AGT,Broadsoft,Intelepeer Portfolio增强功能


今日新闻中的UC投资组合增强功能:AGT已升级其移动视频应用程序,Intelepeer增加了新的安全性和配置功能,Broadsoft通过收购将其BroadCloud优惠扩展到英国。AGT介绍了其下一代EncoreB2B,这是一个移动应用程序,该应用程序连接各种具有高清视频会议系统,Web浏览器和统一通信客户端的各种可启用的视频的移动设备。AGT的产品开发副总裁托德·雅各(Todd Jacobson)评论了一份声明,说:“我们不断专注于提供跨多个设备和网络提供高质量的无忧无虑的视频连接的移动视频解决方案。”EncoreB2B最初于2011年发布为移动应用程序,以连接现有视频系统,该应用程序与IOS和Android设备兼容。新版本的关键增强包括重新设计的用户界面,多任务功能,因此用户可以使用音频连接,会议历史和控制,可调节的视频和内容放置,视频静音和访客访问来多任务。EncoreB2B移动视频应用程序是AGT视频AS-Service合作伙伴计划的一部分 - 提供服务提供商白标管理和云视频会议服务。AGT将在本月晚些时候在拉斯维加斯举行的IT Expo 2013年展示新的移动应用程序。在其他新闻中,Intelepeer已宣布扩展其Corecloud UC SIP中继服务的安全选项以及支持SIP中继实现的增强功能。该公司的集成TLS和SRTP加密保护信令和多媒体内容,提供增强的安全选项,旨在减少需要的专用数据访问,IntelEpeer的新SIP中继冗余选项自动配置配置过程,提供简化的备份SIP部署新的故障转移选项增强了质量和SIP中继连接的可靠性。 In addition to the security and redundancy options, several enhanced features are newly available. Margaret Norton, chief marketing officer at IntelePeer said in a statement that "Ensuring the security and reliability of their communications is vital for our customers, who have embraced our encrypted SIP trunking services." She added, "By automating the process for backup SIP trunking connections, we've made it easy and cost-effective to deploy redundant, secure cloud-based communications. This ensures that communications connections are fully available, providing additional levels of geographic redundancy for disaster preparedness." And in our third story, BroadSoft announced it is extending its BroadCloud PBX service to the U.K. with the acquisition of Hosted IP Communications (Europe) Limited (HIPCOM). HIPCOM currently provides UC services based on BroadSoft's BroadWorks platform, and the majority of HIPCOM's employees will join BroadSoft as part of its growing European team focused on managing its European cloud operations. Michael Tessler, president and chief executive officer, BroadSoft said is a statement, "Our service provider customers are seeking faster ways to deliver Unified Communications solutions to their users, driven by the significant growth in the demand by enterprises." BroadSoft CTO Scott Hoffpauir added, "With the addition of HIPCOM and their experienced management team, we are confident we have the depth of knowledge in place to quickly take full advantage of our growth opportunities for BroadCloud PBX throughout Europe."


