Macs in the enterprise: How d'you like them Apples

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这并不意味着that the people you hire to support Macs in the enterprise can be clueless about Windows. Mac support staff need to understand both sides of the subject for interoperability reasons, and should know how to support Active Directory and other Windows concepts because they can't depend on Windows techs to understand how Mac work. Kilpatrick advises, "If you can't talk Windows to those guys, you're nobody."

How a Leopard can change their thoughts

Any proper techie, though, can usually appreciate cool features--especially if they have application in the enterprise. Apple's newest operating system has plenty of features that the Macheads can trot out to the uninitiated. The features of Leopard, the new Mac OS X Server 10.5, is filled with consumer-friendly add-ons, but also has the potential to break out of its small business niche, experts suggest.

According to Alykhan Jetha, president and CEO of Markham, Ont.-based third-party Apple software company Marketcircle, the beta version of the server (set to be released this fall), is very user-friendly. "(Apple's) business strategy is calling attention to the product's ease of use. They will use this to try and expand throughout the server world as much as possible," he said. Leopard's simplicity should really kick-start it in the SMB business sphere, said Jetha, but Apple will be sticking to the small and medium size business world for a good while, and its steady clients in specific verticals like the science industry. The server runs on Objective-C 2 code, which is backward compatible for the old standard, Objective-C. It also has a more streamlined code structure, according to Jetha.

Leopard also allows business users to create wikis, while the server stores them (and all the contributed information and process trail). Jetha said that the simple set-up with this wiki option will probably encourage more people in the business space to make use of them. "Wikis can be quite useful in small businesses. You can actually just start using (the Leopard wiki server) -- it's very cool, as set-up of wikis can sometimes be difficult. Here, it's really easy," said Jetha.

据莫里斯·佩尔蒂埃,多媒体专家与基于埃德蒙顿阿尔伯塔省学习(省级教育计划使用多媒体来增强K-12课程),这个看似消费者使用的工具集,实际上可以证明一个很好的卖点。他说,“越来越多的人在企业中使用类似的东西。 - 当当创造越来越多的多媒体的东西,从播客到维基图形曾经是外包的内部现在做iApps,尤其是,使得它可以很方便了。”

Another new, Web 2.0-type feature is the Podcast Producer, which allows users to turn record content into a podcast. Pelletier said that this could be useful in the business space not just as a marketing or content distribution tool, but as a way to record meetings or brainstorming sessions for employees unable to attend or mobile workers.


它 - 和Mac OS X的其他版本 - 都做得比较好。Mac OS X中获得了约25个基点一月,当它占所有冲浪由Net Applications的公司,总部位于加州的指标跟踪供应商的网站系统的7.6%。这是连续第三个月,苹果的操作系统发布的增加。

从用于到达客户的网站浏览器Net Applications的数据收集和权利要求,市场份额数字反映了约160万游客到这些网站。

苹果公司在一月份操作系统市场的份额从2007年12月上升了0.27个百分点,上升约1.35个百分点,在过去的12个月,22%的年会提高。的涨幅已几乎完全是在基于英特尔处理器的Mac电脑;年纪大了,带PowerPC机器已经持平在数月的3.2%至3.3%的范围内,报道Net Applications的。

If Apple maintains the pace it set in 2007, it should crack the eight percent mark by the end of April. Others, however, are arguing that Apple will do considerably better in the long run. Gartner Inc., for example, recently predicted that Apple would double its U.S. and Western Europe market share by 2011.

”:e's gains reflect as much on the failures of the rest of the industry as on Apple's success," Gartner analysts said in a unsigned statement issued last week.

”:e is challenging its competitors with software integration that provides ease of use and flexibility; continuous and more frequent innovation in hardware and software; and an ecosystem that focuses on interoperability across multiple devices."

Hardcore hardware

The enterprise utility doesn't stop at software--a recent addition to the Mac laptop family has caused quite a commotion, with nay-sayers and yay-sayers.


Even if that's so, Smulders cautions corporations to think carefully about large-scale Mac deployments. "There are three things enterprises require to be comfortable with deploying an operating system, and none of those have been addressed," he says. These include lagging support from middleware and corporate software vendors; the complexities of adding another client hardware and software platform to the mix; and the lack of a second source for system hardware and parts.

The MacBook Air has gained some enterprise fans, though not without its share of rejection. It doesn't have Ethernet, which can be a strike against it for the traveling worker in a bad wireless spot, or, said Ben Haidri, vice-president of corporate development for Vancouver-based Absolute Software, a sign of the company's commitment to wireless with the product. "It's a better wireless experience, being designed to be used that way, along with working with Intel to make it work as well as possible in that way. There's more robust wireless, so it's a very good mobile device," he said, pointing out that this hard core wireless focus, especially in tandem with the tiny form factor, sets it apart from other hardware vendors in the market.

