有个足球雷竞技app网络世界苏西·奥克斯 //m.amiribrahem.com en - us 2020年4月21日星期二00:36:20 -0700 2020年4月21日星期二00:36:20 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 苹果加入“美国制造”的趋势以$ 1十亿资金,以促进美国制造业 2017年5月4日星期四05:24:00 -0700 苏茜Ochs 苏茜Ochs <本文> <节课=“页面”>

生产作业(任何作业,真的)是一个热点话题,这些天,我们的总统已毫不掩饰自己对大公司的欲望秘密,苹果尤其是,在这里让更多的产品。In a Wednesday interview with Jim Cramer on CNBC’s Mad Money, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced that Apple is creating a fund to promote advanced manufacturing in the United States, and seeding it with $1 billion to start.

CBNC.com has the video and a complete transcript of the wide-ranging conversation, and it’s worth a watch. These are the points that most piqued our interest—OK, and one that just made us laugh.

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如何为你的Apple ID和iCloud账户设置双重认证 2017年3月24日星期五10:48:00 -0700 苏茜Ochs 苏茜Ochs <本文> <节课=“页面”>

如果您不使用双因素认证来保护你的Apple ID和iCloud帐户,你真的应该今天就去做。谁声称黑客有百万of stolen iCloud credentials are demanding Apple pay a ransom or they’ll release them—and ZDNet obtained a sample set of credentials and determined they’re real.

But guess what? Using two-factor authentication should protect you completely. It’s easy to set up, so take a minute and do it now.

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苹果已经受够了亚马逊上的假冒电缆和充电器 2016年10月19日星期三10:44:00 -0700 苏茜Ochs 苏茜Ochs

Amazon is full of knockoff products, but if you’re buying genuine Apple-branded cables and chargers sold directly by Amazon and not a third party, you should be OK, right? Well, maybe not.

Patently Apple dug up a lawsuit filed by Apple against Mobile Star LLC, which Amazon identified as the manufacturer of counterfeit cables and power adapters that had been sold as being made by Apple. The complaint says that Apple had purchased the items from Amazon, and tested them interally to determine they were counterfeit. The complaint also cites an Amazon.com customer review claiming one of the adapters caught fire.

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你应该升级到iOS 10吗? 2016年9月13日星期二06:10 -0700 苏茜Ochs 苏茜Ochs

Let’s cut right to the chase: iOS 10 looks great, works really well, and does more to freshen up the iOS experience than any update before it. It brings some pretty significant changes like the all-new lock screen behaviors, but iOS 10 still feels familiar enough that the new gestures become old hat after just a few days.

The apps that got the biggest overhauls are, frankly, the apps that needed them: Music and Maps. The former is less of a mess in general, and the latter is easier to use en route especially, with big easy-to-tap buttons to change the view, toggle the audio cues on and off, or just find a darn cup of coffee or gas station along the way.

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苹果加大在中国的环保力度 2016年8月17日星期三10:22:00 -0700 苏茜Ochs 苏茜Ochs

Apple doesn’t talk about its supply chain very often, but the company does love to tout its environmental efforts. On Tuesday, Apple announced that its supplier Lens Technology has committed to using 100 percent renewable energy to manufacture glass for Apple, by the end of 2018.

Lens Technology is expected to use wind power to reach this goal. Currently, it produces glass for Apple at two factories in Changsha, Human province, in southern China. By using clean wind power, the firm will avoid releasing nearly 450,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide each year.

“We want to show the world that you can manufacture responsibly and we’re working alongside our suppliers to help them lower their environmental impact in China,” said Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives, in a press statement. “We congratulate Lens for their bold step, and hope by sharing the lessons we’ve learned in our transition to renewable energy, our suppliers will continue to access clean power projects, moving China closer to its green manufacturing goals.”

