有个足球雷竞技app网络世界科林·尼格尔 //m.amiribrahem.com en - us 周六,2020年6月27日3时05分29秒-0700 周六,2020年6月27日3时05分29秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 一座耗资10亿美元的“鬼城”计划用于测试物联网和无人驾驶汽车 星期二,2016年2月16日十三点14分00秒-0800 科林·尼格尔 科林·尼格尔

Why would a company spend $1 billion to build a city where no one will live? Because, presumably, a lot of other organizations will pay to test their technology there.

Washington, DC-based telecommunications and defense equipment vendor Pegasus Systems devoted a reported $1 billion to build the Center for Innovation, Testing and Evaluation (or CITE for short) in rural New Mexico. The idea is to build the equivalent of a medium-sized city, defined as big enough for about 35,000 people, but with no actual population. That way, companies with potentially dangerous technologies can test their prototypes in an actual urban environment without worrying about inflicting injury or death on innocent bystanders. This will naturally lend itself to researching connected car technology – Wired's Jeep hack from last year comes to mind – although the project's website lists several other fields of study, many of which would involve the Internet of Things. The project's website lists federal labs and university research institutions among the kinds of customers it aims to serve, but Pegasus managing director Robert Brumley told Fortune in October "the facility is open to anybody who wants to test."  

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收拾烂摊子,让你的家井然有序 2016年2月11日星期四11:57:00 -0800 科林·尼格尔 科林·尼格尔 <本文> <节课= “页面”>


Fjallstrom解释说,他的灵感应用于怠于他的个人生活看到它对他的团队在工作的影响后。于是,他用松弛的自由层 - 适用于iOS,安卓,Mac和Windows和允许您通过最近的10,000条消息浏览贴出来 - 而平添了几分智慧,帮助组织一个四口之家的物流 要完整地阅读这篇文章,请点击此处 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3032529/hacking-slack-to-keep-your-house-in-order.html 美国情报机构负责人宣称物联网作为一个间谍机会 2016年2月10日星期三12:18:00 -0800 科林·尼格尔 科林·尼格尔

In a brief aside during a Senate testimony on overall national security this week, U.S. director of national intelligence James Clapper justified the privacy and security advocates who have warned of the implications of the Internet of Things (IoT) since before it was a buzzword.

"In the future, intelligence services might use the [Internet of Things] for identification, surveillance, monitoring, location tracking, and targeting for recruitment, or to gain access to networks or user credentials," Clapper said, according to The Guardian.

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Netflix标签在PayPal切断VPN用户,但它能工作吗? 2016年2月9日星期二08:00 -0800 科林·尼格尔 科林·尼格尔

In very convenient timing for Netflix, whose planned expansion to 130 new countries will require a crackdown on people who use Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to view content that is restricted in their region due to copyright, PayPal has announced that it will stop processing payments to VPN services, BGR reported today.

The reported announcement comes just a few days after one VPN service, UnoTelly in Canada, informed its users that PayPal had ceased processing payments for its customers on copyright grounds. UnoTelly called the decision an attack on "services that enable open and unrestricted Internet access." However, an Ars Technica article pointed out that UnoTelly's site claims its SmartDNS service "removes geo-blocks imposed by streaming sites and allows you to watch geo-restricted channels regardless of where you live."

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美国橄榄球联盟第50届超级碗3D打印亮相 周五,2016年2月5日八点16分00秒-0800 科林·尼格尔 科林·尼格尔

Carolina Panthers (and NFL All-Pro) linebacker Thomas Davis vowed nearly two weeks ago that he wouldn't let a broken arm and subsequent surgery keep him from playing in his first Super Bowl.

It seemed unlikely at the time, but with Super Bowl 50 just a few days away, Davis has turned to 3D printing technology to help get him and the right arm he broke in the last game he played onto the field. 3-D Elite and Whiteclouds designed and 3D printed a custom sleeve to support the metal plate and 12 screws currently holding Davis's arm together.

