New storage technologies to deal with the data deluge


企业存储需求正在达到关键点,供应商正在争先恐后兴地开发新产品以处理Data Deluge。我们研究这些技术如何有助于管理存储管理员的主要疼痛点。

Douglas Soltesz, vice president and CIO at Budd Van Lines, is facing a common problem: A seemingly endless flood of data.

“如果你给了我一个无限量的储存,我可以填补它,”他说。来自公司办公室和仓库的最近四个月的高清监视视频现在在他的Nexenta Stor Nas和San平台上消耗60tB。该视频是他的存储需求的一个原因,每年的存储需求增长至80%。

If he had twice as much capacity, he says, his users would just ask to keep their video twice as long.

凭借现有的硬盘技术结束其十年的长期不断增加的密度,IT商店正在等待新技术,如瓦楞磁记录(SMR)和相变内存(PCM)以提高存储密度。与此同时,它们正在缩小成本 - 并提高数据访问 - 使用虚拟化,重复数据删除和缓存数据的软件在商品磁盘驱动器上,固态驱动器(SSD)和服务器端闪存。


After about 10 years of steadily increasing densities, disks that use perpendicular magnetic recording (PMR) are topping out at about 1TB per square inch, says Mark Re, a senior vice president at storage vendor Seagate Technology.

今年下半年,希捷将开始运输驱动器,使用SMR将更多数据挤压到磁盘上,在IHS Isuppli的存储分析师的存储分析师方Zhang说,Zhing。RE的Re表示,这应该最终将驱动密度提升到1.3T到1.4T的比特,这是一英寸的RE,他补充说希捷的SRM驱动器将从桌面形式因素开始并扩散到明年存储阵列等其他平台。

The next advance, which will take disk drives to 5Tbits per square inch, is heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR), which uses a small laser to change the magnetic properties of the disk, says Re. Seagate's first HAMR drives are expected in 2015 or 2016.

If you gave me an infinite amount of storage, I could fill it. Douglas Soltesz, VP and CIO, Budd Van Lines

在今年第四季度,海格竞争对手西方数字预计将释放氦气的磁盘驱动器,其提供较少的阻力,从而允许将另一个存储盘添加或两者添加到驱动器上。张某表示,这些额外的拼盘可以从今天的4TB到5TB或6TB中提升PMR驱动器的最大容量。Western Digital表示,它还计划在大约两年内发布SMR和HAMR驱动器,并且在十年结束时,它希望通过使用自组装分子和纳米压印来加倍硬盘密度。


NAND闪存在其中大多数Flash和SSD驱动器的基础是最初的,它将在2016年大约左右的是召开相变存储器的新形式的非易失性记忆,SMAN Shetti,CTO在惠普存储。与通过改变物理存储器的磁取向记录数据的磁记录不同,PCM施加热量以改变介质的电导率。PCM驱动器不仅比NAND闪存更快,而且IBM的苏黎世研究实验室的记忆和探测技术管理员Haris Pozidis表示,他们的存储器单元也可以承受两到三倍的读/写入周期的读/写入周期的数量。这对于缓存诸如缓存的应用程序很重要,其中数据不断读取和写入数据。



在过去的10年里,重复数据删除 - 消除重复数据副本的过程 - 已从游戏变化的新颖性转移到必须具有特征。

Observers say not to expect any breakthrough increases in the amounts of data that deduplication can remove from hard drives. Currently, deduplication typically reduces data by a factor of seven to 10. Future improvements will come from increases in the speed at which data is deduplicated and from the use of standard deduplication systems across an enterprise.

速度将改善结果的重复数据删除being performed in hardware rather than software, and in nonvolatile memory such as PCM, which is faster than today's NAND flash, observers say. Predicting that "every [nonvolatile memory] controller is going to have [deduplication] built in," Shetti also points out that, unlike disk drives, deduplication doesn't cause defragmentation on nonvolatile memory drives.


Observers also expect to see deduplication spread from its traditional use in backup to other applications and to more computing and storage devices. Dell says it plans to incorporate the deduplication technology it gained through its purchase of Ocarina into its EqualLogic and Compellant product lines, "first with compression primarily for... data like snapshots," and later for more frequently accessed data and files, says Travis Vigil, executive director for product marketing at Dell Storage.

