有个足球雷竞技app网络世界本·凯普斯 //m.amiribrahem.com EN-US 2020年4月15日星期三20:38:51 -0700 2020年4月15日星期三20:38:51 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 互联网(直播)的东西:跟踪奶牛的饮食习惯 2017年7月3日星期一09:42:00 -0700 本·凯普 本·凯普

Consumer Physics is all about enabling people to get a better handle on their field, receiving dock or production line. The company offers the SCiO pocket-sized spectrometer, which enables farmers and agricultural organizations to analyze the makeup of the forage that dairy cows are grazing.

In the past there was a dual barrier to really taking action on this data—spectrometers were big and clunky and the data was disconnected from operational systems. But Consumer Physics is closing that loop by making the device smaller and connecting it to a smartphone application and the cloud.

+ Also on Network World: John Deere leads the way with IoT-driven precision farming +

So, given this Internet of Things play, it is particularly interesting to hear that Cargill, a huge multinational in the food, agriculture, financial, and industrial products and services space is partnering with Consumer Physics to deliver a new joint offering: Reveal. Reveal is a real-time forage analysis service that puts the formerly hard to attain Cargill forage lab analysis in the palm of a hand.

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汉莎航空系统公司向Portworx提供有状态集装箱 星期二,2017年6月27日05:00:00 -0700 本·凯普 本·凯普 <文章> <节类=“页”>

当多克尔第一(重新)普及了使用基于容器的基础设施的,有一点的周围相关的容器中的存储问题的讨论。Two startups came into being to try and resolve the issue: ClusterHQ and Portworx.

While ClusterHQ flamed out, Portworx is still going strong and today announced a high-profile and interesting case study.

To clarify exactly what Portworx does, users can use it to manage any database or stateful service on any infrastructure using any container scheduler, including Kubernetes, Mesosphere DC/OS and Docker Swarm. Portworx solves the five most common problems DevOps teams encounter when running containerized databases and other stateful services in production: persistence, high availability, data automation, support for multiple data stores and infrastructure, and security. As such, Portworx technology is ideally suited for solution verticals such as databases, messaging queues, continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), big data, and content management. 

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PitchBook转向了微服务基础设施——通过可扩展的技术扩展业务 星期一,2017年6月26日9点52分零零秒-0700 本·凯普 本·凯普

PitchBook is a data company. Its reason for being is to provide a platform that tracks a plethora of different aspects of both private and public markets. Want to know about what’s happening in venture capital, private equity or M&A? Chances are PitchBook can give you the answer. The company is a subsidiary of Morningstar and has offices in Seattle, New York, and London.

But here’s the thing, though. PitchBook was founded in 2007 when cloud computing was pretty much just beginning and there was no real awareness of what it meant. In those days, enterprise IT agility meant leveraging virtualization to gain efficiencies. Now don’t get me wrong, moving from a paradigm of racking and stacking physical servers to being able to spin up virtual servers at will is a big deal, it’s just that since 2007, there has been massive further innovation in the infrastructure space.

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OwnBackup希望扩大备份的范围 星期三,2017年6月21日06:00:00 -0700 本·凯普 本·凯普 <文章> <节类=“网页”>

OwnBackup是云对云的备份和恢复的供应商,旨在提供安全的,自动化的,daily 的。OwnBackup通过公都把恢复,数据保护和安全专家创立,是一个Salesforce的合作伙伴和高度居上的Salesforce AppExchange的

除了通常的备份和恢复选项, OwnBackup 对在更广泛的备份和恢复的空间有什么备份的真正含义,并提供数据的比较和恢复工具,提供更精细的控制更广泛服用。

占卜师为工业物联网提供资金 2017年6月19日星期一09:00:00 -0700 本·凯普 本·凯普

Ever since outgoing GE CEO Jeff Immelt opined upon his organization’s move from being an industrial machinery vendor to a software one, the world has been increasingly interested in the opportunities introduced by the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

IIoT simply refers to the increasing trend towards industrial machinery being connected to the internet and pinging off all sort of interesting data that can then be monitored and analyzed. And while it is fair to say that connected industrial machinery has been around for a long time (via SCADA and PLCs), the difference today is that under the IIoT, it is general the public internet that has all this data traversing on it. Further, increasingly customers are looking to the IIoT to deliver efficiencies, create agility and reduce downtime.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3200771/augury-scoops-up-cash-to-power-the-industrial-iot.html GE的Predix希望帮助工业物联网大放异彩 周一,2017年6月12日05:00:00 -0700 本·凯普 本·凯普

GE has always had technology as a core part of its offering. After all, you don’t build wind turbines, jet engines and gas plants without leveraging technology. But in recent years, the company has moved from being an industrial company that uses technology to an outright vendor of technology solutions.

