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使事情变得更简单了Mac OS X的软件包管理器如芬克和DarwinPorts的创建,(现称的MacPorts)。随着包管理器,使用开源工具的出现变得更加简单,因为包经理照顾那些需要建立各种必要条件和要求,并安装各种应用的IT经理将使用。因此,而不是手动构建和安装半打位安装说,Nagios的,安装的MacPorts,初步构建和安装是输入sudo端口的问题安装Nagios的。

这就是为什么管理员正在升温到Mac OS X作为网络管理平台的一大原因,他说。他们可以使用Linux,但在某些时候,他们也需要管理的Mac计算机,并与Active Directory集成。而且,根据韦尔奇,而基于Linux的工具可以做到后者,它并不总是在以前非常好;说实话,没有商业工具,堵漏的Linux到Active Directory仍然是那么容易,因为做同样的与Mac OS X不

This is not only convenient for IT administrators, but it's also an important advantage over Windows. Regardless of the version, Windows doesn't ship with any kind of developer tools other than the ability to do some rudimentary Visual Basic (for Applications) work, said Welch. With Mac OS X, developers have the tools to write everything from device drivers to large database-driven applications, for free with the OS. He said, "Install the OS, run the Xcode installer, and voilá! Instant pro-level development tools. With Windows? Not so much."

And when it comes to using open source, the Apple environment has an advantage over the Mac, too. Windows requires you either only use packages with pre-built binaries, or you do a lot of plumbing upgrades just to get to where Mac OS X is with a single post-OS-setup installer, he said.

但是,这是它的一部分。苹果没有提供其开发工具免费,全功能副本的另一件事是让Mac OS X中的每一个用户潜在的开发商,据韦尔奇。该公司并没有发明这个概念,但它已经能够实现它在比谁更广泛的规模。注:这是它的开发工具功能齐全的副本。没有“学生”或“快递”的版本,仅支持一种语言,每更昂贵的“标准”,“亲”和“团队”版本的一个长长的清单,将手伸入数千美元的高端。无需单独下载,它就在那里在安装介质上,如果你想,一个自由选择加入苹果开发人员,韦尔奇说。

He said, "Now, anyone who thinks that every Mac user immediately plunges into Cocoa and Obj-C is delusional, but the fact that every Mac user can means that every CompSci student with a Mac has all the tools they need to use what they've learned. It means that every Mac user who is interested in learning how to program has the tools they need right there. That is what you call a decision with far-reaching effects, and all it required was someone to decide that maybe making money off of developer tools is less important than creating millions of potential developers every year."


More of management made easy with Macintosh

在在基于奥兰多的教育出版商哈考特,高级技术支持分析师Randy Rowles是高兴的是,他得到管理教育出版商的1000名左右的Macintosh系统 - 甚至有点飘飘然,因为Mac爱好者可以,如何稳定和易于使用的系统,使得他的工作很容易。随着需要比在房子的窗户边少Mac的技术人员,“我们的TCO从支持的角度看一直较低,” Rowles说,指的总拥有成本。

Wilkes University has also pulled the plug on PCs in favor of Macs, saying the move--which actually began last year--will save the Pennsylvania liberal arts college more than US$150,000 while still letting students and faculty continue to run Windows applications.

Touted by Apple Inc. as one of the first colleges to mandate a campus-wide shift from Windows PCs to Macs, the Wilkes-Barre, Pa. school wasn't a bastion of all things Apple before the decision, said Scott Byers, vice-president for finance and the head of campus IT. Macs, in fact, were a minority.

而不是从通常的PC嫌疑人采取竞价 - 戴尔和惠普 - 以及苹果电脑,威尔克斯决定全力以赴苹果,因为上述2006年的创新:新的基于英特尔处理器的型号和集训双启动软件,这将让学校减少机器的数量校园范围内。“这是一个积极的技术更新,”拜尔斯说。

"We'll be able to reduce the number by about 250" across the campus, said Byers, because labs and classrooms were typically outfitted with an inefficient PC-Mac mix. A class suitable for 30, for instance, might be equipped with 20 PCs and 20 Macs, "because each class and each department had its own preference for what computers and what software they liked to use," Byers said.

Now, that class boasts 30 Macs, able to swing both ways at will, courtesy of BootCamp.

"We think it will save $150,000 directly, in buying fewer units--even though the Macs cost more per unit than PCs," he said. The school, which enrolls about 4,000 undergraduate and graduate students, will reduce its inventory from nearly 1,700 computers to around 1,450 after the change-over. Other costs savings, however, will be harder to measure. "By standardizing, the IT department should be more productive," Byers said.

He also cited the additional security of Mac OS X, school-wide access to Apple's iLife suite, and Apple's OS itself as side benefits. "It is, well, the superior OS, isn't it?" said Byers, who before the switch was a dyed-in-the-wool Windows user.

