

在交互操作,我是在一个小组主办的独特的吉姆•麦茨勒题为“为什么网络必须从根本上改变”。Now, just judging the attendance alone I must say that there certainly seemed to be enough interest in this topic to warrant a belief that there must be some pressures on IT and the Networking team that are making them wonder how the network will change. The room was seated to capacity, and people were sitting on the floor and standing along the back and side walls - a far cry from Interop panels in the past where success was defined as having more attendees in the audience than panelists. Now, you may assume that all is well and good and if it isn't broke, don't fix it. You could also take the tack that technology evolution is a given and therefore change is inevitable. Either is fine with me. Let's start by looking at what the major changes are that have an effect on the network that may be influencing the need for different networking models:- Traffic profiles have changed交通配置文件发生了变化为了更好地支持的电子邮件,更多的用户,成本有效的网络设备建在超额认购的设计者——本质上意味着:提供更多的端口,每个端口以更低的价格,但每个端口永远不会完全带宽能力。这是电子邮件应用程序非常好,很多设备都在4:1以上超额认购,设备和部署在层,这样可以分散的覆盖整个地板,建筑,或校园。三层深处一个经典的“访问-聚合核心”模式从本质上讲,这是64:1超额认购在每个方向——再次丛发性不是一个问题,非实时和非对称交通流。每个人都认为语音IP将成为“杀手级应用”改变局域网,但它本质上开车对以太网更重要的是——一个64 kb / s交通流不拥挤往往对一个GbE校园局域网,如果一些简单的QoS优先级可以处理它很轻松。一些公司认为视频会改变一切:它可以在互联网上通过推动更多的带宽和作为服务提供者的名副其实的不可抗力骨干升级,但这并不削弱校园或数据中心:我的意思是什么是压缩3 mb / s 720 p的篮球比赛当我移动对跨GbE局域网吗?雷竞技电脑网站今天,新类型的应用程序越来越普遍:无论你想看看他们是Web2.0, SOA,或网格,集群,或云是一种夸张的词你想使用和一周的哪一天。最根本的现实是,在数据中心网络交通模式正在改变。雷竞技电脑网站南北/客户机-服务器的电子邮件交通模式仍然存在,但已不再是带宽的主要动力:例如,如果你去一个搜索引擎,输入的松鼠,点,挖你可能达到几百个服务器在几毫秒为web服务器种族放在一起一个精确的响应,为您服务广告占广告服务,把你和饼干等。这些客户测量10毫秒的客户得到结果的区别是他们正在寻找潜在客户沮丧和竞争。化合物与存储通过以太网和IP:这是否iSCSI, NFS, NAS,你选择的集群文件系统,或者新生FCoE甚至有更多的流量从服务器到服务器,服务器,存储,存储服务器,每隔一段时间服务器端。客户提到的一项措施是,在他们的工厂90%的流量是“内部”的数据中心,只有10%离开数据中心去客户端电脑。雷竞技电脑网站虚拟机动态迁移或移动你可以这些虚拟机实时迁移,通过网络。更高的吞吐量和更低的延迟网络,这个虚拟机迁移工作更有效。然而,有一个警告:如果你想让你的TCP连接和IP寻址保持完整接收物理主机必须能够支持相同的IP地址的虚拟机迁移到积极使用。 This means that both physical hosts have to be in the same subnet or in the same VLAN depending which layer of the network you are looking at. Since the largest number of physical servers that can be supported doing this is around 64 today it doesn't change the addressing architecture too much, unless the servers are in different data centers, or are connected to different access layer switches that talk to different aggregation layer switches. If this is the case the network architecture all of a sudden starts dramatically impeding the movement of virtual machines: either virtual machine mobility is impeded, or the network is redesigned. Some people often ask me, "can't I do this with DNS?' In short, no. DNS is cached at many client sites, ignoring your TTL. Additionally, DNS is cached on many PCs for the life of an application session. If you try to change the IP address of your backup server while you are in the middle of a 2GB backup do not expect the connection to continue. TCP doesn't work this way.So we are left with a challenge- we want to build large, scalable, and stable networks - IP routing does this well. We want to be able to move an IP address from one part of my data center to another, or possibly to another data center, or maybe even to someone else's data center- IP routing impedes this move and prevents it from being stateful today. Several companies are offering non-interoperable solutions for this now.数据中心雷竞技电脑网站是一个日益在最大的网络拓扑结构在数据中心中,雷竞技电脑网站特别是对于世界上最大的数据中心,可能不是这种情况了。这些特性让生活简单,规模不经济,他们迫使网络层次结构意味着显著sub-linear价格/性能。实际上它通常是更便宜每个服务器上运行一个小型网络比更大:没有运营商希望的东西。如果你可以关掉所有的协议,迫使网络是严格的静态的,但学习从库存管理系统,并确切地知道哪些服务器上存在哪些接口。如果插入错误的端口不学习和前进,而不是创建一个改变,它正确地插入。不喜欢生成树吗?禁用它。如果你可以手动管理IP / MAC地址在您的网络你可以智能地路由流量,避免循环。消除学习MAC和IP ARP显著减少广播流量,这反过来又提高服务器效率。世界上最大的网络正在努力在他们的数据中心和寻找解决方案有效地使其规模。雷竞技电脑网站 The solution is not, 'more of the same' of what they have been doing for 10+ years.We ran out of space in many data centers: so everyone in the vendor community built denser servers, storage, and switches. Enter the blade server for instance.We ran out of cooling: this made APC and Liebert very happy as CRAC units became increasingly more common.We ran out power: and the power companies didn't have any more to give. If you need more power, you may have to subsidize a new sub-station. In many cases it is cheaper to move to a new managed facility out-of-state and put a high performance multi-gigabit WAN connection in than it is to try to extend the life of an outdated asset. Even the government is 'getting it': in the State of California the government is requiring a 30% power reduction for all state IT assets. Space, Power, and cooling are top of mind concerns of an data center administrator today. When you build a facility that is supposed to last fifteen years and the IT assets you are populating it with are obsoleting it every 5 years there is a fiscal challenge that must be met. How do we extend the lifecycle? What does the network need to look like to offer efficient service delivery? How can a provider achieve a better economy of scale to be profitable in delivering service to clients?In next week's edition of this blog I will roll up your comments and suggestions, as well as put a few ideas of my own out there for how we can change the network, in the data center, to address some, if not all, of these challenges and harbingers of change.dg









这些话从来没有用于物质当许多今天使用的网络系统被设计10 - 15年前。因此AC转换效率低、水平气流和过度投资在低密度/利用率或non-existant硅硅刷新率是常态。如果你有一个开关,具有下列特征:左右气流,AC转化率小于90%,大于50 w / wirespeed对10 gbe端口是真的没有为今天的数据中心的需求而设计的。雷竞技电脑网站


