VMware Preps Milestone NSX用于Enterprise-Cloud Push

VMware's NSX-T 2.4 includes network-configuration automation, management and security among 100 new features to better support corporate hybrid and multi-cloud environments.

virtual data center servers
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Looking to ease deployments of软件定义的网络同时加强自动化和安全性hybridand multicloud customers, VMware has taken the wraps off of a major release of its NSX-T Data Center software.

虽然NSX-T 2.4公告包含超过100多个升级,但VMware表示,作为公司的未来软件定义云开发的Proby Anoints NSX-T.

“这是NSX-T的派对 - 现在我们的主要平台,包括所有工具,服务,安全性和对未来增长的支持,”VMware的NSX产品营销高级总监Tom McCafferty说。

在2017年推出,NSX-T数据中心软件在寻求支持M雷竞技电脑网站ultivender云本机应用程序的组织中,裸金属工作负载,hypervisorenvironments and the growing hybrid and multi-cloud worlds. A version of the software called NSX Cloud is a public-cloud/hosted version of the software. It already supports other cloud systems from Amazon Web Services to Microsoft Azure to IBM Cloud and its own VMware Cloud on AWS.

VMware为其重要安装的VMware vSphere客户提供了NSX-V。vsphere主要基于技术VMware在收购Nicira时买了2012年,以1.26亿美元。

Playing up and advancing NSX-T is the next logical step for VMware and its customers, experts say.

“应用程序的未来将分发(混合IT和Multiculoud)和异构(遗留应用和云天然应用),”IDC的数据中心网络的研究副总裁Brad Casemore表示,在电子邮件中。“NSX-V为VMware的vSphere和它构建了SDDC [software-defined data center], not for this new reality of cloud-native and multicloud.”

对于至少几个原因来说,这是一项重要的发展,Casemore指出。“首先,越来越多的VMware客户正在选择在裸机和/或公共云中运行容器,并且驱动器需要像NSX-T而不是NSX-V一样的东西,这是许多人今天,”Casemore说过。“VMware将强烈建议安装已安装的用户基础以迁移和转换到NSX-T。此外,VMware的SDN和网络虚拟化竞争对手 - 所有常用的玩家 - 正在寻求资本化市场转变为云本机和多罩 - 不再是VMware VM的独家保留。“

VMware is battling Cisco with its Application Centric Infrastructure, Juniper with its Contrail system and others like Pluribus, Arista and Big Switch.

NSX-T 2.4的关键组件可以推动最多客户兴趣的能力包括快速调整和安全地管理软件定义的网络资源的能力。特别是NSX-T 2.4添加了基于HTML5的接口,可减少完成配置任务所需的点击次数,并包括安装增强功能,例如Ansible open-source automation-platformmodules to enable automation of installation workflows.

The system creates what VMware calls a declarative policy model to enable a one-step approach to configuring networking and security for applications, VMware wrote in a博客概述NSX-T 2.4增强功能。VMware表示,该模型通过允许用户指定应用程序连接和安全性,而不是如何逐步配置网络和安全性,这模型大大简化了网络自动化。

“This approach eliminates the need for a tedious set of sequential commands to configure networking and security services which is time-consuming and error-prone. The declarative interface takes in simple, user-defined terms the connectivity and security requirements for the application environment specified in [a human-friendly JavaScript Object Notation (JSON),在新版本中添加的数据交换格式文件]。“

“这些策略是平台 - 不可知的,易于复制,简化操作,并允许IT团队扩展到新的水平,”VMware表示。

Helping customers more quickly and easily handle network provisioning, configuration and automation is the goal, McCafferty said. “These were tasks that held back the wide-use of software defined networks – we can now remove those challenges,” he said.

根据VMware,NSX-T 2.4的一些其他增强功能包括:

  • 支持高级安全功能,如第7层基于应用上下文的防火墙,基于身份的防火墙和白名单。白名单功能支持完全限定的域名(FQDN)/ URL,并在分布式防火墙中适用于East-West流量,允许客户从VM到特定FQDN或URL的特定特定流量。VMware表示,优势包括支持在多站点环境中与不同系统/应用程序的通信,支持使用本机云服务的应用程序,并在Internet上支持URL域。
  • NSX-T可以扩展到数十万条路由,超过每个NSX域中的千台主机,并启用大规模的多租户。此前,该软件支持数千个网络,VMware表示。
  • VMware表示,在NSX-T 2.4中支持NSX-T 2.4中的IPv6,它解决了一个关键的全局问题和云级网络的关键要求。

“VMware has done well with NSX, and it continues to grow, but the next stage of market growth in data-center SDN will involve multicloud and full-stack networking for containers,” Casemore said. “VMware knows this, and that’s why you’re seeing them pivot so strongly to NSX-T/Cloud.”

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