有个足球雷竞技app网络世界肯尼斯·科尔宾 //m.amiribrahem.com en - us 2020年7月6日星期一05:18:08 -0700 2020年7月6日星期一05:18:08 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 网络中立的捍卫者们为新的战斗做好了准备 2017年5月5日星期五10:40:00 -0700 肯尼斯·科尔宾 肯尼斯·科尔宾

Advocates for strong net neutrality rules enforced by a powerful federal regulator may be on the ropes, but they are striking a defiant tone as they look to whip up grassroots opposition ahead of the effort to dismantle the FCC's open internet order.

Later this month, the FCC is planning to hold a vote at its May 18 meeting that would begin consideration of an order reclassifying broadband service under communications law such that the commission would significantly limit its authority to police ISPs.

The distinction in service classification is arcane, but in a practical sense the FCC under Chairman Ajit Pai is proposing to undo the legal underpinning of his predecessor's 2015 open internet order, which expanded the commission's oversight authority over the broadband sector, and established net neutrality rules that have been upheld in federal court.

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联邦首席信息官们将着手处理云迁移的下一阶段 2017年4月27日星期四05:34:00 -0700 肯尼斯·科尔宾 肯尼斯·科尔宾

The cloud has been the default setting in federal government IT for long enough now that most agencies have migrated over some basic operations like email, but that still leaves the hard work undone.

After some quick wins -- moving relatively lightweight applications over to a cloud environment -- many federal CIOs are now trying to figure out what comes next. That requires a more challenging calculus and a nuanced evaluation of the agency's IT portfolio to determine what applications and systems really belong in the cloud.

"Agencies are struggling with that idea of how do they really in an affirmative sort of way adopt cloud technologies," Bill Zielinski, director of the Office of Strategic Programs at the General Services Administration, said during a recent panel discussion hosted by Federal News Radio. "It's one thing to find those kind of freestanding, low-hanging brand-new sorts of things to put in -- quote unquote -- the cloud, but when you really start talking about constituting your IT enterprise with a significant portion of it being cloud, they're struggling."

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为什么我们需要联邦贸易委员会来监督ISP的隐私行为 2017年4月25日星期二07:34:00 -0700 肯尼斯·科尔宾 肯尼斯·科尔宾

Critics of the recently scrapped federal privacy regulation for internet service providers (ISPs) argued that the rules were overreaching, and that broadband providers should be held to the same privacy framework as application and content providers.

The only catch is, they can't.

Terrell McSweeny, a commissioner at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), laments that her agency lacks the same oversight authority over ISPs that it exerts in the general consumer internet space, where it has brought privacy cases against the likes of Google and Facebook.

Then, when Congress moved last month to nullify a privacy rule for ISPs advanced by the FCC, it effectively stripped the market of federal oversight, McSweeny argued at a recent event on privacy policy.

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俄罗斯的黑客攻击远远超出了2016年支持特朗普的努力 周五,2017年3月31日10:57:00 -0700 肯尼斯·科尔宾 肯尼斯·科尔宾 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



克林顿瓦,在外交政策研究所的高级研究员,他说,在过去一周内组织已经检测到一个社交媒体活动旨在诋毁众议院议长保罗·瑞安俄罗斯参与(d威斯康星州)。 要完整地阅读这篇文章,请点击此处 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3186911/russian-hacking-goes-far-beyond-2016-pro-trump-effort.html 联邦政府将用分析技术来对抗网络安全 星期三,2017年3月29日5时52分00秒-0700 肯尼斯·科尔宾 肯尼斯·科尔宾

For the federal government to better secure its information systems and support cybersecurity in the private sector, departments and agencies will need to dramatically improve the way they collect, analyze and share information about emerging threats, current and former government officials are cautioning.

At a government IT conference convened by Akamai, a content delivery and cloud service provider, officials stressed the importance of casting a wide net for gathering information about cyberthreats, calling for the advancement of new standards and protocols to automate information sharing across the public and private sectors.

"The more participants we have in our process, the better that process is going to be," said Danny Toler, acting assistant secretary at the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Cybersecurity and Communications.

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特朗普政府的科技政策前景黯淡 周五,2017年3月17日5时44分00秒-0700 肯尼斯·科尔宾 肯尼斯·科尔宾 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



[相关阅读: 什么从特朗普政府期望在网络安全

现在在白宫椭圆形办公室,特朗普拥有广泛的领域,在那里他可以推动该政策的影响科技股方面,从移民的隐私对新兴技术,如无人驾驶飞机和医疗IT应用遏制法规。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3181900/future-of-tech-policy-murky-under-trump-administration.html 交通部如何发现它的网络是由影子IT损害 2017年2月22日星期三10:55:00 -0800 肯尼斯·科尔宾 肯尼斯·科尔宾 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

当理查德·麦金尼着手迁移运输部(DOT)到Microsoft Office 365,他得到了在影子IT,一个宝贵的教训,可以作为一个警示对其他政府领导人,他们希望提升和巩固他们的系统

麦金尼,谁只在最近DOT辞去首席信息官,当过的以来他的到来部门领导转机任务,当轮到办公室365推出,他很快发现了情况如何混乱了,数百运行未被发现蔓延的网络上未经授权的设备。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3172512/how-dot-cio-discovered-a-network-compromised-by-shadow-it.html Facebook和谷歌是如何打击网络恐怖主义的 周三,2017年2月1日10:37:00 -0800 肯尼斯·科尔宾 肯尼斯·科尔宾

WASHINGTON -- Social media heavyweights like Facebook and YouTube have been working with the U.S. government and other international partners as they look to take a more active role in combating terrorist propaganda and other extremist messages that have gained traction online.

