Apple in the enterprise: Inevitable, still not easy

一年半之前,Serena软件公司开始探索配套的可行性苹果MacBook笔记本as an option for its users, most of whom are developers. It was interested in lowering its support costs and increasing satisfaction among employees who used Macs at home, including the CEO.

Today, half of Serena's workers opt for MacBooks over Lenovo laptop PCs when they're hired or due for a hardware refresh, bringing the number of Apple users to about 100 out of 800 globally, according to Ron Brister, senior manager of worldwide IT operations at the Redwood City, Calif.-based maker of application development tools. Users like having a choice, and the number of support calls has declined.

“飘的日子,当它决定人们如何完成他们的工作,” Brister说。目前还没有问题,当谈到与小威的基于Windows的数据中心的互操作性。雷竞技电脑网站而得益于折扣苹果公司中,的MacBook成本大致相同联想ThinkPad T61机,根据Brister。

安东尼DeCanti,负责技术的副总裁Werner Enterprises Inc., a freight transportation company in Omaha, has a different story to tell. Five years ago, he brought Macs into the company to give users an alternative to Windows. But over the past two years, DeCanti has seen a steady decline in Apple's enterprise efforts.

"Two years ago, I would have been fired up and telling you this thing has wheels," he says. "But I really feel like Apple has taken its eye off the ball for acceptance into the enterprise and put its efforts into the苹果手机。从股东的角度来看,也许这是一个伟大的想法,但是从企业的角度来说,我真的感到失望。”


DeCanti赞扬Mac的“不可思议的优雅,伟大的操作系统和令人难以置信的图形。”然而,他的挫折包括可怜的Active Directory集成,从存储硬件市场的苹果公司的退出和缺乏苹果的Safari浏览器的改进。




"There are fewer and fewer reasons not to choose Apple for the enterprise, as prices are competitive, the technology integrates well with most enterprise infrastructures, and there are very few things you can't do on the Mac, including running Windows," says Michael Gartenberg, an analyst at research firm Jupitermedia Corp. in Darien, Conn., and a Computerworld columnist. "It's harder to argue against keeping technology out when it does what people need it to do."

而该公司的iPhone现在提供商业友好的功能,如增强的安全性,与Microsoft Exchange和软件开发工具包电子邮件同步。最重要的是,苹果的Intel硬件现在可以使用Vmware公司和Parallels公司的虚拟化软件在Mac上运行Windows。


The integration woes that companies like Werner are experiencing are an exception, Gartenberg says. "There's always a degree of 'your mileage may vary,' depending on how you set the technology up -- whether you're integratingMac OS或Vista到XP环境,”他说。


Though happy with Apple's technology, Brister is critical of the company's support, global delivery capability and opaque approach to sharing product plans. "I think Apple in the enterprise is something they've not put a lot of focus on," he says.

肯·杜兰尼研究公司Gartner的分析师也认为 - 商务便利型iPhone的努力抛开 - 苹果是不是基本上是一个面向企业的组织。但是,他见证了光环效应,并说,Mac可以在混合环境下工作,特别是对于使用基于浏览器的应用的公司。


While Apple will support the kinds of customers it wants to have, like Disney or Nike, Dulaney says, "if you're talking Ford Motor Co., I'm not sure that's in the cards. The enterprise market takes time and effort."

加腾伯格承认,苹果并没有做大举进入企业,但他认为这是在打牌。他指出,未来主要的OS X版本,目前所谓的雪豹,它承诺与Microsoft Exchange集成。“这只是一系列缓慢的步骤,让苹果成为市场一个可靠的球员,”他说。“当我们进入2009年和2010年,我们将看到一个强有力的,协调一致的努力这个市场去后的一大途径。”


“他们很高兴能支持企业,” Gottheil说。但“苹果不希望任何干扰其资产负债的战略中心,向最终用户为导向。”这意味着该公司将不愿意做任何妥协,设计或完全基于企业的需求的产品决策,他说。


There seem to be strong parallels between Apple's infiltration into the enterprise and those of other consumer-based technologies such as social networking tools, hosted e-mail and blogs.

That's the trend Brister wanted to get ahead of when he began looking at MacBooks a year and a half ago. "When people can choose different ways of getting their job done, they're more productive and happier," he says.


与MacBook,Brister看到更低的故障率和仅得到了很少的支持呼叫。大多数用户现在在Mac OS直接运行应用程序,而不是使用VMware的Fusion虚拟机软件在自己的Mac电脑上运行Windows,或者他们正在使用基于云计算的软件,如谷歌文档。



Another problem is acquiring Macs for Serena's offices in Europe, where Apple requires purchases in quantities greater than the offices need. Apple is addressing this problem, Brister says, but he notes that he hasn't seen any progress in six months. Meanwhile, if he purchased units at retail stores, he wouldn't get the discounts he has negotiated, and "it would be an accounting nightmare," he says.



DeCanti说,他认为苹果将不再专注于推进的Mac集成到Windows的世界。例如,他说,虽然苹果已经承诺与Active Directory更好的整合,还没有达到一个水平,使得苹果电脑很容易在那种环境中使用。“有迄今为止已得到我们的黑客,但连接是脆弱的,难以维持,”他说。

Gartner's Dulaney says the best way to support Macs in a mixed enterprise is to use browser-based applications. "There's little capability to do client/server integration where there's code on both sides," he says. But DeCanti also runs into trouble using Apple's Safari browser, because it's not supported on a lot of Web sites. Earlier, Apple had been proactive about garnering more support for its browser, but those efforts, too, have dropped off, he says.



“苹果很可能会很高兴为[第三方支持]生态系统变得更强,但在同一时间,他们很可能撞击代理商的业务通过扩大零售网络,” Gottheil说。



CHORI的数据雷竞技电脑网站中心是苹果和Windows服务器的混合,在Windows上运行的数据库和文件服务器和Apple Xserve单位运行触及的Web应用程序,包括邮件服务器,Web服务器和iChat Server系统。“我坚持的经营理念,无论是在外线是苹果的技术,因为它被证明是安全的,”哈尼斯说。

According to Hanes, the Macintosh desktops plug into the network "just like a PC," thanks to products such as Group Logic's ExtremeZ-IP, which enables file- and printer-sharing between Mac desktops and Windows servers. Hanes says he has successfully integrated Macintosh desktops with Active Directory, using the "golden triangle" strategy, in which Mac clients authenticate with Active Directory while getting managed group settings from a Mac OS X server.

哈尼斯说,他的团队已经成功在部分部署苹果的技术,因为它做决定之前进行了大量的研究,以及员工保持开放的心态对他们的使用,包括开源技术。例如,他说,这花了一年时间建立他们会使用Communigate临从着CommuniGate Systems为CHORI的电子邮件服务器。他们选择的Sophos PLC的防病毒系统,因为它能够使Mac和PC进行一个控制台上观看。

Hanes uses Apple's Xserve RAID technology but says the company's move away from storage doesn't concern him. "They've certified EMC software to work with Apple," he says, "so switching will be trivial."


不管未来会,很显然,苹果是在卷筒上,并且它的普及无疑将推动更多的Mac为更多的企业设置。现在的问题,杜拉尼说,是苹果将如何应对 - 速度有多快。

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