
2014: The year smartwatches died



上周末发生了濒临突出的界线的东西......一对夫妇到达我的房子穿着匹配的智能手表。我认为这是惊人的,因为这些智能手表只有我在野外的真实人手腕上看到的第二个和第三。第一个在夏天在Tech会议上,并成为Google I / O会议的免费赠品。我住在旧金山,这是技术世界的事实上的资本。


  1. 能够在不推按钮的情况下告诉时间
  2. 活动跟踪
  3. Sleep tracking
  4. Ability to read alerts, message header, and texts
  5. 全天电池寿命
  6. 与iOS和Android智能手机兼容
  7. 至少作为时尚的传统手表时尚,而不宣布30英尺远的人

Like many people, I had high hopes for the Apple Watch, but the company’s fall announcement brought with it mixed reviews. And more to the point, unlike most Apple hardware announcements that are quickly followed by product availability, the actual product launch won’t happen until 2015.


In the meantime, I was初始报告兴奋微软乐队和Fitbit浪涌。我希望乐队能够在很酷的健身带状因子中提供SmartWatch功能。但审稿人发现该设备的设计笨拙和尴尬佩戴,而许多功能似乎没有正常工作。我仍然喜欢像智能手表一样起作用的健身乐队的想法,但我仍在等待某人提供符合这些期望的设备。

I’m also still waiting for the FitBit Surge, which seemed like it could address the issue from the other direction, bringing fitness band features to a fairly attractive smartwatch form factor. Alas, the Surge won’t be out in time for the 2014 holiday season either.

也可以看看:Fitbit激增和微软乐队:新衣物point toward the future

把它整合在一起,智能手表炒作到目前为止送达......除了更多的炒作外,并不多。谈到Smartwatches,2014年一直是史诗般的失败。对三星装备道歉,摩托车360,鹅卵石等,真的没有一个智能手表我对穿着感兴趣 - 我真的很兴趣穿着智能手表。

我不相信我是唯一一个面对这个难题的人,这就是为什么我认为Smartwatch制造商今年吹过一个巨大的机会。The delays and disappointments mean that I’m now considering giving up and buying a new traditional watch (or asking for one as a holiday gift… hint, hint), which would likely take me out of the potential smartwatch market, at least for the foreseeable future.

I’m hopeful that 2015 will be the year that smartwatches finally rise from the dead to become viable options for mainstream consumers, but for now, smartwatches are dead to me.


