如何为长期运行挂在Windows 7上

在Windows 10上没有出售?我们有钥匙要将您的Win7系统保留您喜欢的方式

If Windows 7 represents peak Windows for you, you’re not alone. Twice as many people use Win7 as use Win10, even after 18 months of Microsoft pressure to get you to give up Win7 and jump to the shiny new version as your operating system of choice.

您与Win7留下的原因可能是距离精神惯性的便利,以滥用Win10信息博格。无论你剩下的原因是剩下的,你现在可以采取的步骤来确保Win7保持工作 - 至少在Microsoft将在2020年1月14日推出安全补丁。(是的,这是一个修补程序。)

The key, as you might expect, is to stow away a solid “ground zero” full backup. From that point, you should patch judiciously, use incremental backups scrupulously, and tend to the maintenance jobs that you’ve no doubt neglected. If you go about it in an organized manner, your machine should last forever ... or at least until you throw it in the trash and buy a new one.


Before you back up your machine, make sure it’s in top shape.

If you’re concerned about Microsoft’s “telemetry,” the fact is that you agreed to a certain level of snooping when you consented to the许可协议对于Windows 7:


将Win7带到速度和保持持续时间的方法取决于您愿意与Microso Microsy有关系统,软件和活动的信息。从2016年10月开始,Microsoft更改了它分配修补程序的方式,以适应只想要安全更新的个人和组织,而不是可能影响收集到Microsoft的其他信息的其他修补程序。这会产生两个修补策略和“我的不适合我,请”选项。

我详细介绍了“三个主要的修补选择”如何为Windows 7 / 8.1'拼写份额做准备。“长话短说,Win7补丁与三个主要群体对齐:

  • A组:那些愿意服用Microsoft的新遥测系统的人以及潜在有用的不安全更新。
  • B组:那些不想要更多窥探的人,而不是必要的并且不关心夏令时区的改变,但是要继续应用安全补丁。
  • Group W:那些将采取机会并不想安装任何新修补程序的那些Stalwarts,无论它们都修复安全漏洞。

A组(应用所有提供的修补程序)或G组(不需要修补)是最容易加入的,但组W易受各种问题的群体。我不建议组W. A组可以使用Windows更新来获取所需的一切。加入B组更难,因为它需要手动下载和安装补丁。


Step 2. Optionally reinstall Win7 from scratch


对于许多人来说,Windows 7正常工作。如果描述了您的情况,请跳至步骤3。

在您剩下的内容中,新的Windows 7的新安装对于保留一个全功能的Win7至关重要。我知道的最好的方法是在askwoody.com上发布,基于加拿大技术开发的程序。有两个重要的粘性点:

  • 获取“正版”Windows 7 Service Pack 1安装文件可能很困难。
  • 一旦您有Win7 SP1,您应该安装哪个更新?

Obtaining the real ISOs is a significant concern because there are many pirate copies of Win7 floating around the internet. Until May 2014, you could download the retail bits from an Microsoft distributor known as Digital River. In an InfoWorld column, I讨论过源消失的方式。

微软有this official download site,但它仅适用于您为其提供有效的产品密钥 - 并且有擦。Microsoft定义了产品密钥依然:

来自授权零售商。The product key should be on a label or card inside the box that Windows came in.

运行Windows的新型。The product key will be preinstalled on your PC, included with the packaging the PC came in, or included on the Certificate of Authenticity (COA) attached to the PC.

但是我已经听说过很多人,他们检索到的钥匙(通常来自Produkey或Belarc Advisor)不起作用,甚至从100%正版Win7安装中的键。我还听说过零售钥匙 - 在所有案例中使用Win7内部购买的盒子里面的盒子里面。

我问微软如何用明显的Win7副本的人如何获得新的Windows 7 SP1安装文件。响应:

对于没有产品密钥的客户,他们需要联系微软Customer Support Service,我们在丢失媒体时,我们拥有可选择的选项来获取Windows 7产品。

如果您无法找到Win7 SP1的清洁副本,请退房“获得Windows 7位新副本的最安全方法。“

干净的安装不是为了胆小的核心。无论你多么努力,你都会失去数据,以某种方式 - 某个地方 - 它始终发生,即使是经常运行清洁Windows安装的Masochist ops。

从一整套程序安装CD,DVD或您可以下载所需的位置列表。确保您拥有所有密钥。将所有密码粘在LastPass或RoboForm等存储库中。您应该使用像Windows轻松传输等产品的产品发送数据和设置,从其他地方发送到DVD或外部或网络驱动器(见Lance Whitney'sTechNet站点的方法)。

然后,用Win7 SP1的好副本武装,你已经准备好了加拿大科技的步骤to install a clean copy of Win7.

