有个足球雷竞技app网络世界Steve Garson //m.amiribrahem.com EN-US 2020年5月30日星期六09:42:20-0700 2020年5月30日星期六09:42:20-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 思科在你的路由器上运行SD-WAN有什么问题? 星期三,2018年9月5日十时56分00秒-0700 史蒂夫加森 史蒂夫加森

Cisco’s announcement earlier this month that it will add the Viptela SD-WAN technology to the IOS XE software running the ISR/ASR routers will be a mixed blessing for enterprises.

On the one hand, it brings SD-WAN migration closer to Cisco customers. On the other hand, two preliminary indicators —  one-on-one conversations and Cisco’s refusal to participate in an SD-WAN test —  suggest enterprises should expect reduced throughput if they enable the SD-WAN capabilities on their routers.

Cisco’s easy migration to SD-WAN

By including the SD-WAN code with IOS XE, Cisco will provide a migration path for the more than one million ISR/ASR edge routers in the field. There’s been a lot of conversation as to whether or not SD-WAN is going to kill the router performance. Delivering SD-WAN code on the ISRs is Cisco’s answer: routers are here to stay but they’ll morph into SD-WAN appliances.

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用SD-WAN替换托管广域网服务时的注意事项 2018年7月9日星期一10:26:00 -0700 史蒂夫加森 史蒂夫加森 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

在企业广域网的关键资源,对于大多数企业。而且,当它来管理和运行广域网,企业可以在两个不同的模式之间进行选择:自己动手(DIY)或管理广域网服务。But with the evolution of SD-WANs, we’re seeing a new type of telco solution that merges elements of both capabilities.

Traditional WAN management models

With DIY, enterprise IT procures last-mile access at a location and deploys routers, WAN optimization, and network security appliances from several vendors. Continuous monitoring and management is done in house or via a managed service provider. In short, enterprise IT owns the complex task of maintaining, configuring and monitoring the WAN for availability and optimal performance.

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3只提供固定的基于互联网的SD-广域网的中间英里问题 2018年6月18日星期一05:47:00 -0700 史蒂夫加森 史蒂夫加森

A new global backbone provider emerged from stealth last week, giving organizations even more choice in how they build their Internet-based SD-WANs.  Mode introduced what it calls a “software-defined core” (SD-CORE) network that offers IT “affordable private-network reliability and quality of service” across the globe.

The company joins Aryaka and Cato Networks as one of the few independent backbone providers helping enterprises solve the variability problems of the Internet core. Middle-mile performance forms the biggest challenge for delivering stable, global, low-latency connections.

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网络测试的结果:SD-WAN的性能为什么固定互联网中间英里是必不可少的 星期二,2018 12:25:00 -0700 5月29日 史蒂夫加森 史蒂夫加森 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



我们发现,通过交换网络核心的管理中间英里作出了巨大的差异。。典型的例子是亚马逊。我们的AWS工作负载之间的延迟和变化是整个亚马逊的网络不是公共互联网显著好(见图)。Why that’s the case and how we tested is explained below and in greater depth from this post on our site.

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3代安全的SD-WAN服务 周三,2018年5月9日9时45分〇〇秒-0700 史蒂夫加森 史蒂夫加森

You simply can’t take advantage of all that SD-WAN has to offer without giving branch offices local Internet access and you can’t give them local Internet access without securing them. SD-WAN for all its strengths does not provide robust edge security. Yes, data is encrypted in transit. And, yes, some SD-WAN appliances come with basic stateful firewalling capabilities. But with attacks coming at layer-7, branches require a next-generation firewall (NGFW) and updated IPS/IDS capabilities to protect locations —  not a basic firewall. For all intents and purposes, branch SD-WAN needs layer-7 security, which is why you see so many SD-WAN vendors striking partnerships with security vendors or some building security into their appliances.

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WAN峰会回顾:面临的挑战SD-WAN服务 2018年4月30日星期一06:43:00 -0700 史蒂夫加森 史蒂夫加森

If the recent WAN Summit in New York where I moderated a panel on last-mile access (more on that later) was any indication, the SD-WAN market is shifting towards a service-delivery model where sufficient network security and predictability are baked into the SD-WAN so the service can replace MPLS.

In session and private conversations, topics related to secure SD-WAN services kept popping up. The challenges of today’s managed services. The impact of the cloud. The need for SLAs in SD-WAN services. How encryption complicates visibility and, by extension, enterprise security. These and other issues point to the change and challenges facing SD-WAN services.

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载波SD-WAN: SD-WAN应该不仅仅是MPLS的补充 星期四,2018年3月22日6点25分00秒-0700 史蒂夫加森 史蒂夫加森

Is it only me who finds it just a bit dubious that carriers are advocating SD-WAN? SD-WAN was practically invented to get away from the clutches of carriers, and now we're supposed to trust them to be the stewards of WAN transformation?

Carriers lost that privilege when their business model grew out-of-step with how we do business. We grew tired of being charged double Internet prices for MPLS capacity. In an era of self-service, carriers were still making us wait to troubleshoot problems. And we were astonished that new MPLS circuits could take weeks, even months, to bring into a new site when you could often get started with broadband in a matter of days and upgrade to DIA when ready.

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比较SD-WAN的全球互联网接入服务:价格和质量的巨大差异 周五,2018年2月16日十三时十二分00秒-0800 史蒂夫加森 史蒂夫加森 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


要更好地理解为什么看一个互联网服务的质量是非常重要的,我收集了来自我的朋友全球定价和配置信息在GlobalInternet ,上网连接的全球聚合器。Here’s what we found.

