有个足球雷竞技app网络世界网络节点 //m.amiribrahem.com en - us 星期一8月2日00:02:42 -0700 星期一8月2日00:02:42 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com. 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com. 796 288 不要让子域名破坏您的安全性 星期三,2021年7月7日03:00:00 -0700 克里斯奈尼 克里斯奈尼

If your enterprise has a website (and one certainly would hope so in 2021!), it also has subdomains. These prefixes of your organization’s main domain name are essential for putting structural order to the content and services on your website, thus preventing online visitors from instantly fleeing in terror, disdain, or confusion.

Large enterprises can have thousands of subdomains. IBM, for example, has roughly 60,000 subdomains, while Walmart.com has “only” 2,132 subdomains.

Whatever value subdomains bring to enterprises--and they bring plenty--they present more targets for bad actors. Why, just last year the subdomains of Chevron, 3M, Warner Brothers, Honeywell, and many other large organizations were hijacked by hackers who redirected visitors to sites featuring porn, malware, online gambling, and other activities of questionable propriety.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3623949/don-t-let-subdomains-sink-your-security.html#tk.rss_netnodes 互联网 网络 安全
实验Morpheus CPU是“心灵令人沮丧的可怕”破解 Fri,04六月2021 03:00:00 -0700 克里斯奈尼 克里斯奈尼

To many of us, Morpheus is a character played by Laurence Fishburne in The Matrix movies. To others, Morpheus is the Greek god of sleep and dreams. To others still, Morpheus is a digital synthesizer from the early ‘90s that developed a cult following.The Morpheus we’re discussing today, however, is of far greater relevance to enterprise IT professionals who constantly are searching for ways to protect their networks from the ever-present threat of hackers.

Developed by a team at the University of Michigan, this Morpheus is a CPU that ingeniously protects against hacking attempts by using encryption that changes every few milliseconds, which prevents intruders from getting a fix on how a system is set up. This makes cracking the encryption nearly impossible and is sure to drive hackers crazy.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3620225/experimental-morpheus-cpu-is-mind-bogglingly-terrible-to-crack.html#tk.rss_netnodes 雷竞技电脑网站
反铁磁芯片能取代硅吗? 星期三,2021年6月2日09:23:00 -0700 克里斯奈尼 克里斯奈尼

We probably wouldn’t have a Digital Age without silicon.

The second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust (oxygen is No. 1), silicon is cheap and has the ability to conduct electricity and/or act as an insulator. Converted into silicon wafers, it powers the computers, smartphones and other electronic devices we use to work and, importantly, to avoid work. So clearly silicon is indispensable.

Or maybe not. Our insatiable demand for more and more data, along with the need to store it, is pushing the limits of what silicon can deliver in terms of speed, density, and security. In a bid to find a worthy successor to silicon-based memory devices, MIT physicists are zeroing in something called antiferromagnets.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3620438/could-antiferromagnetic-chips-replace-silicon.html#tk.rss_netnodes 雷竞技电脑网站
量子计算的时间线越来越短 5月18日星期二02:00:00 -0700 克里斯奈尼 克里斯奈尼

Financial traders rely heavily on computer financial simulations for making buying and selling decisions. Specifically, “Monte Carlo” simulations are used to assess risk and simulate prices for a wide range of financial instruments. These simulations also can be used in corporate finance and for portfolio management.

But in a digital world where other industries routinely leverage real-time data, financial traders are working with the digital equivalent of the Pony Express. That’s because Monte Carlo simulations involve such an insanely large number of complex calculations that they consume more time and computational resources than a 14-team, two-quarterback online fantasy football league with Superflex position.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3619229/the-timeline-for-fuantum-computing-is-getting-shorter.html#tk.rss_netnodes. 雷竞技电脑网站
下一代网络:美联储有现金的好主意 星期一,2021年5月3日03:00:00 -0700 克里斯奈尼 克里斯奈尼

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is not inclined to wait for next-generation (NextG) networks. And who can blame it? NextG promises faster cellular, Wi-Fi, and satellite networks, all of which can be used to enhance data streaming, wireless communications, analytics, and automation.

For the NSF, this translates into improved national defense, education, public health and safety, transportation, and digital infrastructure. For enterprises, NextG means greater efficiency, flexibility, business insights, and more opportunities to replace human workers with robots. (I’m just sayin’.)

