


When it bought Cray back in May 2019, HP Enterprise暗示在提供HPC系统作为服务。现在,它正在展示HPE绿色球蛋白的HPC Greenlake云服务。

HPE has made a lot of headway with its GreenLake program, the pay-per-use model created in response to the popularity of cloud service providers. It lets customers pay as if they are buying a cloud service, but it’s provisioned using infrastructure deployed at customer sites or in colocation facilities. Up to now it’s been used in standard IT applications, like app and Web serving or databases.

high-performance computing服务专为企业而设计,以支持苛刻的计算和数据密集型工作负载,如AI和ML。新产品通过基于专门的HPC系统,软件,存储和网络的特大号和大型选项提供完全管理的,预捆绑的服务,消除了与传统的HPC部署相关的复杂性和成本。

Customers order it through a self-service, point-and-click portal to choose the configuration they need for their workloads. The company claims it can speed up deployment of HPC projects by up to 75% and reducing capital expenditures by up to 40%.



记住,GreenLake(和戴尔和联想的需求TruScale Infrastructure Services) are the alternative to up-front hardware acquisition. Instead of buying outright, the customer pays a monthly usage fee—a lease—and has the option of the vendor managing the hardware. When the lease is up, instead of customers having to dispose of the hardware, the vendor takes it back.

HPE is going all out to support GreenLake. In 2019 it宣布通过Greenlake将通过Greenlake提供的所有HPE硬件的计划到2022年。HPC似乎是一个奇怪的选择,因为与传统的IT应用不同,它不断运行完整的倾斜。在可以快速加起来的计量场景中。

But Peter Ungaro, senior vice president and general manager of High Performance Computing & Mission Critical Solutions at HPE, says there are two drivers here that help to save money.

“First is that smaller HPC and AI systems don’t typically run at full utilization as the demand for them is less than the large systems,” he said via email “Also, customers may want to prototype, say an AI application, and then that application usage will scale over time as they move into production and have larger data volumes.”




While hardware is at the center of GreenLake, it involves a lot of software. HPE GreenLake Central is a platform for customers to manage and optimize their HPC services. HPE Self-service dashboard enables users to run and manage HPC clusters on their own, without disrupting workloads, through a point-and-click interface, and HPE Consumption Analytics provides analytics of usage and cost based on metering.





