

它已经超过一年,因为我贴在这些页面我的预测是2波将是一个在市场上更快,而高于后来的现象。OK,没Wave 2的产品,但我们越来越近。Xirrus的最近公布他们将开始接受预订,第2波模块将在2015年出货Xirrus的阵列现场升级,我希望过程是简单的。我宣布归类像这样的“几乎”是因为(一)有没有坚定的出货日期,及(b)没有公布的定价。这些都不是问题,因为(一)人人都知道,第2波在2015年即将到来,和(b)甚至宣布价格总是议。

该版本还指出,Xirrus的预计,“近一半的新的Wi-Fi设备的”预计到2014年底,我们称之为50%数量的“临界质量”,并在2014年底将与.11ac出货at least six months ahead of our initial forecast of the second half of 2015. I’m happy to be wrong here, and I continue to recommend that all new enterprise-class installations be based on .11ac.

至于基于2波产品(名单)定价,我们的研究表明在25%左右波动1的初始溢价。We expect that difference to drop to near zero after one year, based on competition and the fact that Wave 2 sales will eclipse those of Wave 1 (again, our forecast) by the end of 2016. That’s more than two years from now, so, again, we don’t recommend any delay in current required purchases in advance of the availability of the next generation. Such delay is usually inadvisable in IT, as gaining ROI in the form of improved productivity from current technologies is usually the best path forward, as opposed to waiting for the next latest and greatest or making due with the inadequate. Regardless, Wave 2 will indeed happen sooner rather than later, and I’m looking forward to trying a few of these products as soon as they, and their corresponding client devices, are available. And that subscriber-unit availability issue is the real challenge in realizing the full potential of Wave 2.



