The NSA wasn’t using enough security technology internally to even begin to stop Snowden from roaming through its super-secret networks to fish out what’s now believed to be many thousands of sensitive documents related not only to NSA’s massive data collection practices across the Internet but also traditional spy vs. spy operations, much of which has not yet gone public.
Credit: REUTERS/Tobias Schwarz
The Snowden revelations so far have产生对情报机构的强烈反对from privacy advocates everywhere as well as the U.S. high-tech industry, which has to cooperate with the NSA under U.S. law. And foreign leaders of countries considered friends to the U.S are enraged their private calls and data were intercepted for years. There’s no reason to think that there won’t be more on this score.
已经有大量的“安全混战”今年来绕去的。媒体也分别对接收端的纽约时报,华尔街Sreet杂志,CNN,华盛顿邮报and others all reported that networks used by their employees had been hacked by attackers from China, likely for cyber-espionage, or the Syrian Electronic Army, out of political anger. Also, the stability and security of a key part of the financial system, the electronic stock exchanges, was sometimes shaky.
+ MORE ON网有个足球雷竞技app络世界2013年最大的安全混战......至今+
There are so many SNAFUs, in fact, we listed details about the ones occurring the first half of 2013 in我们的故事六月。From there, we now pick up the trail of data breaches, cyber-espionage, cyber-extortion and infrastructure collapse. And sometimes it was simply just plain cyber-stupidity.
The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration (EDA) destroyed about $170,000 worth of IT equipment including computers, printers, keyboards and computer mice last year on the mistaken belief that the systems were irreparably compromised by malware. According to the Commerce Department’s Inspector General that looked into what happened, the bureau was poised to destroy an additional $3 million worth of IT equipment but was prevented from doing so by a lack of funding for the effort. EDA, whose computer network had been infected by viruses, thought it was under an intense cyber-attack, and employees there spent months without e-mail of access to Internet servers and databases as they sought to build a new network. The Inspector General, however, said the disruption was simply due to a common malware infection on six computers that could have been erased with anti-malware tools and other steps.
The Michigan Department of Community Health notified more than 49,000 individuals that a server was hacked, exposing their names, birth dates, Social Security numbers, cancer-screening test results and testing data.
The U.S. Internal Revenue Service mistakenly posted tens of thousands of names, addresses and Social Security numbers — perhaps as many as 100,000 — on a government website, a discovery made by a group calledPublic.Resource.org。
康典公司同意支付卫生和人类服务$ 170万美国能源部解决潜在的违反与涉及对三年前发生的超过612,000投保人个人信息的数据泄露HIPAA数据安全规则。
French web hosting firm OVH disclosed that a hacker compromised the company’s European customer database and gained access to an installation server in Canada. OVH said the attacker gained access to a system administrator’s e-mail account, and from there used that account to gain access to another employee’s VPN credentials, and kept moving through the internal network.
微软Outlook.com的为期三天的停运后道歉,说这些问题从失败的Exchange ActiveSync的缓存服务朵朵。微软有其他烦恼这个月,也有退出的Exchange Server安全补丁,因为它是越野车,承认这一点未能充分测试的补丁。
Ferris State University in Michigan disclosed that names and addresses for about 39,000 individuals — mainly current, former and prospective students and employees alike — were inadvertently accessible “after an authorized person evaded network security.”
Healthcare provider Cogent Healthcare disclosed in August that information related to about 32,000 patients seen by its doctor groups had been compromised after a security lapse by vendor M2ComSy related to its firewall allowed this patient data to be exposed to the Internet and even indexed by Google.
飞机制造商诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司透露去年11月间发生于今年五月到包含个人信息的数据库的未经授权的访问。此外,该公司的退休人员医疗计划报告4305名参保涉及运营商CVS Caremark纸质记录数据破坏受到了影响。
弗吉尼亚理工学院和州立大学y had a server in the human resources department illegally accessed, which held information on 114,963 individuals who had applied for jobs there. Associate vice president for university relations, Larry Hinckler, said, “The issue is someone on our staff goofed.”
The U.S. Department of Energy told its employees that hackers had gained personal information, including Social Security numbers on about 14,000 current and former employees. The DoE earlier in the year said computer systems were hacked to steal information on contractors.
比特币,今年的价值飙升基于加密的电子货币,看到越来越多的盗贼管理作出了与被盗比特币,该数字一般只存在密码保护的。一种流行的比特币论坛,Bitcointalk.org是由网络攻击中,攻击者自称打“洞探索者”留下了一个视频,然后消息,“这位朋友你好,比特币已经被联邦调查局被非法扣押。谢谢再见。”发生黑客刚过联邦调查局查获$ 3.6亿美元的数字货币,作为其关闭和所谓的丝绸之路,大多是非法物品的在线市场运营商被逮捕的一部分。
美国官员说,伊朗黑客入侵机密海军计算机作为一个不断升级的网络间谍行动的一部分,根据华尔街日报article based on unnamed sources.
一名19岁的男子,贾里德詹姆斯·亚伯拉罕蒂梅丘拉,加利福尼亚州,被指控在美国妙龄小姐,卡西迪狼,以及其他妇女的家庭网络摄像头黑客从他们身上榨取的裸体照片和视频。根据美国联邦调查局的宣誓书,亚伯拉罕用恶意代码远程操作至少七名妇女的摄像头,因为他们换了衣服。有些他亲自知道等他发现通过黑客Facebook页面。亚伯拉罕,大一的学生主修计算机科学,据称威胁要张贴在黑客社交媒体的照片账户,除非他们把他的裸体照片或登录到Skype视频和跟随他的命令五分钟。一些未成年少女遵守。该亚伯拉罕情况如下最近类似的情况,包括卡伦“加里” Kazaryan谁在七月认罪侵入数百个社交媒体和电子邮件帐户,即可女人裸体构成对他的。
一个seven-month investigationby security reporter Brian Krebs revealed that an organization calling itself SSNDOB compromised networks associated with Dun & Bradstreet, LexisNexis and Kroll Background America which all aggregate personally-identifiable information on people for purposes that include credit reporting.