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3617274/next-gen-networks-feds-have-cash-for-good-ideas.html#tk.rss_netnodes 无线上网 SDN 网络 基础设施
DARPA的5G研究将带来商业应用 星期一,26 4月2021 03:00:00 -0700 克里斯奈尼 克里斯奈尼

The U.S. military is devoting time and resources into research on improving the signal quality and security of 5G--efforts that, if history is any indication, eventually will result in technologies that are available to commercial enterprises.

As Breaking Defense reports, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded roughly $500,000 in “exploratory” funding to wireless startup MixComm to demonstrate whether silicon-based millimeter wave (mmWave) power amplifiers can economically boost radio signals so the Department of Defense (DoD) can leverage 5G wireless connectivity globally.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3616154/5g-research-by-darpa-will-lead-to-commercial-applications.html#tk.rss_netnodes. 物联网 网络 5克
研究人员:量子计算机可以推理 4月1日星期四03:00:00 -0700 克里斯奈尼 克里斯奈尼

Quantum computers can learn to reason, even when burdened with uncertainty and incomplete data, concludes a team of scientists from U.K.-based quantum software developer Cambridge Quantum Computing (CQC).

This ability is similar to intuitive human reasoning, which allows people to draw conclusions and make decisions despite a lack of comprehensive information. CQC’s research confirms a belief among many scientists that quantum computers have a natural propensity for reasoning.

In a paper published on the open-access scholarly archive arXiv, CQC scientists detail how they developed methods that demonstrated how quantum machines can learn to infer hidden information from general probabilistic reasoning models. If replicable, these methods could improve a broad range of applications for quantum computing, including medical diagnoses, fault-detection in mission-critical machines, and financial forecasting for investment management.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3613908/researchers-show-that-quantum-computers-can-reason.html#tk.rss_netnodes. 雷竞技电脑网站
6G:浩瀚而神秘的承诺 星期一,29 Mar 2021 08:31:00 -0700 克里斯奈尼 克里斯奈尼 我知道你在想什么。“6克?他想胡扯6G,而我们几乎没有5G和/em>?


//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3613116/6g-vast-and-mysterious-promises.html#tk.rss_netnodes. 5克 Idg Insider.
科学家们致力于降低使用量子计算机的成本 星期三,3月24日 克里斯奈尼 克里斯奈尼

As IT professionals know, enterprise server farms are huge energy consumers, and the larger they are, the more voracious their appetite.

Quantum computing could help because it is not only supposed to solve complex problems exponentially faster than classical computing, it’s also supposed to do so while consuming less energy. However major barriers—such as creating the extremely low temperatures required to enable superconductivity that is used in quantum-computing components—stand in the way.

Now researchers at MIT are working on a tiny device that could help enable quantum computing and drastically reduce server-farm costs. The roots of this device—made from a superconducting nanowire—stretch back to a similar concept developed in the mid-1950s by an MIT electrical engineer who died tragically young before his vision could become reality.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/artice/3612651/scients-work-to-lower-costs-of-using-quantum-computers.html#tk.rss_netnodes. 雷竞技电脑网站 硬件 科技行业
物联网安全提示和警示故事 星期三,2月24日03:00:00 -0800 克里斯奈尼 克里斯奈尼

You will have more connected devices than ever on your network in 2021, especially if you’re in healthcare, retail, or logistics, industries that are among the early adopters of the Internet of Things (IoT). You’ll have devices on your network edge, in your headquarters, on vehicles, in machinery, in your stores, in employees’ homes, and on public property.

And there’s a good chance that some or many of these IoT devices have built-in security vulnerabilities that can endanger your network. In trying to capitalize on the voracious global appetite for connected commercial devices, many IoT manufacturers and developers are shoveling out enterprise IoT devices with, shall we say, varying levels of regard for security.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3608936/iot-security-tips-and-a-cautyary-tale.html#tk.rss_netnodes. 物联网 安全
起义自拍对合法企业的启示 星期三,1月20日2021 06:46:00 -0800 克里斯奈尼 克里斯奈尼

The pro-Trump rioters who invaded the Capitol on January 6 came with smartphones to record and celebrate what they thought was a righteous effort to prevent president-elect Joe Biden from taking office two weeks later.

Now those electronic devices, along with the GPS data they generated, are being used to track the location of rioters within the building as federal law enforcement officials continue to make arrests and build criminal cases.

Among the acts being investigated: breaking through police barriers, smashing windows, and assaulting police officers and media members. Five people died including a Capitol Hill police officer who was bludgeoned with a fire extinguisher.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3604057 /less-that-insurrection-erfies-hold-for-legitimate-enterprises.html#tk.rss_netnodes. 网络 蜂窝网络 网络安全 安全