
视窗10growth hits the brakes

爆炸后一月时,Windows 10的涨幅显着慢 - 尽管微软已经接通升级自动交付


跟随ing explosive growth in January, Windows 10's gains in users and usage decelerated last month, data from three sources showed today.

The growth falloff varied by source, with one pegging it as the slowest rate since October, the second the most sluggish since November, and the third the most leisurely since December. All were in agreement, however, that Windows 10's growth was significantly smaller than in January, in some cases by just half as much.

周二数据公布由总部位于美国的分析供应商Net Applications的said视窗10所有的Windows电脑在年2月,前一个月1.1个百分点的增长动力驱动的14.2%。Net Applications的措施用户份额- 通过清点独立访客为客户的网站 - 用于运行特定操作系统的全球PC人口比例的代理。

Net Applications的视窗10增长,上个月刚刚一半月的2.2个百分点的增长,并勉强击败十二月1点的增益。

On the plus side, Windows 10's 14.2% user share put it ahead of the combined share of 2012's Windows 8 and its 2013 upgrade, Windows 8.1, for the first time in Net Applications' tracking.

微软最新的操作系统供电约2.13亿系统,根据计算机世界's calculations using Net Applications' numbers and Microsoft's oft-cited claim that 1.5 billion machines run a flavor of Windows. That would represent an increase of about 19 million in February, but would be significantly short of what Microsoft would likely tout, what with its assertion in early January that Windows 10 had been run on200 million devices在之前一个月。

Net Applications的数据仅包括个人电脑,而省略了其它设备 - 平板电脑,智能手机和视频游戏控制台 - 微软计数,因为它们要么运行Windows 10或变体。

A second data source -- Ireland'sStatCounter的-- portrayed Windows 10's February growth almost identically.

StatCounter的, which tracks global使用份额- 活动的措施,而不是用户,因为它吻合浏览过的网页 - 挂的Windows 10在所有的个人电脑的14.9%,二月份,1.2点的增益,或约前一个月增长70%。这是去年11月以来最小增幅由StatCounter的的测量,当企业略低于1.2个百分点挖掘增长。

第三个来源,数字分析程序(DAP),也是在二月份表现出增长放缓的Windows 10。

DAP collates visits to more than 4,000 websites on more than 400 different domains maintained by U.S. government agencies, so its data portrays a U.S.-centric audience.

据DAP时,Windows 10比上月上涨1.2个百分点,结束所有的Windows个人电脑的19.2%。增加的月份的一半,最小的自计算机世界开始录制DAP的成绩在九月。

In the grand scheme, a month's slowdown means little: Windows 10 has been, and will certainly continue to be, a success, if only because of the one-year free upgrade offer to consumers and many small businesses.

什么是有趣的增长放缓,它月份来到微软表示,它有enabled automatic downloads of the Windows 10 upgradeto PCs running Windows 7 or Windows 8.1. That move, which had been announced in October, delivers the upgrade bits to eligible PCs via Windows Update, then initiates the installation process.

微软has said that users could refuse the Windows 10 upgrade once installation begins, but has declined to say whether the upgrade starts in all cases, detail how the user authorization process plays out, and whether -- after a customer declines the upgrade -- it presents itself again later.

他们认为,这将导致在Windows 10的增长的主要上扬,但受Net Applications的,StatCounter的和DAP,该账户尚未发生


After an explosive January, Windows 10's gains slowed dramatically in February -- even though Microsoft switched on upgrade auto-delivery of the OS.