A core part of this approach is by powering what GE calls the Industrial IoT, that is all the connected devices that are used in industrial settings of every kind. Predix is GE’s platform for the industrial IoT, and it promises to connect machines, data and people to drive results. Predix offers a single platform based in the cloud that can reconcile all the disparate data feeds and information streams pouring out of the industrial IoT.

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Armis希望解决物联网安全问题 星期二,2017年6月6日六点26分00秒-0700 本·凯普 本·凯普

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a big deal. A really big one.

There are approximately 8 billion connected devices on the market today, collectively accounting for 50 percent of internet traffic. And that is but a taste of the future—the number of devices is anticipated to increase 150 percent in the next three years. And where growth like that is predicted, every man and his dog is keen to grab market share. The security for IoT space is no different.

+ Also on Network World: A lack of IoT security is scaring the heck out of everybody +

There are some justified reasons why security in this new IoT context will be different. Connected devices (e.g., laptops, webcams, HVAC systems, etc.) are designed to connect wirelessly, without corporate oversight or control. This creates a dynamic, ever-expanding matrix of connections that not only boosts employee productivity and business efficiency, but simultaneously flies under the radar of security.

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云帮助埃隆·马斯克实现他的大胆目标 周五,2017年6月2日7时50分零零秒-0700 本·凯普 本·凯普

There are some people whose vision of the future simply defy words. I would put Elon Musk firmly in the category – changing the world through a single initiative isn’t Musk’s style, rather, he wants to deliver his vision of the future across multiple areas. Space travel? Check. Hyper-efficient terrestrial transportation? Also check. Personal automobiles that challenge both existing business and technology models? Check. Solar power with new economics and scale? Also check. While many would question his political leanings, there is no denying that Musk is a genius.

I’ve never met Musk, but watching him speak it is obvious that this is one visionary who not only sees a “bigger picture” for the future of humanity, but he also deeply understands the technology constraints and opportunities that will deliver the future. Which is an inspiring thing to watch, but which also places huge challenges upon the individuals who need to deliver that work. By extension, it also pushes the boundaries of what existing technologies can do.

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使用XebiaLabs向Paychex交付敏捷性 2017年5月30日星期二21:25:00 -0700 本·凯普 本·凯普

Recently development and DevOps vendor XebiaLabs reached out to me to see if I’d be keen to talk to one of their customers. XebiaLabs wanted to point out that while they are totally amped on their own products and believe they do awesome things for their customers, the best proof of that is to talk to a real life customer and assess the benefits directly from the horse’s mouth as it where.

That sounded like a logical proposition to me, and after a concerted effort by their PR agency to get me to agree to a call (because I’m a little bit busy, and a little bit lazy), I sat down with Paychex's Dave Wilson, director of infrastructure, and Mick Whittemore, vice president of IT, to talk about what XebiaLabs helped them achieve.

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PureSec选择投资,因为没有服务器是令人兴奋的 2017年5月24日星期三06:00:00 -0700 本·凯普 本·凯普 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

在以色列去年年底,我赶上了振荡寻和AVI舒尔曼,保安公司的 PureSec 。PureSec是有点难题的。它在做重要的工作,但在仍然新生的空间:无服务器计算。因此,它是有一个很难关节连接它的价值主张,让投资者了解并承诺他们的故事。

我发现这个难题有趣。无服务器计算,毕竟,相当高的炒作周期。自从亚马逊网络服务(AWS)通过其 LAMBDA 提供在几年前推出了无服务器的概念,所有的厂商都争相商业化自己的无服务器产品。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3197557/puresec-picks-up-investment-because-serverless-is-exciting.html Capriza为企业兜售其移动优先战略 2017年5月23日星期二06:00:00 -0700 本·凯普 本·凯普 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

企业软件,其中希望和梦想去死。And where new employees are unceremoniously pulled into a new reality—that the tools they use in their day-to-day lives as consumers are a world apart from the tools they’re expected to use in their working lives.

