8.4 million this year. By 2021, the research firm expects there to be 7.2 million data centers globally, more than 15% fewer than in 2015.

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美国寻求限制使用入门级的H-1B程序员 2017年4月6日星期四14:08:00 -0700 帕特里克锡伯杜 帕特里克锡伯杜

The U.S. government is taking action that will likely increase the visa denial rates of H-1B programmers, a move that could help U.S. nationals, both in terms of wages and jobs.

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) wants programmers who offer skills that are specialized or unique. That means firms seeking to hire programmers at entry-level wages may see their H-1B visa requests denied.

There's a reason the U.S. doesn't want entry-level visa workers.

Take for instance, Michigan, a state that President Donald Trump won. The prevailing wage for an entry-level computer programmer in Flint is $38,000, while the mean wage for that occupation in the city is $60,000.

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H-1B签证的雇主面临更严格的规定 星期四,2017年4月6日5时19分00秒-0700 帕特里克锡伯杜 帕特里克锡伯杜

The federal government is doing something it has never done before: It's encouraging people to file H-1B abuse complaints.

This week the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and Department of Labor each posted information about how to file a complaint against suspected H-1B abuse. It's a clear signal that government scrutiny of H-1B use will intensify and that the U.S. may challenge employers.

But it creates a dilemma aptly summed up by Norm Matloff, a professor of computer science at the University of California at Davis, in a blog post titled, "American Victims of H-1B Get Their Chance -- Will They Take It?"

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特朗普“积极”考虑新的H-1B配偶工作规则 2017年4月4日星期二05:04:00 -0700 帕特里克锡伯杜 帕特里克锡伯杜 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


这已成为的为约180,000 H-1B签证持有人的配偶一个高风险的情况下

+相关H-1B签证持有人获得了2014年这些工作权是夫妻。COM /条/ 3167073 /职业/王牌-评论 - 右的H-1B配偶到work.html“>王牌评语右H-1B配偶工作 +

司法部表示,更换美国工人可能会提起诉讼 2017年4月4日星期二05:01:00 -0700 帕特里克锡伯杜 帕特里克锡伯杜 <文章> <节类=“网页”>

的H-1B程序的批评无可庆祝,到目前为止,从总统川普。He promised reforms of the visa program during the campaign, but nothing has happened of consequence -- at least until Monday.

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a warning to H-1B employers not to use the visa program to discriminate against U.S. workers. And it promised to investigate and prosecute employers who do so.

By itself, the Justice Department notice may be a poor consolation prize to critics who wanted more. But if the DOJ files a lawsuit alleging discrimination against U.S. workers "because of their citizenship or national origin in hiring, firing and recruiting" it may be breaking ground.

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法官裁定,H-1B彩票的机会游戏是合法的 2017年3月24日星期五05:27:00 -0700 帕特里克锡伯杜 帕特里克锡伯杜 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


The case was heard by U.S. District Court Judge Michael Simon in Oregon; in a 31-page opinion, Simon said that the government's random visa distribution method does not violate the law.

The judge's ruling means that there will no changes to the H-1B distribution system this year.

On April 1, the U.S. will receive visa petitions, or applications, for the 2018 fiscal year that begins Oct. 1. The U.S. holds a lottery if the petitions exceed the 85,000 cap -- an almost certain outcome.

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