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选择互联网服务供应商为SD-WAN:不要丢了西瓜 星期三,2018年1月31日08:47:00 -0800 史蒂夫加森 史蒂夫加森

I was in the local Best Buy the other day and overheard a conversation between a saleswoman and a father looking to buy a computer for his daughter. Apparently, the daughter is a designer, which of course requires lots of heavy graphics work. Anyway, the saleswoman was trying to explain how he should invest a little bit more in an expensive graphics card because of her work. The father wouldn’t hear of it. He wanted the least expensive machine possible.

It was a mistake.

Part of the art of life is knowing when and where to invest your resources for maximum return. Sometimes less is, well, less and investing a bit more really can make a difference. I know you didn’t come to this blog for self-help advice, but life’s truism has real-world implications for wide area networks and, in particular, when selecting the Internet infrastructure underlying your SD-WAN.

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中国将开始阻止SD-WAN的流量......今天? 2018年1月11日星期四08:53:00-0800 史蒂夫加森 史蒂夫加森 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


当中大部分在我们的行业发生了变化。MPLS已经让位给SD-WAN,但有些东西保持不变。我们仍然需要全球连通性和中国仍然还是一个谜。我故事about China blocking VPN traffic – and potentially SD-WAN traffic – caused quite a stir in the industry, in large part because, like so many things when dealing with China, concrete information remains scarce (particularly for non-native speakers).

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中国将在1月11日前屏蔽SD-WAN和VPN流量 周五,2018年1月5日10:03:00 -0800 史蒂夫加森 史蒂夫加森

A new Chinese policy going into effect next week, will have profound impact on businesses relying on Internet VPN or SD-WAN access within China.

According to a notice from China Telecom obtained by SD-WAN Experts, the Chinese Government will require commercial Chinese ISPs to block TCP ports 80, 8080, and 443 by January 11, 2018. Port 80 is of course the TCP port commonly used for carrying HTTP traffic; 8080 and 443 are used for carrying HTTPS traffic. Commercial ISP customers interested in maintaining access to those ports must register or apply to re-open the port through their local ISP.  

The news, first reported by Bloomberg July, was expected to be implemented by February, 2018. This is the first time a specific date has been provided for the action.

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警告:在发现安全漏洞SD-WAN设备 2017年11月28日星期二07:19:00 -0800 史蒂夫加森 史蒂夫加森

In a rush to capitalize on the SD-WAN market opportunity, some SD-WAN vendors seem to be playing fast and loose with their appliances.

At a recent customer site of ours, Nirvik Nandy, CISO of SD-WAN Experts and CEO of Red Lantern, a security and compliance consultancy, and I collaborated on a security analysis of SD-WAN architectures. We conducted penetration testing of several SD-WAN solutions, looking at

the appliances and cloud architectures. Details of how we tested and vendor results are necessarily confidential. However, I can share with you some of our overall findings about appliances – we’ll get to the cloud at a later date.

SD-WAN security: what it really means

First, some context: SD-WAN vendors speak about their architectures as being secure and that’s true to an extent. All SD-WAN solutions secure traffic in transit. But there’s more to network security than protecting data against eavesdropping and wiretapping, which is why companies deploy next-generation firewall (NGFW), intrusion prevention systems (IPS), and more.  SD-WAN and security vendors have been addressing this need, integrating the functionality of one another into solutions that provide networking and security.

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为什么你的公司可以起诉使用SD-WAN 2017年11月8日星期三10:09:00 -0800 史蒂夫加森 史蒂夫加森 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


But what happens if they don’t? What happens if you’ve built your WAN on an illegally acquired technology?

The question is not just theoretical. Last week, FatPipe sent me a press release pointing out how United States PTO Patent Court upheld a signature claim to its U.S. patent (number 6,775,235) for load balancing across disparate networks. Load balancing is a critical component of all SD-WAN products. As such, FatPipe could, in theory, claim licensing fees from SD-WAN players and their users.

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VMware收购VeloCloud: SD-WAN服务的争论? 周五,2017年11月3日六点12分零零秒-0700 史蒂夫加森 史蒂夫加森

The recent news around VMware’s acquisition of SD-WAN provider VeloCloud is puzzling from a lot of angles but particularly in what it says about SD-WAN services.

Let’s make a deal

VeloCloud is a leader, and some would say the leader, in the SD-WAN market. The company has been in the space since its founding in 2012 and has raised $84 million in private funding, according to CrunchBase. It claims around 1,000 enterprise customers (1,000).

The VeloCloud acquisition will help VMware compete with Cisco, who acquired SD-WAN provider Viptela for $610 million in May. VeloCloud isn’t VMware’s first virtual networking acquisition. Back in 2012, the company acquired Nicira, which became the basis for its NSX network virtualization offering. Integrating the two technologies creates an interesting end-to-end solution. VeloCloud’s approach of coupling appliances with aspects of a cloud service, will play well with VMware’s premise-oriented strategy.

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4 SD-WAN架构的网络安全 周一,2017年10月23日12时45分○○秒-0700 史蒂夫加森 史蒂夫加森 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

SD-WAN可能已经开始作为一个网络技术,但SD-WAN的未来在于安全性。分公司整合安全功能,SD-WAN,允许更精简,更简单的远程办公室部署。 To those ends, security vendors have introduced SD-WAN capabilities — and SD-WAN vendors add security capabilities.

1. SD-WAN appliances with basic firewalling

Many SD-WAN vendors deliver basic firewalling capabilities in their SD-WAN appliances. These firewalls are roughly equivalent to the stateful firewalls you might see in a branch office router. Capabilities will include policy-based filtering and blocking applications based on port or IP addresses. Examples include Cisco (Viptela), Silver Peak and Velocloud.

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