有个足球雷竞技app来自边缘的网络世界观点 //m.amiribrahem.com en - us 太阳,2021年2月21日21:38:26 -0800 太阳,2021年2月21日21:38:26 -0800 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 BrandPost:使用AIOps解决IT最难的三个网络运营挑战 星期五,2月12日07:00:00 -0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

By: Trent Fierro, Senior Marketing Manager for AIOps at Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company

Until recently, troubleshooting network issues meant helping users face-to-face or huddling in a conference room while planning next steps. Now, most IT teams are working remotely, trying to solve issues for other remote workers with very little data and interaction with others on their team. Return-to-office projects are also proving difficult as everything from improved coverage planning to new environmental health and safety programs that include contact-tracing analysis and access control involve some level of guesswork without real-world data.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3607451/using-aiops-to-solve-three-of-it-s-toughest-network-operational-challenges.html#tk.rss_viewpointsfromtheedge 网络
《BrandPost:如何创建超感知商店以增强体验和更好的业务成果》 1月21日星期四06:00:00 -0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

By Gerri Hinkel, Director of Solutions and Vertical Marketing at Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company

Competitive pressures for retailers to gain and retain shoppers are at an all-time high due to an uncertain economy, demanding customers, and the explosive growth of e-commerce due to the global pandemic. These challenges are a constant and a forcing factor for stores that must innovate even amidst uncertainty.  

In this environment, savvy retailers like Tractor Supply Company and H-E-B are creating hyper-aware stores – leveraging each respective network to do more than connect devices and secure payment data. Edge IoT devices such as sensors, cameras, and voice communicators, combined with contextual details such as location and identity, can provide real-time insights to understand space utilization, improve customer experiences, and drive better store operations.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3604389/how-to-create-hyper-aware-stores-for-enhanced-experiences-and-better-business-outcomes.html#tk.rss_viewpointsfromtheedge 网络
BrandPost:欢迎来到智能前沿时代 星期二,2021年1月5日06:00:00 -0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

By Keerti Melkote, President and Founder of Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company

Two significant trends have dominated networking technology during the last decade: the increased demand for mobility and the movement of applications and data to the cloud. Taken together, these revolutions have completely transformed the IT landscape – from the mobility era, to the cloud era.  This shift is now preparing us for the next phase: the adoption of the Intelligent Edge in 2021.

This year, IT teams will take the next step on this transformational journey to the Intelligent Edge and begin to create the requisite infrastructures. As they do so, it won’t just be about connecting constituents to the cloud, but how users and IoT devices are connected, including how using data generated at the edge can power new experiences and business outcomes.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3602034/welcome-to-the-era-of-the-intelligent-edge.html#tk.rss_viewpointsfromtheedge 网络 网络管理软件
BrandPost:你们的数据中雷竞技电脑网站心正在向EDGE移动 星期一,4 Jan 2021 06:00:00 -0800 品牌发布 品牌发布

By John Gray, Data Center Product Marketing at Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company

In the next few years, it is estimated that half of all the data we create will be processed at the edge, near the point where it is produced for collection and analysis. The data center will remain a critical piece of IT infrastructure, but its role is morphing to support rapidly evolving remote locations with full IT stacks of compute, storage, and networking resources.  

Traditional enterprise data centers are being augmented by distributed and virtualized data centers, extending out toward where data is captured: public clouds, and an increasing number of edge data centers. This distribution of data collection and analysis signals a move from data centers to centers of data, changing infrastructure, and operational strategies along the way.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3602032/your-data-center-is-moving-to-the-edge.html#tk.rss_viewpointsfromtheedge 雷竞技电脑网站
BrandPost:无论是在教室还是在家里,这都是回归学习 Tue, 08 Sep 2020 06:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

By Lou Serlenga, Senior Vice President, Americas Sales and Field Ops at Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company

With two children in high school and the opportunity to work with many school districts, there is no doubt that back-to-school this year is like no other. Enthusiasm for getting back to learning is tinged with anxiety—for students, parents, and teachers alike.

