它已经三年左右的时间,因为圣迭戈五大医院先召开会议,讨论在改善诊断,减少差错,提高患者的护理质量的努力,共享电子病历数据。该小组举行了几次会议,并进入与供应商讨论,作为一个可能的企业赞助商 - 这是。
"It really didn't go anywhere," says Dr. Joshua Lee, medical director of information services at theUniversity of California, San Diego,医疗中心,在电子病历讨论的参与者之一。尽管该系统将有一个明确的公共卫生利益,它不是在各医院的经济利益去追求它。“金融和监督的责任会落在医疗中心,尽管这是一个非常无形的利益的医疗中心,”李说。
Today, if a child who is a UCSD patient at the pediatric clinic at 7910 Frost St. in San Diego is admitted to the emergency room at Sharp Memorial Hospital at 7901 Frost St., the only way the ER doctor can view that child's known medical problems, allergies, prescriptions and other health data is by calling UCSD HealthCare, making a records request, and waiting for the information to be printed and either faxed or physically delivered on paper. Conversely, any treatments or medications given at Sharp won't be entered into the patient's EMR in the UCSD system. "It's not like we don't share on paper, but we don't institutionally share data," says Lee.
而不是要求会员供应商改变他们的内部系统,该研究所写的中间件,从所有这些专有系统的集成数据,并组织成一个单一的数据模型。“我们写的界面引擎,做所有的这些东西,” Grannis创作说。如果会员只是想查看综合患者数据,他们登录到社区电子健康记录(EHR)的网站。或者,可以研究所数据推出拥有自己的电子病历系统供应商。
Ultimately, technology isn't the problem. Granted, the health care industry has been held back by松和不同类型的健康信息系统中重叠的技术标准和互操作性的差由数百家厂商的销售。但最大的障碍可能是支付模式,为大多数医疗服务提供者的小经济诱因,在内部使用电子记录的投资,让我们与其他供应商独自分享。
电子记录系统确实产生一些储蓄,特别是在申报的地区,但储蓄往往是不够的,收不回成本 - 特别是对于单医生和小团体的做法,从而弥补了以上的医疗保健服务的一半in the U.S.
Even in Indianapolis, there is no viable long-term business model for the health information exchange, and not all members have their own EMR systems. "We are largely grant-funded," Grannis says. Once those grants come to an end, other revenue sources must be found to sustain the programs.
“提供者承担费用,但大部分收益归于其他各方,”主要是“纳税人” - 保险公司 - 谁获得更高质量的保健益处的患者说,约翰哈拉姆卡,CIO在哈佛医学院和贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心在波士顿和计算机世界专栏作家.
Arecent study在电脑订单录入系统的价值,为临床使用中发现,只有11%,这是投资回报去提供者。其余的大部分好处付款人研究的共同作者布莱克福德米德尔顿,谁是临床信息研究公司董事和发展,并在波士顿中心的IT领袖,在合作伙伴的医疗系统公司的主席说。
“不是reimbursedfor using better systems to take better care of patients, says Mark Leavitt, chairman of the Certification Commission for Healthcare Information Technology. Ironically, the financial systems are a different matter. "Everyone makes darn sure those work, because if you don't send [insurance reimbursement information] in the right format, you don't get paid," he says.
共享电子健康档案可以帮助运营商避免重复测试。但是,供应商正在补偿给程序,而不是那些避免。“付款人的成本降低,但这样是偿还放射科和放射科医生,” HL7首席执行官Charles贾菲说。
在国家层面上,无法交换健康信息具有公共健康后果。大约47万美国人每年移动,但对于绝大多数,病历 - 甚至那些电子 - 不按照患者。这会影响服务的连贯性。
该Duke University Health System has integrated the data from its disparate systems to create a unified EMR system. CIO Asif Ahmad says the benefits have been worth the considerable effort involved. The hospital is using business intelligence tools to comb through clinical data in an effort to improve the quality of patient care and is using predictive analytics to help avoid potentially adverse reactions to drugs and improve patient safety. But it is not yet sharing health care record data outside of its own provider network.
首先,有用于获取关于电子病历系统的所有做法的前期成本。莱维特说,这样的系统范围从美国典型的成本$ 15,000至$每5万港元的医生。“规模较小的做法,不能摊销,”他说。
他说,感谢斯塔克法的重新解释2004年 - 从接收机构补贴禁止医生联邦立法它们所涉及的病人 - 医院可以补贴高达为私人诊所非硬件实施成本85%。通过使用软件作为一种服务模式提供电子病历系统,这些做法可以减少前期硬件成本。“软件即服务是便宜,因为通过中心主机和采购实现规模效益,”哈拉姆卡说。
But although Beth Israel Deaconess has made it a policy to offer EHRs to nonemployee doctors, many hospitals, faced with tight budgets, are unlikely to fund such programs without an economic incentive to do so.
有二次成本。员工必须学习新的EMR系统,往往必须改变其业务习惯来适应它的工作方式。在某些情况下,系统的实施可以需要4至6个月,多达50%减少患者就诊次数Grannis创作说。“这是一个很大的障碍面子。而且他们不是计算机科学家,所以这是一个奇怪的新的世界,”他说。虽然做的做法通过降低成本,如申请领域看到一些积蓄,“没有这些价值主张是本垒打,” Grannis创作说。
HL7的贾菲说,如果市场不提供激励医生转型,政府应以提高公众健康这么做。“在美国,(政府)已编入预算的保健亿$ 75条。在英国,它的α1十亿。它令人沮丧,”他说。
该健康和人类服务的美国能源部does have one small program under way. In what project officer Jodi Blatt calls a "pay for performance demonstration," the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services are in the process of recruiting 2,400 practices in 12 locations this year to participate in a study. Physicians can earn up to $58,000 -- group practices up to $290,000 -- in incentives over the course of the five-year program by demonstrating improvements in patient care as a result of having implemented EMR systems. "We believe the incentives are substantial enough to reduce the barriers to practices," she says.
However, there are 921,904 physicians, 723,118 practices and 5,756 hospitals in the U.S., according to the American Medical Association and the American Hospital Association. Given those numbers, it's not clear that the incentive program will enable the industry to meet美国总统布什's stated goal that it provide most Americans with interoperable EHRs by 2014.
如果所有的医院和医生使用电子病历系统,且符合标准的互操作性,更多的区域交流 - 甚至国家信息交换 - 可能开始发展。“在迈阿密的医院可以联系在圣迭戈的一家医院,并做一些交流,这是在理想世界中,”布拉特说。
But who will pay for that remains unresolved. Grannis says Regenstrief is working to find a sustainable economic model for health information exchanges by providing value-added services beyond basic health-record sharing. For example, the institute has received separate, ongoing funding for a service that uses data in the EHR exchange to quickly identify disease outbreaks (see"Seven Years And Counting: National Disease-Tracking System Still Unfinished"). But today, Grannis acknowledges, the exchange still depends on "a patchwork of funding."
他说,他认为努力微软公司,谷歌公司和其他人建立个人健康记录资料库- 基于Web的服务,其中个人可以从多个供应商聚集的健康记录,并添加他们自己的数据 - 将会把对行业的压力接受电子病历。但它会过于复杂和昂贵的供应商建立的双向传输与所有其他供应商。地方交流比如一个在印第安纳波利斯会被要求,缓和竞争问题,中立的第三方将需要在步骤来管理这些交流,Grannis创作说。
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This story, "E-medical records: What seems to be the problem?" was originally published by计算机世界 .