有个足球雷竞技app网络世界皮特Bartolik //m.amiribrahem.com en - us 周一,2020年8月3日14时45分06秒-0700 周一,2020年8月3日14时45分06秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 BrandPost:危机的教训:使用IT的地位提升,加快数字化敏捷 周三,2020年7月22日5时28分00秒-0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

The business disruptions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and the rapid shift to remote work and digital business tested the capabilities of most organizations. IT decision-makers who have made progress on the path of digital transformation believe their efforts left them better prepared to deal with the crisis, according to a recent survey. As a result, according to 74% of survey participants, the role of IT has been elevated.

Participants in an IDG TechTalk Twitter chat July 16 indicated they believe that IT leaders need to take advantage of their new-found strategic prominence to continue pushing their organizations further along the digital transformation path.

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BrandPost:怎么能组织挺身而出远程工作的新世界? 孙,2020年3月29日12时47分00秒-0700 品牌发布 品牌发布 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



在最近的 IDG TechTalk 的Twitter聊天很大程度上一致认为远程工作平台的参与者已被证明是至关重要的。But they’re adamant that leaders need to act on the lessons to be learned from this crisis, particularly in making digital collaboration less of a slogan and more of a reality.

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BrandPost:安全和云去手手:你准备好了吗? 星期三,2018年9月19日8点41分00秒-0700 品牌发布 品牌发布 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

仅仅因为你已经挖掘到云服务供应商的丰富资源,以取代以前的本地IT资产并没有减少你的管理或网络安全的负担。事实上,云迁移创造了新的问题为网络管理员集中于:迁移是从网络的角度固有的风险 - 在移动数据是可以在传输过程中被利用的数据

云供应商易于宣布。其安全性比任何单一的企业可以实现的,仅仅是因为他们拥有更多的资源应用到这一问题。到现在为止,我们都知道,只是在挑战砸钱是没有成功的保证,所以也许采取了剂量的怀疑。 To阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3305855/security-and-the-cloud-go-hand-in-hand-are-you-prepared.html BrandPost:选择网络安全产品 星期三,2018年9月5日13:30:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

Cybercrime damage is projected to reach $6 trillion annually by 2021. That’s creating lots of demand for security protection—estimated at over $1 trillion cumulatively between 2017 and 2021. As a result, an estimated 1,200 vendors are competing to provide enterprise-class cybersecurity products, so how do you go about choosing which solution to use?

There’s no doubt, cyberthreats are real—according to the Online Trust Alliance (OTA), the number of cyber incidents targeting businesses almost doubled from 82,000 in 2016 to 159,700 in 2017, and due to non-reporting of many incidents, the actual number for 2017 could well have exceeded 360,000.

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BrandPost:超越防火墙 - 不同的规则为东西方交通 星期三,2018年8月29日08:30:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布 <文章> <节类=“网页”>


“作为服务器虚拟化的普及的增加,通信量的整个数据中心(东 - 西)横向移动量具有矮化雷竞技电脑网站traditional client-server traffic, which moves in and out (North-South),” industry analyst Zeus Kerravala writes in Network World. “This is playing havoc with data center managers as they attempt to meet the demands of this era of IT.”

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BrandPost:网络团队在安全方面日益增长的作用 星期二,2018年7月3日07:52:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布 <文章> <节类=“网页”>

网络和安全是出了名孤立。这是可以理解的网络操作,以确保可靠的服务质量和计算能力来运行企业主要负责人,同时在安全方面的重点是建立抵御入侵者障碍和清理已感染的系统。But with the continuing rise in cybersecurity threats, it’s increasingly clear that it’s open season on corporate networks and breaking down the traditional wall separating network and security teams is essential to defending the enterprise.

Each team has evolved with different skill sets and different missions: one is expected to facilitate access from anywhere, the other is charged with blocking access to anybody who isn’t authorized. They utilize different tools and may work in separate network operations and security operations centers.

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BrandPost:下一个SDN飞跃:简化,智能化,超宽带 星期二,2018 14时59分00秒-0700 5月29日 品牌发布 品牌发布 <本文> <节课=“页面”>


数字转型已经迅速超越了炒作成为当务之急的需求之一。“数字变革迫使企业要敏捷与速度移动,网络应用的需求是同样敏捷和迅速,”的写道行业分析师分析师Zeus Kerravala 。“的控制和数据平面的分离使得能够控制从装置中抽象出来并集中所以网络管理员可以发出被在整个网络中即刻传播的改变。” 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3276352/the-next-sdn-leap-simplified-intelligent-and-ultra-broadband.html BrandPost:SD-WAN:一种现代方法来连接数字业务 周一,2018年4月2日14:56:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

Digital transformation has crossed the chasm from visionary aspiration to practical implementation and in the process, it is disrupting technologies across the business landscape.

As enterprises and governments transform their operations, many are finding their legacy wide area networks (WANs) cannot meet today’s digital-driven bandwidth demands. Rather than giving them a competitive edge and supporting business growth, their networks are stifling innovation and impeding flexibility.

To address this challenge, software-defined WANs (SD-WANs) are emerging as a smart way to streamline connections among enterprise sites.

Enterprise WANs are under pressure to keep pace with the cloud revolution, which plays a critical role in digital transformation. “Companies worldwide are aggressively consolidating their data centers, implementing new data models, and shifting development to agile, mobile-first, cloud-based models,” IDC Group Vice President and IT executive advisor Joseph Pucciarelli writes in the Winter 2018 Issue of CIO's Digital Magazine.

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