3d printed sleeve Thomas Davis Carolina Panthers Whiteclouds

The companies made clear that the sleeve will be the first piece of 3D-printed equipment to be used on the field during an NFL game, but more broadly, it will probably be the best-known use of 3D printing since the first 3D-printed gun fired its first shot in May 2013.

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Sigfox计划如何将其低功耗物联网网络推广到美国 2016年2月2日星期二12:42:00 -0800 科林·尼格尔 科林·尼格尔

Sigfox, a French networking company whose technology is already supporting large Internet of Things (IoT) deployments in several countries in Europe, has its sights set on the U.S. market.

The company hasn't been shy about its plans for U.S. expansion in 2016. By the end of the first quarter, Sigfox claims its networks will be up and running in 10 U.S. cities: San Francisco, San Jose, Los Angeles, New York, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, and Austin, Texas.

So, how does the company plan to accomplish this? And how can it succeed in establishing a nationwide network for the IoT?

What is Sigfox?

Sigfox deploys Low-Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) that work in concert with hardware that manufacturers can integrate into their products. In terms of compatibility, the network takes a similar approach to traditional GSM networks. Any device with integrated Sigfox hardware can connect to the internet – in regions where a Sigfox network has been deployed – without any external hardware, like a Wi-Fi or Zigbee router. But, in another sense, the Sigfox network is entirely different than traditional GSM networks, in that it can only transmit small amounts of data, at just 100 bits per second.

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多久会消费者提供物联网的失败忍受? 2016年1月7日星期四13:41:00 -0800 科林·尼格尔 科林·尼格尔

A recurring theme undercutting the enthusiasm surrounding the Internet of Things and smart home at CES this week has been how the shortcomings of the technology could hold back the market. How long will consumers put up with products that don't work, fail to connect to the network, or put their privacy at risk?

A panel of IoT support experts speaking at CES today explained that, while some of the better-known products, like Google's Nest thermostat, are designed with easy setup and connectivity, many others fall short in important areas. Since consumers aren't always necessarily equipped to resolve these issues on their own, these concerns threaten to hold the IoT market back from reaching its lofty projections.

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2016年消费电子展:FCC主席惠勒预测无线频谱拍卖将是一场“盛会” 2016年1月6日星期三16:09:00 -0800 科林·尼格尔 科林·尼格尔

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is clearly excited. 

In a one-on-one interview with Consumer Technology Association president and CEO Gary Shapiro at CES in Las Vegas today, Wheeler spoke colorfully about the upcoming spectrum auction, promising a "spectrum extravaganza" and hinting at a more wide-reaching auction than some have predicted

In March, the FCC is expected to launch the first rounds of a complex nationwide auction in which wireless carriers can bid to acquire spectrum owned by TV broadcasting stations, which would bolster their networks to help meet demand for mobile broadband. With the exception of Sprint, which has announced that it will not bid for spectrum (it acquired a large stock of spectrum in its 2012 acquisition of Clearwire), the auction is expected to attract many wireless service providers and even other companies like Google that have a vested interest in acquiring spectrum.

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CES 2016年,我们何时才能看到真正的5G? 星期三,2016年1月6日9点二十分零零秒-0800 科林·尼格尔 科林·尼格尔 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


弗林特援引韩国的说法,这将亮相5G无线,这是他们的每秒(Gbps)的数据传输速度的所有用户,当它承载冬季奥运会在2018指定为20个千兆位。火石也称为Verizon的首席信息和技术建筑师罗杰Gurnani的大胆权利要求在九月接受CNET ,该公司将开始‘的商业部署的某种程度的’在2017年。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3019525/ces-2016-when-will-we-see-the-real-5g.html 2016年CES:物联网为什么需要光纤宽带才能成功 2016年1月5日星期二13:51:00 -0800 科林·尼格尔 科林·尼格尔

A panel of fiber broadband experts speaking at CES 2016 in Las Vegas this week said the Internet of Things (IoT) will not only benefit from fiber-optic broadband, it will require it.