注意:我不建议安装所谓的便利更新,KB 3125574,它创建了卷起了许多未突出的补丁。虽然Service Pack 2-Like Update可能会节省您的一段时间,但在我的经验中,如果您遵循加拿大技术的建议,则加速是最小的。Abbodii,Pointzero和Komm的全明星团队记录了缺点方便更新,他们不应该被忽视。


如果您没有从头开始安装新的Windows 7副本,则可能会有Windows Update遇到的问题。首先遵循两个简单的步骤消除不合理的速度慢Windows 7更新扫描。然后选择性地应用修补程序,您需要陷入困境。

从10月开始(“拼写份额”),Windows 7补丁began arriving in two clumps: Security-only patches (for Group B), which you have to download and install manually; and Monthly Rollups (for Group A), which include nonsecurity patches and are available through Windows Update.

选择A组或B组,以及bring your machine’s Windows up to date。是的,如果您在W组中,您可以跳过此步骤。

当所有似乎都正确时,再次运行Windows更新,以确保您拥有Office,.NET和可能需要更新的其他任何其他可能更新的其他修补程序 - 包括非Microsoft产品。

Step 4. Take control

“Control” means different things to different people, but at a minimum I suggest you make these changes to Win7 before backing it up:

掌控您的Windows更新策略。 IDG

关闭自动更新。Click Start > Control Panel > System and Security. Under Windows Update, click the "Turn automatic updating on or off" link. In the Important Updates box, choose “Never check for updates (not recommended).” Uncheck the box marked "Give me recommended updates the same way I receive important updates" and click OK.

关闭自动Windows更新 IDG

Turn off the Customer Experience Improvement Program.单击“开始”。在搜索程序和文件框类型中顾客,然后单击“更改客户体验改进计划设置”。单击“否,我不想参与程序”,然后保存更改。

Disable Win7 tasks you don't want IDG

禁用您不想要的任务。通过单击“开始”以及“搜索程序”和“文件”框类型,进入任务调度程序任务。单击任务调度程序。You can find many recommendations on the web about which tasks to prune, but the best advice I’ve found comes from AskWoody’s ch100, who recommends disabling the Application Experience agent (AitAgent), Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser, and ProgramDataUpdaters, all three of which appear in the \Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience folder (screenshot). There are also scheduled tasks related to the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) that may or may not be disabled when you opt out of CEIP. If you’re very cautious, see这篇文章来自JY在askwoody上。

更新您的浏览器。如果您坚持使用Internet Explorer,请确保您有IE11安装了。如果你没有被锁定在一起,请尝试Google Chrome要么Firefox

垃圾垃圾垃圾。您将创建一个最高质量的硬盘副本。为什么要用垃圾瓶卷发?新发现的64位功能,我喜欢自由已经rsion of Revo Uninstaller

Note: Those with detailed knowledge may want to dive deeper into hardening their systems. We have ongoing discussions -- and knock-down debates -- about the details on AskWoody.com. MVP Noel Carboni specializes in keeping Win7 systems locked down.



Win7磁盘清理 IDG

While there are many utilities that will help you zero in on duplicated files and ferret out grunge sitting in odd corners, Windows’ built-in Disk Cleanup will take a big swipe at the detritus. It has the added advantages of being both free and easy to use.

To do so, click Start > Computer. Right-click your main drive and choose Properties (screenshot). Click Disk Cleanup. In the resulting Disk Cleanup dialog box, click “Clean up system files.” Follow the instructions and sweep out the old.


步骤6.备份 - 现在和永远

您终于在完整磁盘映像备份有意义的那一点。是的,您应该备份数据,作为系统映像的一部分。我建议在这一点上制作一个备份 - 当你的系统工作伟大的工作和松鼠时。使用通常的备份方案,如果您有一个。

使用Produkey查找您的Win7产品密钥 IDG

Before you start the backup, make sure you have your system usernames and passwords写下来,对于系统上的每个用户。如果您写下Windows激活ID,您也会更好地睡眠。如果您无法在PC附加的贴纸上找到激活ID,则运行Nirsoft的Produkey.(screenshot) to pull it out of your machine. That key probably won’t get you a clean copy of the Windows 7 files, but it should be a good starting point for arguing with Win7 activation phone support, if you can’t get a restored image of Win7 activated. Yes, it happens.

To get serious about creating and maintaining backups, install and run a dedicated backup/restore package. Two of the best: Macrium Reflect (免费供个人使用;每个PC 70美元或更少for businesses)和Acronis真实镜像(免费30天试用,然后$ 50)。按照安装说明,在外部驱动器或联网驱动器(或DVD上)在外部驱动器或网络驱动器上创建完整磁盘映像,然后断开驱动器并将其存储在某个地方保险箱。确保将系统修复磁盘与主备份一起存储。


Win7备份和恢复 IDG

If you really want to use the Win7 backup routines -- they are free and work reasonably well -- buy an external hard drive and plug it in. Click Start > Control Panel > System and Security > Backup and Restore. You see the “Back up or restore your files” dialog (screenshot).

On the left, click “Create system image.” You may create the system image on a hard drive, DVDs, or a network location. To go out to the network and look for a suitable location, assuming you have one, click Select.

创建Win7系统图像 IDG



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