Exchange 2013的最新动态(早期采用者的观点)

Exchange 2013 -顶级驱动迁移到最新!

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至于有评论说,如果组织要到2013年初才能投产,exchange2013是不是“黄金时间”?,organizations that have been on the early adopter program for the past year+ HAVE been authorized and are supported with their migration to Exchange 2013 with a beta release of the needed Exchange 2007 / Exchange 2010 Service Pack and Roll-up, and as an organization implementing Exchange 2013 to authorized early adopter organizations, my company has firsthand experience with thousands of mailboxes being migrated in production to Exchange 2013 which is what these blog posts are based on.

跟随我将在Exchange 2013(以及即将在Windows 2012上发布的系列)上发表的其他文章,你可以访问我的所有博客文章//希望这些信息对你有帮助!

Rand Morimoto是收敛计算的总统是一家位于旧金山湾区的咨询公司,帮助组织规划、设计、实现、迁移和支持他们的微软(和非微软)技术。CCO是Exchange 2013的早期采用者,在产品发布前的几个月就投入了数十台服务器的生产。Rand是sam Publishing出版的《Exchange 2013 Unleashed》一书的作者,该书基于早期采用者的部署经验、技巧、技巧和最佳实践。


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