移动死斗:摩托罗拉的Atrix 4G与苹果iPhone 4

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沿着这些线路,复制和粘贴 - 甚至是基本的选择 - 通常是不适用的Atrix的的Android OS 2.2。在某些领域,点击并按住带来了编辑文本上下文菜单,让您复制或粘贴整个域的内容;在别人你甚至不能做到这一点。虽然浏览器可以让你选择和复制文本,这种能力是不具有普遍性。例如,你不能选择在电子邮件中的文本。在iPhone上,任何文字项目可以选择,你可以通过使用小滑块选择文本专门调整。这很容易,直观,和普遍的。

获胜者,冠军:iOS 4,长。如果你从来没有我们ed an iPhone, the Android OS with the MotoBlur overlay will be appealing. But if you're familiar with the iOS or Mac OS X, the Atrix's UI will feel clunky and a bit awkward, as if you were being forced to use Windows or Linux. But the Atrix's UI provides more immediacy and accessibility to email, social networking, and similar activities thanks to its widgets and notification functionality -- in that area, it's the iPhone UI that feels a bit backward.

Deathmatch: Security and management一个长期存在针对Android操作系统的缺陷是其安全性差。The standard Android OS doesn't support on-device encryption, and it supports only the most basic of Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) security policies. By contrast, with the增强在IOS制成4中,iPhone已经成为市场上最安全对象移动设备之一,仅次于RIM黑莓。


这两款器件提供了远程擦除,SSL邮件加密和超时锁。苹果和摩托罗拉移动提供服务,跟踪丢失或被盗的设备并将其锁定或远程擦除其内容:通过免费的MotoBlur服务,通过它免费查找我的iPhone服务与苹果摩托罗拉移动。远程擦除和锁定有可能通过Microsoft Exchange两个设备上也是如此。

该的Atrix的Android OS能够以无线方式备份联系人,日历和电子邮件数据到Gmail和的Atrix的MotoBlur的服务可以背上了其他会计资料。安卓也可以备份系统设置和应用程序数据到谷歌的服务器。如果您订阅了苹果的MobileMe服务,您也可以备份你iPhone这样的数据;同步到您的计算机的iTunes备份数据量太大(和加密,如果你愿意的话),而无需MobileMe服务。(iTunes can be configured for use in the enterprise虽然大多数企业不知道。)

获胜者,冠军:The iPhone, but not by much. The Atrix has made serious inroads into corporate security that should put it on the supported-devices list at most companies.

死斗:硬件Although the real value of a smartphone comes from its OS and apps, you can't get to them without the hardware that runs their capabilities.

性能。The Atrix has a dual-core 1GHz Snapdragon processor, whereas the iPhone 4 has a single-core 1GHz Apple A4 processor; both are based on theARM的芯片架构。尽管Atrix的第二核心,我没有在应用程序如何运行方面还是在视频如何演奏方面的任何平滑找到任何比iPhone 4快。

The biggest qualitative difference between the iPhone and Atrix in terms of performance is their network performance. Web pages consistently loaded significantly faster on the iPhone than on the Atrix, even when on the same Wi-Fi network. That iPhone advantage persisted on 3G connections, despite the Atrix's support of the fast HSDPA+ variation of 3G that AT&T claims provides near-4G speeds. TheVerizon Wireless 3G network is slower than AT&T's当信号强度相当,但网络的优势并没有转化为浏览器的性能优势。我还发现了Atrix的要慢一些,以发送和接收电子邮件比iPhone。

Based on my comparisons of a Verizon-connected Xoom tablet and an AT&T-connected iPad, I suspect the weaker network performance of the Atrix is due to the Atrix's MotoBlur technology or some radio design issue, as the Verizon-connected Xoom was slower to receive and send data than the AT&T-connected iPad when signal strengths were equivalent.

对于电池的性能,我发现我需要为每个设备与经常使用的日常充电。在iPhone 4比Atrix的正常活动使用较少的电池,但似乎在休息比Atrix的那样使用更多的电力。

设备硬件。iPhone 4的工业设计,具有玻璃和铝是商标苹果和相当考究。它的控制都处于有利地位,易于使用。该的Atrix有一个更传统的情况下,但感觉舒服些,以保持,这要归功于其弯曲的塑料边。它的控制具有较低的轮廓,和Atrix的没有物理开关关闭其铃声的iPhone一样。但Atrix的有一个LED指示灯,让你知道它的上,而iPhone则没有。如果你使用其他Android设备,请注意Atrix的重新安排了四个标准的Android UI按钮(主页,菜单,返回和搜索)的秩序,它使用自己的菜单按钮图标。

The Atrix's recessed On button is a bit hard to press, but it also has a fingerprint scanner embedded, so you can unlock the Atrix without tapping in a password (if you've set the Atrix to require a wakeup password, that is). It's a neat idea, and most of the time, it required only one swipe to read my fingerprint. The Atrix's fingerprint scanner is a great innovation that anyone whose Exchange security policies require the device to use an unlock password will very much appreciate.


The basic iPhone and Atrix both come with 16GB of nonremovable flash storage. For $100 more, you can get a 32GB iPhone model. The Atrix has a slot for a MicroSD card that can accept as much as 32GB in removable storage.

The iPhone 4's Retina display is simply gorgeous, with amazingly sharp detail. No other device, the Atrix included, comes close to such clarity. I also found the iPhone screen easier to read in sunlight than the Atrix's screen, though inside buildings, both were equal in display clarity.

Finally, both devices use touchscreen keyboards only. If you can't stand such keyboards, neither device will satisfy you.


总冠军是......The iPhone 4 beats the Atrix in most of our comparison's categories, but not by much in most cases -- a real improvement from the performance of previous Android smartphones. The Atrix even beats the iPhone in one area (location support) and ties it in another (apps).

InfoWorld的以前的比较, the only other close contender was theRIM黑莓Torch,其InfoWorld测试中心的分数只是一个点之后的十分之一,但分数可能会产生误导。火炬的大大优于安全功能,赋予其更高的分数比的Atrix或iPhone获得该区域。在我们得分大部分地区,火炬是决然逊色于iPhone和Atrix的。如果您在InfoWorld的比较分数移动死斗计算器(where you can also assign your own weightings to each category to get custom scores), you'll see that the Atrix trails the iPhone only slightly in most categories and matches it in several.

The Atrix is today the real alternative to the iPhone 4. I can recommend both strongly, despite my preference for the iPhone 4. If Motorola Mobility fixes its MotoBlur issues with email and continues its investment in security capabiltiies and innovations such as the fingerprint scanner, it's possible it could one day outscore the iPhone.

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