Katie Espeseth, vice president of new products for EPB – the Electronic Power Board in Chattanooga, Tennessee, responsible for building and maintaining one of the country's most famous fiber-optic networks – explained that the country's first gigabit-speed municipal broadband network was built to support an IoT application.

Tasked with maintaining power supply to the city, the EPB sought to deploy a series of supercomputers that would constantly monitor the power grid throughout the city. This called for an always-on, gigabit-speed internet service.

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CES 2016:汽车行业面临互联汽车、自动驾驶技术的挑战 星期二,2016年1月5日12:34:00 -0800 科林·尼格尔 科林·尼格尔

The stakes are high in the auto industry right now. New technologies, from connected cars to autonomous driving capabilities, create the potential for a revolution in the industry, but also pose challenges that could result in disaster if they are deployed before either the technology or the drivers are ready.

Jill Ingrassia, managing director of government relations and traffic safety advocacy for AAA, spoke during a panel at CES today about the potential for in-car technology to help address the epidemic of auto-related fatalities in the U.S., which reached a new low in 2014 but still amount to about an average of one auto-related death every 15 minutes. 

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2016年CES最佳图片:物联网接管的一年 星期二,2016年1月5日7时43分〇〇秒-0800 科林·尼格尔 科林·尼格尔 <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >物联网,家庭网络主导CES 2016 < / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100635063 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/12/ces -预览- 2016 - 100635063 - orig.jpeg“data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/12/ces -预览- 2016 - 100635063 - orig.jpeg“alt = " 2016 CES预览" / > < div class = " slideBody " > < p > CES 2016本周开始明显转变重点从过去几年的智能手机和平板电脑越来越连接家里的传播物联网。在今年的CES展会上,智能家庭相关技术随处可见,同时,为了适应物联网和流媒体内容的兴起,最大化家庭网络再次成为重中之重。< / p > < p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " / / 3017710 /条最好的- - - - - - - ces 2016年-在-图片- - -物联网了。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

2016年康卡斯特将如何推出千兆宽带 2015年12月22日星期二07:54:00 -0800 科林·尼格尔 科林·尼格尔

Comcast has made a breakthrough that could enable it to offer gigabit-speed broadband to its existing network without going through the exhaustive, and expensive, process of building out a new fiber network. 

Through this process, Comcast said it will offer a new gigabit-speed service by the end of 2016.

In a blog post published today, Comcast said it ran successful tests of what it's calling "the world's first DOCSIS 3.1 modem on a customer-facing network" at a home in Philadelphia last month. The DOCSIS standard increases the amount of data that can be transferred over existing cable TV systems, with version 3.1 capable of boosting speed to 10 Gigabit-per-second (Gbps) downstream and 1 Gbps upstream. 

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伯尼·桑德斯竞选声称DNC选民数据被泄露多次 2015年12月18日星期五13:21:00 -0800 科林·尼格尔 科林·尼格尔

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has suspended the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign from access to its database of Democratic voter information after a staffer on the Sanders campaign improperly accessed proprietary data belonging to the rival campaign of Hillary Clinton, the Washington Post reported today.

The Sanders campaign announced that it has fired the staffer over the incident. However, the campaign has also insisted that the data in the DNC database had been exposed on other occasions during the campaign.

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由于AT&T在流落后的T-Mobile的一位高管指责网络中立 星期四,2015年12月3日9点49分00秒-0800 科林·尼格尔 科林·尼格尔

Unlike some of its competitors, like Comcast and T-Mobile, which have released products that some believe violate the FCC's net neutrality regulations, AT&T was apparently forced to shelve several new products as a result of the new regulations.

Speaking at the Phoenix Center's annual U.S. Telecoms Symposium earlier this week, AT&T senior vice president Bob Quinn said that, since the FCC reclassified broadband as a utility, the company has "had to shelve a bunch of stuff because we've got to wait and see."

The new legal environment has also restricted AT&T's ability to develop new services, Quinn said at the event. 

"Since the Open Internet order came out we've had weekly calls with the business units and literally 15 lawyers who are all trying to figure out whether that stuff we've invested in ... would be a violation of the order," he said, according to a Politico report

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