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6谷歌I / O宣布苹果粉丝应该关心 星期五,2016年5月20日05:14:00 -0700 苏茜Ochs 苏茜Ochs <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >谷歌I / O认为外箱< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100662189 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2016/05/slide - 1 - io - - 100662189 gallery.jpg“data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2016/05/slide - 1 - io - - 100662189 square.jpg“alt = "谷歌I / O信号" / > < p class = " slideCredit " >图像由<跨类= " slideCreditText " >布莱尔汉利弗兰克< / span > < / p > < div class = " slideBody " > < p >,今年谷歌在>谷歌I/O开发者大会上采用了不同的方式。首先,它主要是在户外,在加州山景城的海岸线露天剧场。(关于海岸线的一个有趣的事实是:虽然它现在确实是在谷歌的后院,但苹果公司联合创始人史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克(Steve Wozniak)是与传奇推广人比尔·格雷厄姆(Bill Graham)一起启动这个音乐会场地的最初合作伙伴。在keynote发布会上,媒体坐在一个盒子里,而沃兹的名字现在还装饰在盒子上。)虽然之前的谷歌I/O主题演讲中有像谷歌玻璃这样的登月镜头,但今年的主题演讲却相当务实。没有自动驾驶汽车,也没有看上去像外星人的可穿戴设备,只有新版的Android和Android Wear,还有一些跨平台应用和一个家用声控设备。事实上,从新应用到大量智能手表的选择,许多新发布的产品对苹果的粉丝来说都是有趣的。以下是您应该关注的问题,以及什么时候可以期待它全部启动。< / p > < p class = " jumpTag " > < a href = " /文章/ 3073160/6-google-i-o-announcements-apple-fans-should-care-about。要阅读本文全文,请点击这里

苹果公司可能不会发现FBI是如何入侵圣贝纳迪诺的iPhone的 2016年4月14日星期四13:04:00 -0700 苏茜Ochs 苏茜Ochs <本文> <节课=“页面”>

圣贝纳迪诺iPhone的离奇故事好像就快结束了,尽管它引发了有关加密的全国辩论,这只是开始。Apple probably won’t find out what method was used by the third-party firm that broke into the iPhone 5c used by shooter Syed Rizwan Farook, reports Reuters.

The government says that the unidentified international firm that did the hack has legal ownership of the method, so while the FBI got the data it wanted, it’s unable to disclose the method to Apple. There’s actually a system in place, known as the Vulnerabilities Equities Process, that’s designed to evaluate flaws discovered by the government’s own agencies to determine if they should be disclosed to the technology companies who can patch them, or if the vulnerabilities can remain secret to be used by the NSA, FBI, or other agencies.

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iPhone SE点评:这是一个口袋大小的重地 2016年3月31日星期四05:23:00 -0700 苏茜Ochs 苏茜Ochs

The SE is the little iPhone that could. With a 4-inch screen and the body of an iPhone 5s, it fits in my pockets better than my iPhone 6s, and it’s easier to use one-handed. But it doesn’t compromise much over its bigger, more expensive siblings.

If you were waiting for Apple to put out another 4-inch phone before you’d upgrade, you’re probably dancing in the streets right now—and you should be, because this phone is such a huge step up from the iPhone 5s. If you are on the fence between the iPhone SE and the flagship iPhone 6s, the SE’s lower price for nearly as much performance might sway you to the smaller screen.

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蒂姆·库克对《时代》杂志说:“我感觉自己像是在做噩梦。” 2016年3月17日,星期四09:49:00 -0700 苏茜Ochs 苏茜Ochs //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3045560/tim-cook-to-time-i-feel-like-im-in-this-bad-dream.html 美国司法部在最新提交给法院的文件中猛烈抨击了苹果的“腐蚀性”言论 2016年3月11日星期五05:00:00 -0800 苏茜Ochs 苏茜Ochs

UPDATE: March 10, 2016, 3:46 p.m. Pacific—In a conference call Thursday afternoon, Apple’s SVP and chief legal counsel Bruce Sewell said, “The tone of the brief reads like an indictment,” and in 30 years he’s never seen a brief trying so hard “to smear” someone. “It should be deeply offensive to everyone who reads it.”

“Corrosive rhetoric” could be this week’s “dormant cyber pathogen,” the latest salvo in the government’s attempt to paint Apple as unreasonable for refusing to craft a new version of iOS so law enforcement can brute-force an iPhone 5c used by San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook.

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在纽约的一起案件中,法官驳回了要求苹果入侵一部iPhone的命令 2016年3月1日星期二05:48:00 -0800 苏茜Ochs 苏茜Ochs

A federal judge has denied a government motion to force Apple to unlock an iPhone—but it’s not in the San Bernardino (California) case. Still, the ruling could have implications for Apple’s current battle with the FBI over San Bernardino shooter Syed Farook’s iPhone 5c.