Officials from the popular social network and YouTube parent Google addressed the issue here at a recent tech policy conference, where they described efforts to go beyond simply removing extremist content, and actually engaging in counter-messaging programs to present alternative narratives to those advanced by groups like ISIS.

"We're really focused on utilizing the strength that comes out of YouTube to push back on these messages," said Alexandria Walden, Google's counsel on free expression and human rights. "We know the power of our platform, and so we know that the best way to counter messages of hate and violence is to promote messages that push back against that, that push back against the hate and extremism and xenophobia around the world."

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特朗普的TPP贸易协定使云计算受挫 星期四,2017年1月26日9点32分零零秒-0800 肯尼斯·科尔宾 肯尼斯·科尔宾 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

本报讯 - 在新闻的脚跟特朗普总统从跨太平洋伙伴关系(TPP)除去美国,一个巨大的贸易协议,他抨击的雷竞技比分候选人,专家警告的后果对于一直倡导的政策,打破了限制跨国界数据业务的流量数字贸易壁垒云计算公司。

在此间举行的净年度国家科技政策会议,该消息是由专家,谁表示,执政高科技公司的活动TPP的规定本来是朝着数字化时代建立贸易的国际准则的一个重要步骤组成的小组遭遇挫折。 要阅读本文中全请点击此处 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3161795/trump-s-trade-tpp-move-a-setback-for-cloud-computing.html 特朗普管理威胁网络中立性,云计算和物联网 星期三,2017年1月18日六时三十分○○秒-0800 肯尼斯·科尔宾 肯尼斯·科尔宾 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



“当一切进入云中所需的保护,能够接通免费看门的云是必不可少的。如果互联网服务供应商开始选择哪些应用程序和云工作比更好他人在接入,速度和延迟,它们将控制云未来术语, “惠勒说。 于READ在这篇文章中满,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3158706/trump-administration-threatens-net-neutrality-cloud-and-iot.html 特朗普的国土安全部人选敦促在网络威胁问题上加强协调 2017年1月12日星期四10:23:00 -0800 肯尼斯·科尔宾 肯尼斯·科尔宾 <本文> <节课=“页面”>



在他对网络安全的证词,凯利指出紧跟的威胁,从各种参与者的不断发展接二连三步伐的挑战,并强调政府的重要性,协调其防御的努力和智慧与私营部门公司可能会被攻击者的目标。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3157082/trump-s-dhs-pick-urges-more-coordination-on-cyberthreats.html 联邦政府对不断崩溃的应用程序感到沮丧 星期四,2016年12月15日10:11:00 -0800 肯尼斯·科尔宾 肯尼斯·科尔宾

Imagine if Twitter was offline for an entire day. Sure, some might be happy for the break, but the uproar that would greet a day with no access to the internet's public square would no doubt be loud and angry.

Within the federal government, however, seeing collaboration, communication and database applications go offline for a day or longer is commonplace, a new survey has found.

[ Related: Not dead yet: 7 of the oldest federal IT systems still wheezing away ]

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特朗普称AT&T和时代华纳这样的合并“破坏民主” 2016年12月12日星期一04:58:00 -0800 肯尼斯·科尔宾 肯尼斯·科尔宾

When President-elect Donald Trump takes office next month, one of the biggest items awaiting his Justice Department will be the antitrust review of the proposed $85 billion merger of AT&T and Time Warner, a deal that could have major ramifications for online video and TV distribution arrangements.

Trump addressed the proposed acquisition when it was announced in October while on the campaign trail, saying in no uncertain terms that he opposed the deal on the grounds that the combined entity would hold too much market power. Many consumer advocates feel the same way.

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物联网的攻击会带来真实世界的伤害 星期五,2016年11月18日13:12 -0800 肯尼斯·科尔宾 肯尼斯·科尔宾 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

美国国会议员在本周收到了可怕的警告有关的事情(IOT)所谓的互联网的安全漏洞,因为网络专家警告说,数十亿的新设备来上网协调黑客攻击可能成为 - 从字面上 - 生与死的问题


<强> [相关:在DYN DDoS攻击如何展开] 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3143057/iot-attacks-could-bring-real-world-damage.html 白宫支持STEM教育,缩小技能差距 周四,2016年9月29日7点45分00秒-0700 肯尼斯·科尔宾 肯尼斯·科尔宾 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

在文件中,奥巴马政府已经迈出前进在科学,技术,工程和数学的STEM领域的教育和培训,许多步骤 - 一个关键的优先政策对许多企业说,他们努力雇用合格工人

<强> [相关: 奥巴马扩大STEM教育培训力度

不过,白宫官员很快承认,需要做更多的工作需要,特别是在招聘女孩和少数民族学生进入计算机科学等技术领域。他们都希望,新推出的进阶先修课程将有助于该领域与其他学科的整合,强调真实世界的应用程序吸引了计算机科学的兴趣。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3125614/white-house-to-bolster-stem-education-close-skills-gap.html