人工智能(AI)和机器学习(ML)仍然被许多人的怀疑,尽管长期历史悠久,在学术界和工业中持续进展,以及众多成功的应用程序。But it’s not hard to understand why: The very concept of an algorithm running on a digital computer being able to duplicate and even improve upon the knowledge and judgement of a highly-experienced professional – and, via machine learning, improve these results over time – still sounds at the very least a bit off in the future. And yet, thanks to advances in AI/ML algorithms and significant gains in processor and storage performance and especially the price/performance of solutions available today, AI and ML are already hard at work in network operations, as we’ll explore below.
对人类绩效的基本局限性是另一个因素;假设即使是最好的运营专业人员也可以同时考虑当今网络中存在的变量数量,特别是在跟上新技术和产品的过程中,这是越来越不合理的。因此,在基于AI / ML的产品和基于云的服务中体现智能的智慧正在迅速成为甚至持怀疑态度的前燃烧器兴趣。