Just a few months ago, schools pulled off an incredible feat to get computers and internet into the hands of students at home. The pandemic exposed the shocking extent of the digital divide. Statistics like half of Americans don’t have high-speed internet access at home were brought to life when millions of children did not have the computers and internet they needed to learn.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3574078/it-s-back-to-learning-whether-in-classrooms-or-from-home.html#tk.rss_viewpointsfromtheedge 网络 互联网 无线网络
BrandPost:成功在家工作的五个网络关键 Tue, 30 june 2020 06:05:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

By Larry Lunetta, VP of Marketing for Security Solutions at Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company

The current crisis has put a spotlight on a tried-and-true networking paradigm: working from home. But despite the typical bandwagon claims, it turns out that effective remote or teleworker connectivity solutions have their own unique set of requirements that can only be satisfied with a broad range of products and services drawn from remote, branch, and campus networking solutions delivering secure access to IT resources from the edge to the data center to the cloud.

Based on Aruba’s extensive experience in enabling remote and home office networking, there are five key components of an effective and productive work-from-home solution that highlight the differences between consumer and enterprise-grade solutions.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3563784/five-networking-keys-to-successful-working-from-home.html#tk.rss_viewpointsfromtheedge 网络 远程访问
BrandPost:几周内从奥林匹克冰到野战医院 Tue, 30 june 2020 06:04:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

By Imran Hussain, Integrated Manager - IT at Grand River Hospital and St. Mary’s General Hospital

As a joint strategy for gaining hospital bed capacity for COVID-19 patients, our institutions came together to harness the power of collaboration. By combining the efforts of Grand River Hospital, St. Mary’s General Hospital, Cambridge Memorial Hospital, Guelph General Hospital, St. Joseph’s Health Centre Guelph, and the Wellington Health Care Alliance we’re creatively establishing overflow facilities to continue meeting community healthcare needs here in the Waterloo area of central Ontario, Canada.

Devising scalable facilities for capacity on-demand

Initially we focused on developing facilities within university campuses or hotels for non-COVID-19 patients, thus freeing up hospital beds for those with the virus. Later we determined that we would need a field hospital due to the rising COVID-19 patient load, particularly as infection rates soared among individuals associated with long-term care settings.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3563873/from-olympic-ice-to-field-hospital-in-a-couple-of-weeks.html#tk.rss_viewpointsfromtheedge 网络 网络管理软件 协作软件 中小型企业
《品牌邮报》:商业复苏:定位意识办公室和重新构想的工作场所 Tue, 30 june 2020 06:03:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

By Keerti Melkote, President and Founder of Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company

In the past decade, technology has shifted how we live, work, and interact with others—from everyday things like banking and shopping to how we configure our office spaces. So it’s no surprise, really, when we consider that technology will be a key factor in how we get back to the office post-sheltering in place. And while human behaviors (wearing masks, taking care to socially distance, etc.) will be the most important factors in minimizing a new surge in COVID-19 infections, technology will again be the great enabler of what’s possible for the new normal—supporting things like density planning and behavioral goals—all in a seamless and secure manner to keep the workplace safe.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3563835/business-recovery-the-location-aware-office-and-the-reimagined-workplace.html#tk.rss_viewpointsfromtheedge 网络 业务连续性
BrandPost:通过将零信任最佳实践应用到VPN基础设施,实现在家办公的安全 Tue, 30 june 2020 06:00:00 -0700 品牌发布 品牌发布

By Larry Lunetta, VP of Marketing for Security Solutions at Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company

As the security world rotated to a Zero-Trust model for securing the enterprise, tried-and-true technologies such as VPN seemed to fall by the wayside. Yes, many organizations simply assumed VPN credentials were enough to have access to corporate resources, and in fact, this perimeter view gave rise to a Zero-Trust philosophy where no user or device is allowed access without authentication and authorization.

But the idea that you need to choose between VPN and Zero Trust ignores the fact that how products and technologies are implemented will ultimately dictate an organization’s level of protection. “VPN or Zero Trust” is a false choice. With the home as the current employee workplace, organizations are rapidly implementing a range of software and hardware VPN connectivity solutions to support work from home connectivity. But with an eye towards Zero Trust, they are enhancing VPN security with key Zero-Trust components to ensure the organization is protected.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3563869/secure-work-from-home-by-applying-zero-trust-best-practices-to-vpn-infrastructure.html#tk.rss_viewpointsfromtheedge VPN 网络 雷竞技电脑网站