But whereas it used to be a case of employees simply putting up and shutting up, increasingly employees are powerful advocates and potential change-makers—and organizations need to be ready to respond to their needs with tools that aren’t so abysmal to use.

+ Also on Network World: A mobile-first strategy improves employee productivity, study finds +

Of course, the traditional enterprise vendors, such as Oracle and SAP, realize this change is coming and are trying their hardest to deliver more user-friendly interactions. But as Clayton Christensen explained in his seminal book, The innovator’s Dilemma, this isn’t such an easy change to effect.

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DataStax要管理的Apache Cassandra的任何地方 星期二,2017年05:00:00 -0700 5月23日 本·凯普 本·凯普

In the early days of the cloud, a decade or so ago, the conversations were generally parsed in terms of it being a zero-sum game. Either the cloud would win or on-premises would. Either public cloud would crush private cloud or the other way round. And if the public cloud were to win, then it would be a fight to the death between Google, Microsoft and Amazon.

But we’ve all gotten a little more nuanced since then, and most people accept that some kind of hybrid offering will likely be the default for the vast majority of organizations into the future. With a few exception, most organizations will take a little bit of this, add it to a little bit of that, and throw in some of that stuff for good measure.

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RackWare,像其他人,正在到处管理混合云 星期四,2017年5月18日05:00:00 -0700 本·凯普 本·凯普 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


该公司今天发布了其管理套件,旨在扩展现有的核心RackWare发行的新尝试。新平台的承诺,为企业提供一个单一的解决方案移动应用程序,保护那些相同的应用程序和管理整个基础设施的全部所有不同的应用程序(他们称之为玻璃的单窗格忍住了)。理由移动,RackWare指向表明重云用户的70%IDC最近报告正在考虑混合云策略。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3195041/rackware-like-everyone-wants-to-manage-hybrid-clouds-everywhere.html BackupAssist需要有中小企业备份工具在时间退后一步 周一,2017年9点43分○○秒-0700 5月15日 本·凯普 本·凯普

I live my life in two worlds. The most visible world, at least to this audience, involves spending lots of time in Silicon Valley and the U.S. generally and conversing with the technology illuminati—those who “get” technology, the cloud and what it can offer the world.

In my other life, I live in a small (like, tiny) rural village in deepest, darkest New Zealand. I’m surrounded by fine folk, the so-called “salt of the earth” who make a living from the land, sheep, grapes and the rural sector generally. To these folks, technology is simply another tool to add to the arsenal of tools they have at their disposal.

+ Also on Network World: Deep dive on AWS vs. Azure vs. Google cloud storage options +

For these people, cloud isn’t always an already-adopted opportunity. Rather they use a variety of technology products and services. I have a friend who runs an agricultural service business whose operational software is a DOS-based solution. While this may have friends in the technology world rolling their eyes and shaking their heads, it is the reality of the “real world.” As an aside, I’ve said for the longest time that technology companies should spend lots of time away from the usual early-adopter suspects to better understand the real user stories and needs of their customers.

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信号科学要保护所有Web 星期二,2017年5月9日06:00:00 -0700 本·凯普 本·凯普

The security space is one area where there are a massive number of vendors all offering to solve particular discrete problems. That is all well and good if you have a singular, discrete problem to solve, but what happens if you’re looking for a solution that covers the totality of your needs?

Signal Science wants to be the answer to that question, the company offers a web protection product that covers cloud, physical and containerized infrastructure and provides security prioritization based on where applications are targeted. Signal Sciences claims Under Armour, Etsy, Yelp and Shutterstock as customers.

+ Also on Network World: What to ask when selecting application security solutions +

The company is making a dual announcement today. The first about its platform overall; the second is some fundraising news. Since fundraising is often seen as a validation of the product story, I’ll cover off the money side of things first. Signal Sciences has raised a $15 million Series B funding round led by Charles River Ventures.

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