



嘿大家,欢迎回到技术饲料。我是Juliet Beauchamp,今天我们正在潜水计划建立一个超快速的超级计算机,在E-U中的反垄断罚款以及Facebook如何集成区块链技术。停在附近。

The united states department of energy is planning to build the fastest supercomputer in the world by 2021. The doe will invest half a billion dollars to build the supercomputer, which will utilize high performance computing and artificial intelligence to assist with climate modeling, cancer research and veterans’ health treatments, according to energy secretary rick perry. The supercomputer, called aurora, will be able to handle over a quintillion floating-point computations per second. It’s important to mention that the underpinnings of aurora will rely on future versions of tech created by intel and cray computing. That is, much of what will be used to build aurora has to be improved upon before being implemented in the supercomputer. And there’s no promise aurora will actually be the fastest supercomputer in the world by 2021--there are reports of machines in china set to launch in 2020 with similar capabilities.


如果您是落在Facebook的目标广告的受害者的人,则购买这些产品可能会变得更加容易。根据Bloomberg和纽约时报的报道,Facebook正在开发自己的加密货币,可以更轻松地使跨境付款更容易。分析师推测这种加密可用于在Facebook上购买或向人们汇款,类似于Paypal或Venmo。但是,与PayPal或Venmo不同,Facebook将利用区块链技术来消除银行作为这些付款的中间人。这主要是猜测 - Facebook尚未评论制定所谓的“Facebook硬币”的报告。然而,公司确实承认它是引用,“探索利用区块链技术的力量。”当然,区块链是金融服务世界的巨大流行语,并在将其应用于联系世界的跨境支付时,呼吁申请。仍然有一种方法可以在弥补加密货币之前进行,但大型技术和华尔街的创新表明它可能正在接近。如果您想更多地了解Fintech和BlockChain的下一步,请务必查看我们的技术讨论潜入其中的主题,如下所示。

谢谢收看今天的集科技饲料。If you liked this video, be sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel. And let me know in the comments if you’d be willing to use this alleged facebook coin--see you next time.

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