
5件事情你需要知道的关于Windows 10

With the upcoming release of Windows 10, Microsoft looks to rebound from the lukewarm reaction to Windows 8. Here are five things CIOs and other IT leaders should know about the next version of the OS.

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"The platform enables a new class of Windows universal apps -- apps that are truly written once, with one set of business logic and one UI," said Kevin Gallo, Microsoft's technical lead for the Windows Developer Platform, in a recent blog post.

For Microsoft, it's also a way to spur the number of apps available for Windows mobile devices, since mobile developers had been less than enthused about spending time and resources creating apps for Windows Phone, given its tiny user base -- 2.7 percent of the global smartphone OS market in 2014, according to IDC.

IDC的吉伦称通用应用平台“也许是最重要的技术包含在Windows 10.”

“我所看到的演示表明,这是一个将真正提高在Windows 10的经验,真正的解决办法,”他说。


而微软的优先级与Windows 10reverse the Windows 8 missteps, and to include advances in areas like security, the company is also delivering some glitzy, whiz-bang features with the new OS. For example, Windows 10 will include the following:

全息技术:视窗10provides what Microsoft calls a "holographic computing platform" with APIs for developers to create 3D apps and with a HoloLens, a head-mounted holographic computer for viewing holograms in high definition and hearing them in surround sound.

柯塔娜:微软对苹果的Siri,柯塔娜正在从Windows Phone的8.1移植到Windows 10,那么新的操作系统的用户可以使用自己的电脑,并使用语音命令应用程序进行交互。

两个浏览器:新的浏览器代码名为斯巴达项目将首次登陆与Windows 10它将由一个新的渲染引擎提供动力,并提供微软所说的“更可互操作的,可靠的和发现的体验。”高级功能包括网页注解,整洁的阅读模式和柯塔娜整合。

项目斯巴达被设计成“通用”的浏览器,这将在不同的设备上工作在Windows 10运行,并且将保持不断更新与安全和增强功能的服务。

在新的浏览器是专为IE现有站点向后兼容,但要确保将Windows 10次以及与需要旧技术支持旧版网站,操作系统也将与IE 11发布。


While early reviews of Windows 10 preview versions have been mostly positive, CIOs should have a detailed, strategic plan to evaluate the OS internally, not only to make sure it's stable but also to see how it performs specifically in their organization, with specific commercial and custom apps, hardware devices, and the like.

"We think it will be vital for CIOs to familiarize themselves with Windows 10. Forrester believes that unlike Windows 8 and 8.1, Windows 10 will be adopted as an enterprise IT standar," Forrester's Johnson said.

At L.A. Fitness, a group within the IT department has been testing Windows 10, and they haven't yet identified any concerns, but Bedar isn't taking any chances. He has decided the OS won't be rolled out until Microsoft comes out with the first service pack update.


This story, "5 things you need to know about Windows 10" was originally published byCIO

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