惠普存储产品营销总监Sean Kinney预测组织可以用于所有应用程序和存储的统一重复数据删除平台的兴起。他说,他说,将减少许可,培训和管理成本以及组织必须购买的存储量。


Some users aren't upgrading their storage systems solely because they need help managing large volumes of data; they're also driven by the need to access data quickly.

案例西方储备大学正在从EMC Celerra NS480移动100B的研究文件数据,以便快速分析,另一个65TB的结构化管理数据到NEXSAN第5310号。除了更高的性能之外,用户还希望创建单个名称空间Brian Christian表示,大约600TB - 远远超过EMC和NetApp产品的64TB限制,学校的高级技术领先。



三年前,应用绩效减缓和升级成本升级成本促使David Abbott,Trippak Services和ACS广告经理David Abbott,Xerox Companies,寻找新的平台,可以处理每年10TB的新存储的新平台“没有管理层心脏病发作“超过成本。



即使研究人员小提琴与材料科学和软件开发人员微调集群文件系统,两个旧的备用障碍 - 缓慢,便宜,旋转磁盘甚至旧磁带驱动器 - 在管理洪水中发挥着至关重要的作用。

例如,对于使用CleverSafe存储设备的客户,“5,400 rpm和7,200转/分钟的驱动器是在Chersafe的总裁兼首席执行官Chris Gladwin(Chris Gladwin)总裁兼首席执行官以美元,电力,冷却和空间实现最低的成本”。和希捷高级副总裁标记重新指出,不仅用闪光替换每个硬盘都是昂贵的,而且还不可能制造那么多闪光。

Tape is even slower and less expensive than disk, and it's often derided as clumsy, hard to use and prone to failure. Nonetheless, "tape enjoys a significant space efficiency advantage over disk storage by virtue of its ability to pack more recording surface area into a given physical volume," according to a blog post by Eric Slack, an analyst for Storage Switzerland, an IT analyst firm based in Fort Worth, Texas.

根据IBM Systems技术组的2012年4月介绍,虽然NAND闪存和硬盘驱动器密度到2014年将增长20%至30%,但磁带密度可能会增长40%至80%。


- Robert L. Scheier

The software-as-a-service provider for the transportation industry is now using three network-attached storage (NAS) units from Starboard Storage Systems for storing 80TB of image files and 45TB of performance-sensitive data for 500 virtual machine images and more than 200 virtual desktops on a Pure Storage flash array.

之前Nexanta NAS /圣平台,萌芽状态d Van Lines had relied on a Compellent SAN. While it wasn't full, "it was running out of IOPS" to handle a growing number of queries among applications for work such as month-end accounting, he says. To provide that performance, the NexantaStor platform caches data in solid-state drives for faster access, before writing that data to 7,200 rpm serial attached SCSI (SAS) drives for long-term storage.


Software Plus Commodity Disk


"When I joined three and half years ago, our primary way of scaling was to buy more storage, faster storage, and bigger and faster database servers," says CTO Stefan Piesche. To reduce costs even while his storage needs grow 15% to 25% per year, he is switching from IBM's DB2 database running on 3Par SANs to the open-source MySQL and Cassandra NoSQL databases running on Dell servers, commodity disk and Fusion-io flash cards.

This new platform, he says, is not only an "order of magnitude faster" than its older storage but delivers high performance, availability and disaster recovery without the need for extensive management. The performance gain achieved by writing data to six storage nodes without transferring it over the network means storing multiple copies of the same data. However, says Piesche, the low price of commodity disk and servers make the trade-off worthwhile.

He also notes his customers won't suffer if the marketing data stored in one of those copies is a few milliseconds out of date -- although that wouldn't be true for a financial trading system where prices constantly change.



Sanbolic claims its Melio5 data management platform provides high availability, application scale-out using shared-data server clusters, fast access to any size files in a variety of workloads, and is scalable to more than 2,000 physical or virtual nodes and up to 65,000 storage devices. Its Latency Targeted Allocator allows the Melio platform to share server-side flash and SSDs within storage arrays, as well as conventional hard drives, across nodes. This eliminates single points of failure and hard-to-access data and application silos, says CEO and co-founder Momchil Michailov.

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