苹果的iWork '09得到在线共享,更新

The last time Apple updated its iWork productivity suite, it included a number of revolutionary advances over previous versions -- especially the inclusion of the Numbers spreadsheet application. By contrast, this year's move toiWork的'09在上月的Macworld Expo上亮相,感觉比革命更加进化。套件中的所有三个应用程序 - 在Pages文字处理,Numbers和主题演讲,苹果的演示应用程序 - 收到显着的更新,但他们往往微调和补充现有的功能集,而不是引进根本性的变化。

While the updates may not wow current iWork users, each application got some worthy changes, easily justifying the US$79 price tag on iWork '09 -- or the $49 charge if you're buying it along with a new Mac. One interesting note: The updates are largely application-specific, unlike the iWork '08 release, which included general interface updates across all three apps.

一个主要除了套件是iWork.com,基于Web的协作工具,允许用户在三个的iWork应用程序中的任何一个创建的共享文档。iWork.com允许多个用户查看和评论文档通过以iWork,Microsoft Office或PDF格式,一个漂亮的Web界面和下载共享文档。现在,iWork.com是免费提供的,苹果说,这是在公共beta测试。但是,最终这将是一种有偿服务。

在所有三个应用的另一个更新的模板浏览器,它有几个新模板。像包括在苹果的iLife套件iWork的以前版本和使用iWeb应用,三个应用程序为用户提供了广泛的文档模板。创建一个新文档时选择模板的浏览器现在已经调整了通过简单地在该模板上移动光标缩略图,以方便观看的多页面模板的所有页面的 - 就像在iPhoto中的事件可以快速显示多张照片。


As with last year's iWork, however, most of templates have sample data included, making them more like demo files than actual templates. Some might see that as helpful; I tend to find it a little frustrating if I'm creating a new project or document.



Although new templates for both word processing and page-layout projects are included in Pages '09, the software itself seems to be largely unchanged from its predecessor. The most obvious additions, beyond the new templates and template browser, are the inclusion of iWork.com, Outline and full-screen buttons in the toolbar.

Some other slightly less obvious features include support for mail merges with Numbers spreadsheets and support for MathType and EndNote X2 for adding detailed equation editing and bibliographic references, respectively. (Both features are aimed more at academic communities than at the average user.)

For anyone who is easily distracted by other open windows or applications while writing, the new full-screen feature in Pages is a major help. While not exactly a new concept, Apple's implementation is particularly nice, given the way that moving the cursor to various portions of the screen displays stylish 3-D interfaces for a page navigator (showing thumbnails of every page in a document), scroll bar, the Pages toolbar and the Mac's menu bar.


The easy transition between outlining and word processing or page layout is also particularly helpful compared with using separate tools, where I've seen problems arise when trying to shift content between tools. Another boon: The outline feature supports dragging and dropping of various image or multimedia elements.

The ability to do mail merges has been a sorely lacking feature in past versions of Pages for many users. iWork '09 fills this gap by allowing users to perform merges from both Numbers spreadsheets and from records in the Mac OS X Address Book application. Since Numbers can open and import Excel files, it is also possible to indirectly do merges based on Excel files by using Numbers to open and save the file first. Mail merges work surprisingly well and are pretty easy to do.



我也很喜欢那个页面支持从地址簿应用程序合并的事实。随着通讯簿成为Mac OS X中的联系人信息的主体 - 尤其是对邮件和通过MobileMe同步到iPhone和在多台Mac - 这似乎是合乎逻辑,使其可作为合并源。它还可以帮助新手谁可能要创建的东西,如派对邀请函邮件合并的用户,特别是如果他们已经使用通讯簿联系人信息,但可能会考虑从电子表格与传统的合并工作太混乱成立。


iWork的的演示工具,主题,一直提供一个非常容易使用的界面和广泛的光滑,具有专业外观的模板。主题'09建立在其前辈的功能,使它更容易为用户创造令人惊叹的演示。像魔术师移动和对象和文本转换的新功能让动画效果的制作在一张幻灯片中,或在多张幻灯片,令人难以置信的简单。苹果还增加了新的风格和图表,新模板,动画效果和原来的iPhone或iPod Touch变成一个方便的远程呈现一个99美分的应用程序。

Magic Move是的基调'09最酷的新功能之一。它可以让你选择任何对象 - 无论是图像或文本块 - 在一个幻灯片,复制幻灯片(或复制并粘贴元素到第二张幻灯片),修改了第二张幻灯片对象的任何属性(位置,大小,不透明度,旋转角度等),并且然后选择神奇移动过渡效果。


神奇移动是不包括在主题演讲'09唯一令人印象深刻的转变。该软件建立在从图片,图表和视频剪辑文本其现有的2-d和3 d的特殊效果。其结果是几十个,看起来更像是一部电影不是一个办公室或教室演示一些特殊效果。

Basic bouncing and dissolving text and images look boring next to text that appears to shift, anagram style, from one slide to another; photos that appear out of virtual flames; and objects that disappear like they're being beamed back to the starship Enterprise. It's as easy to use as selecting the item and choosing the effect by which it appears, moves or vanishes.


对于谁需要演示移动互联网存储,主动文件服务器和USB闪存驱动器,甚至送他们通过e-mail上-The-Go的类型,主题现在可以减少文件大小。照片从嵌入的视频转换为演示文稿的幻灯片的分辨率或删除未使用的帧听起来或许不是最令人兴奋的功能,但它肯定有它的用途 - 特别是当大多数的照片和视频以比所需的分辨率呈现较大的被捕获。

最后的大除了在主题演讲'09基调远程iPhone / iPod Touch的应用程序。我第一次看到基调远程作为一个体面的使用那个小比你能与远程苹果或无线鼠标得到的更多些所提供的iPhone SDK的。在一定程度上,这是事实。但由于iPhone或iPod Touch将显示演示的幻灯片和笔记 - SAN的过渡效果 - 应用程序释放从坐在电脑前,甚至主持人看显示器。可观看演讲笔记的能力是特别聪明,因为这是通常链有人给介绍来运行它的计算机。

主题演讲Remote应用程序连接到计算机的过程非常类似于连接远程应用程序的iTunes资料库或Apple TV。随着iPhone和连接到同一个无线网络的计算机 - 计算机可以通过以太网连接,只要它是网络上的无线路由器处于同一网段 - 两个设备将使用苹果的Bonjour零自动发现对方构型的网络。然后四位数PIN码显示在iPhone的进入对主题的偏好。





In addition to expanding the overall number of functions, Apple offers an improved Numbers browser similar to the help viewer in Mac OS X 10. 5 Leopard that makes it easier to search available functions and find out more about how each function can be used -- with fairly clear descriptions and extensive samples of each function. For anyone new to the software -- or to spreadsheets in general -- the browser is great for learning about functions and building formulas quickly.

式的编辑也成为通过在公式栏中,清楚地识别每个功能的使用颜色编码的占位符更容易获得。占位符支持简单的选择(很像用于联系人信息中地址字段在Mac OS X的Mail应用程序的占位符)和拖动和拖放重新排序的公式内。他们还提供上下文弹出菜单,可以很容易地选择与所计算出的数据相关联的共同价值观。它是很容易地查看公式的详细信息的有用工具。

Locating formulas within a Numbers file is also easier with the new Formula List feature. Located in the toolbar, this option displays a pane below the main display that lists every formula in the document, organized by which tables they're in. The list includes the cell containing the formula, the current results and the formula itself. This helps you quickly find and modify formulas, and is probably most helpful when working with one of Apple's templates or a document created by another user.


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