In the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, Magistrate Judge James Orenstein ruled on Monday that the All Writs Act is being applied overly broadly by the government.

The New York case concerns an iPhone 5s used by a meth dealer (who later pled guilty), but it’s running iOS 7. Since that version of iOS isn’t encrypted by default, Apple could extract the data without needing to break the phone’s passcode. In the California case, by contrast, Farook’s iPhone 5c is running iOS 9, so the FBI wants Apple to write new software that would allow law enforcement to brute-force the passcode, since that’s the only way of unencrypting the phone’s data.

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苹果的顶级律师告诉国会,“加密是一个必要的事情” 2016年2月29日星期一10:10:00 -0800 苏茜Ochs 苏茜Ochs

Apple’s refusal to help the FBI brute-force the iPhone 5c passcode of the San Bernardino shooter will most likely play out in the courts—the first hearing is scheduled for March 22 in Riverside, California. But Congress has a role to play too.

On Tuesday, Apple Senior Vice President and General Counsel Bruce Sewell will testify before the House Judiciary Committee, stressing that while Apple does respect and assist law enforcement, what the FBI wants this time simply goes too far.

One of Apple’s strategies is to argue that Congress should pass legislation to cover cases like this, instead of using the more broad All Writs Act, which was first passed in 1789 and last updated in 1946. Apple thinks a more modern statute like the Communications for Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) would be more appropriate, although the Department of Justice disagrees that it’s applicable here.

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FAQ:目前为止我们所知道的关于苹果公司与FBI斗争的一切 2016年2月23日星期二06:30 -0800 苏茜Ochs 苏茜Ochs

At this writing, Apple’s battle with the FBI over how much it can and should help in the investigation of the San Bernardino shootings is less than a week old. But already it’s explosive to say the least. The government has accused Apple of being more concerned with marketing than the fight against terrorism, and Apple has drawn a line in the sand, saying that complying with the FBI’s request “would undermine the very freedoms and liberty our government is meant to protect.”

This fight isn’t going to be over anytime soon, so we’ll keep this FAQ updated as events unfold. If you have more questions—or want to respectfully debate the implications this case will have on privacy and security—please chime away in the comments and we’ll do our best to make everything about this confusing case as clear as possible.

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5个高科技玩具,让所有年龄的孩子都高兴 2015年11月24日星期二13:00:00 -0800 苏茜Ochs 苏茜Ochs

Having kids around makes the holidays more magical, and to be honest, the toys they have nowadays makes our basic Lincoln Logs and Lego blocks look a little old fashioned. True, Lincoln Logs and Legos will always be awesome, but these toys are decidedly more high-tech. Like the classic toys of our own youth, they’re still designed to stimulate the imagination, help kids master new concepts, and provide hours and hours of entertainment. Now they just require charging a little more often.

We play-tested every toy on this page to make sure it was fun to use and age appropriate for both the children in your house—and, yes, the big kid who is you.

BB–8 by Sphero

Show me a kid who isn’t excited about Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and I’ll show you a kid who probably just needs to see the trailer a few dozen more times. My own son loves the BB–8, or as he’s nicknamed it, “the soccer ball dwoid.” And when he saw me unbox this toy version, I instantly became his hero again—in your face, Han Solo.

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在使用iPad Pro的最初几个小时里,我注意到的5件事 2015年11月12日下午13:34:00 -0800 苏茜Ochs 苏茜Ochs

The iPad Pro is not something you can review in a couple of days. That’s not because it’s a new product category or even a dramatic reimagining of one—we’ve all used iPads by now, and more or less understand what kinds of tasks they can do and apps they can run. If anything, the iPad Pro represents a shift in workflow. The trick isn’t what the iPad Pro can do, but how it allows you to do more with an iPad than you’re doing already.

I’ll be giving myself a little over a week to write Macworld’s iPad Pro review, since it’ll take some time to adjust to the iPad and evaluate what benefits and drawbacks it offers over my Mac. But from the moment I ripped off the shrink wrap and fired it up, I noticed a few things I wanted to share. Here are the five most striking impressions the iPad Pro made on me in the first couple of hours.

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