那些寻找一个卖点可以去绿 - 绿色和平组织给予了极高的评价,以苹果的MacBook Air,称这是因为该公司的重点使它成为一个环保PC的“赢家”。

"For us though the highlight of the show, was Steve talking about the environment in his keynote speech for the first time. It's a big step for Steve and we would like to congratulate all the Apple fans who helped us with our greenmyapple campaign," the environmental campaigners said.

Greenpeace went on to observe Apple's commitment made last year to phase out toxic chemicals Brominated Fire Retardants (BFRs) and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) by the end of 2008.

"The MacBook Air is a strong entry in the race to build a green PC. As a mercury and arsenic free laptop it exceeds European Standards (RoHS directive exemptions) and raises the bar for the rest of the industry. The BFR and PVC free printed wiring on the motherboard is a big step forward, but not a first. Sony achieved that last November," Greenpeace said.

Another hardware that could be enterprise-bound are the new iMacs. According to Q2 results from IDC, in the overall U.S. computer market, which includes desktops and notebooks, Apple is now tied for third with competitor Gateway at 5.6 percent of the total market share.

The thinner and sleeker all-in-one machines, which now feature an aluminum-and-glass design, were announced at a slightly more competitive price point than its previous incarnations. The 20-inch, 2GHz machine will sell for US$1,199; the 20-inch 2.4GHz model for $1,499; and the 24-inch 2.4GHz offering for $1,799.

IDC's Richard Shim said that with notebook shipments expected to surpass desktop shipments worldwide over the next few years, Apple's hip new design and lower price point will give the company the advantage to compete in the struggling desktop market.

”:e isn't necessarily selling on just hardware either," Shim said. "They're innovating on the experience that the customer has, and a lot of other vendors are disadvantaged because they haven't done that."

但是然而,苹果体验并没有出现ed very often in the enterprise space. And according to analysts, Apple may not be interested in the large enterprise market.

"It's not something Apple has said it is pursuing," Shim said. "Large enterprises are different beasts because you are looking at server farms and more of a controlled and centralized computing environment. I don't see Apple wanting to go there, and I don't see large enterprises willing to adopt it to the degree that they have with Windows systems."

If this discussion sounds familiar, it's because a similar one was held following the iPhone's release. Many third-party software developers have begun issuing tools to transition the Apple handheld into a viable enterprise device. Experts similarly argued about whether Apple ever intended the iPhone to be a business device. However, the overwhelming consumer demand, many of which just want one cell phone for their home and work, may result in change in stronger enterprise focus for future generations of the iPhone.

Bajarin said that while Apple lacks the enterprise sales force, servicing capabilities and the expressed interest in the enterprise sector, he does admit that this could change in the future.

“实际上,我们发现苹果笔记本电脑的后门来了,原因是因为苹果有这个训练营的架构,除了来自VMware和SWsoft公司的Parallels Desktop软件两个虚拟件,使您可以运行Windows,”巴加林说。“所以,尽管苹果是不是真的对我们所说的纯粹的企业市场,在默认情况下推动,他们在那里获得了一些关注,并会随着时间的推移吸引更多的企业客户。”

Jetha说,新的iMac电脑,再加上更多的权力消费群的可能成功,可能会导致IT经理们看看苹果。“不能够运行Windows的恐惧已经消失,” Jetha说。“所以,如果他们购买Mac和事实证明它不能做,他们认为这可能工作,他们可以引导它进入Windows,一切都HONKY多莉”。


"We cater to the one to 50 kind of small business, but what we're now noticing is bigger corporate clients are buying our software for some of their various departments," Jetha said. "And not just your traditional design departments, as we're now seeing the HR, marketing and engineering departments picking it up."

This is a trend that has been noticed by some industry analysts. Smulders agreed with Jetha, saying that he's seen Apple service departments within the enterprise. But according to Smulders, the real factor that could make Apple viable in the enterprise is virtualization.

“这将使IT部门能够为几乎所有的机器上运行它的环境,而不必自己那台机器而言,” Smulders说。“因此,有技术引擎,其正在下降,在未来几年内的管道,这将有助于这一趋势。”

Backdoor entries to the enterprise and virtualization aside, Shim said IT managers will ultimately have the last word. "I just don't see IT managers deciding to buy a whole fleet of them upfront for all their clients," Shim said. "It just doesn't make sense, because you have a bunch of infrastructure and a lot of investment already in a Windows platform. Despite the fact that a Mac can run Windows, it's not a full Windows system, and I'm sure a lot of Mac fans would passionately agree with that."

Compiled by Briony Smith, with files from the IDG News Service.

This story, "Macs in the enterprise: How d'you like them Apples" was originally published byComputerworld .

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