该大学的管理应用程序 - 它通过分度轨道学生应用 - 是一个Windows应用程序,例如,不能放弃。随着应该辞职,这样的举动是没有必要的。

虽然$ 140万三年开关 - 这从去年开始与购买大约500台Mac电脑 - 意味着威尔克斯是所有苹果,学生可以自由选择任何操作系统,拜尔斯说。“没有Mac的任务。”他们中的大多数选择一个无论如何:“这一代似乎更喜欢Mac电脑,”他补充说。

递给我的Apple Remote遥控器


For instance, LANDesk Software recently rolled out Version 8.8 of its namesake suite of management tools. The South Jordan, Utah-based company said its software now lets IT administrators remotely control Macs from a PC running Windows Vista, and take more detailed inventories of their Macintosh systems and the software residing on them.

According to LANDesk, its Management Suite is used to manage more than a half-million Macs, in addition to a far greater number of PCs.

Terrence Cosgrove, a Gartner Research analyst, said via e-mail that, among management tools vendors, LANDesk is furthest along in supporting Macs. He added that LANDesk Management Suite "can do OS deployment, data [and] settings migration, software distribution, inventory and remote control for Mac machines."

LANDesk said that one customer it declined to identify plans to increase the number of Macs used internally from about 400 now to 4,000 by year's end because of the new management capabilities. Version 8.8 already can administer and patch virtual machines, and late this year it will be able to manage Apple's iPhone devices, according to Coby Gurr, a business line manager at LANDesk.

The LANDesk Management Suite's next-closest competitor is Symantec Corp.'s Altiris Client Management Suite, a cross-platform software offering that a Symantec spokesman said is used by about 22,000 customers. The spokesman said Symantec doesn't have exact statistics on how many Macs are being managed with its software, but he added that "customer interest and sales of Altiris management solutions for the Mac skyrocketed in 2007."

Altiris has supported Macs since 2002. It introduced disk imaging and deployment features for the Apple systems last year, and the spokesman said that "more significant enhancements" are expected late in the year.

Even Apple has responded over the past several years, making many needed improvements to Apple Remote Desktop. That has pleased the growing number of Mac corporate sys admins, many of whom haunt Web sites such as MacEnterprise.org and search desperately for tips on how to better manage their Apple machines.

But although Apple Remote Desktop can remotely control Windows and Linux systems in addition to Macs, it relies on the Virtual Network Computing protocol, which some consider too insecure to use in corporate settings. As a result, Apple's software remains in practice a Mac-only tool.

So companies such as Harcourt have turned to cross-platform tools from third-party vendors such as LANDesk to manage both Windows PCs and Macs from a single console. Rowles said that LANDesk's cross-platform capabilities are its biggest selling point for him. "I'd say that 90 percent of the Windows features I need are available for the Mac," he added.

Michael Gonzalez, a senior IT analyst at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, agreed with Rowles' assessment. "For what I use it for, LANDesk is dead-on equal for Windows and Mac," Gonzalez said.



但是,并非所有Rowles希望在LANDesk的管理套件看到的是现在有。他说,软件有弱点,当涉及到让用户直接设置组策略到微软的Active Directory或Mac的等效技术,被称为开放式目录。

罗斯说他给了muc持谨慎态度h credit at this point to LANDesk's new Mac remote-software deployment feature, which he has played around with. "It shows a lot of promise," he said politely.

Gartner's Cosgrove said another feature that cross-platform management vendors have largely failed to port over to the Mac is a so-called targeted software distribution capability, which lets administrators deploy software to users and not simply to PCs.

But where will you find these administrators?

The added platform choice is great news for end-user morale and productivity, but it can put an added burden on IT support staff who need to keep all those various computers running and in corporate compliance. When it comes to finding and creating trained technicians who can adequately support Mac users, the answer could be UNIX and Linux admins. "The more UNIX you learn," says Jordan Kirkpatrick, vice-president of information systems for the Miami-based advertising firm Crispin, Porter & Bogusky, "The better you are with Macs." Mac OS X is, after all, built on top of a flavor of UNIX, and it inherits the entire UNIX philosophy. While the graphical user interface makes a lot of things easy for end-users, the people who have to work on a computer's underbelly may need access to the underlying system. Someone who is comfortable with UNIX will be happy to use the Terminal command line to get things done.

To grow expertise, the answer is for IT departments adopting Mac OS X to search for UNIX and Linux professionals when they can't find Mac specialists. In fact, Kirkpatrick recommends, you can easily hire a UNIX expert who has never touched a Mac, and they'll take to it without any problem.

发现通过ied people was certainly a primary issue for Kirkpatrick, who has been converting his company from Windows to Macs to the point that the company is now about 85 percent Mac, where it was once 90 percent Windows. "Our technical challenges aren't caused by the operating system or incompatibilities but rather by IT people who don't know the opposite platform," Kirkpatrick says. Yet good Mac OS X technologists are rare, and often, he claims, "Windows guys don't want to learn OS X."


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