有个足球雷竞技app网络世界iOnApple //m.amiribrahem.com EN-US 孙,2020年7月5日11时45分44秒-0700 孙,2020年7月5日11时45分44秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 第一个上传到YouTube的视频 星期二,2019年4月23日10:55:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

Today is the anniversary of the first video being uploaded to YouTube.

On February 14, 2005, Chad Hurly, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim purchased a domain name that would forever change the way media is disseminated and consumed. That's when the aforementioned individuals got together and purchased the YouTube.com domain.

YouTube was famously founded by the trifecta of Hurly, Chen, and Karim, three early employees of PayPal. In preparation for launching the site, Karim uploaded the first video to it on April 23, 2005.

So, without further ado, behold, a video titled, "Me at the zoo" that depicts Karim himself at the San Diego Zoo, chillin' with some elephants.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/2224657/the-first-video-ever-uploaded-to-youtube.html#tk.rss_ionapple 软件 YouTube
唐纳德·特朗普使用的iPhone只有一个应用:推特 2017年5月25日星期四12:10:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

Among the many things we know about Donald Trump, his love of Twitter is perhaps his most comical passion. Whereas previous Presidents and even current politicians tend to tweet sparingly, Trump has a deep affinity for the social networking app and is prone to firing off tweetstorms and incendiary tweets at any given time. In the run-up to the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, for example, Trump made headlines when he went after former Miss Universe Alicia Machado on Twitter at 3 in the morning.

Given Trump's love for all things Twitter, it remained unclear if Trump would continue his Tweeting ways once assuming the Oval Office. At the time, many people speculated that the responsibilities of being President, not to mention the strict security guidelines the President has to follow with respect to electronic devices, would result in Trump effectively kissing his Twitter stardom goodbye. Not to fear, Trump hasn't slowed down his tweeting since becoming President earlier this year.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3198477/donald-trump-twitter-potus-iphone.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 智能手机 苹果
iPhone 8可能比我们想象的便宜 2017年5月24日星期三11:32:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler <本文> <节课=“页面”>

苹果即将推出的iPhone 8将是挤满了各种先进的技术,引人注目的新功能。当然,最明显的变化将是iPhone 8的全新的外形。看到如何在iPhone的外形并没有真正在所有iPhone以来6改变和iPhone 6S被加在2014年发布的iPhone 8将最终为用户提供了全新的设计。

几乎没有秘密在这一点上,iPhone 8将采用的无边OLED显示器,其中,所述装置的整个前表面将是所述显示。至于home键和触摸传感器ID,有传言说,苹果已经想出一个办法嵌入到这些显示器本身。最终的结果是,在iPhone 8将基本上看起来像一个巨大的一块玻璃,其,有趣的是,早已乔尼斯Ive的一个理想的视觉iPhone设计。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3198285/iphone-8-price-apple-expensive.html#tk.rss_ionapple 智能手机 消费类电子产品 苹果 苹果可能将iPhone 8定价为1000美元 周一,2017年七时48分00秒-0700 5月22日 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler <本文> <节课=“页面”>

苹果即将推出的iPhone 8肯定不会是永远都位于加州Cupertino的出最贵的设备,但它肯定会是最昂贵的iPhone苹果有史以来发布。


因此,虽然关于$ 649目前的入门级iPhone 7费用,一些分析师预计,入门级iPhone 8将设置用户备份一个很酷的$ 1,000。这是一个显著提价至少可以这样说,但许多分析人士说,苹果不会有任何问题卖点用户在炮击了$ 1,000,为公司的先进设备,最先进的智能手机的想法。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3197634/iphone-8-rumors-1000-price-expensive.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 智能手机 苹果 据报道,苹果公司正在开发基于手表的血糖监测器 周五,2017年5月19日9时23分00秒-0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler <本文> <节课=“页面”>



近日,字经CNBC浮出水面,苹果CEO蒂姆·库克已经的试验驱动能够跟踪他的血糖的装置。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3197686/apple-watch-health-data-glucose-diabetes.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 苹果 苹果公司将推出新的iPad Pro的同时砍掉了iPad迷你 星期二,2017年14时12分00秒-0700 5月16日 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

Apple can try and spin it any way it wants, but the harsh reality remains that iPad sales have been slumping for years. In fact, it's been quite a few years since Apple has seen year-over-year iPad sales growth over the course of a quarter, despite CEO Tim Cook's assertions that the iPad remains the future of computing.

That debate aside, there do appear to be some shakeups comings to Apple's iPad lineup, a fact that shouldn't be all that surprising given Cook's remarks regarding the iPad earlier this year.

"We've got some exciting things coming on iPad, and I'm optimistic about where things are headed," Cook said about three months ago.

That being the case, there are reports that Apple at WWDC this year will introduce a brand-new 10.5-in. iPad Pro with an edgeless display. Now, what makes this particularly intriguing is that Apple will reportedly fit said 10.5-in. display into a form factor no bigger than the current 9.7-in. iPad model. While it's perhaps too soon to say with any certainty, Apple's upcoming edgeless iPad may be Apple's last real chance at injecting a bit of life into its tablet lineup.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3196737/apple-to-unveil-new-ipad-pro-while-axing-the-ipad-mini.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 苹果
在彻底改革了音乐产业之后,MP3正式宣告死亡 2017年5月15日星期一11:52:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler <本文> <节课=“页面”>


根据通过的一份新报告NPR,弗劳恩霍夫集成电路研究所已停止提供MP3技术许可,并指出,更出色的音频格式已经呈现的MP3已经过时了。说话NPR,弗劳恩霍夫所述 AAC从此成为了‘音乐下载和视频在手机上的事实标准’


我们感谢我们所有的持牌人,在过去的二十年里使MP3在世界上事实上的音频编解码器,他们的大力支持。 To完全阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3196788/mp3-player-ipod-licensing-dead.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 苹果 iPhone 8实际上可能在时间公布 周五,2017年12点27分零零秒-0700 5月12日 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

Over the past few months, we've seen an endless number of conflicting rumors regarding the iPhone 8's release date. Whereas some reports claimed that Apple's next-gen iPhone would hit store shelves in September, more ominous reports have relayed that the device may be subject to a multi-week delay. In fact, the most pessimistic projection has Apple releasing the iPhone 8 as late as November. According to scattered reports, the rumored iPhone 8 delay was rooted in manufacturing challenges and a shortage of advanced components such as the device's 3D camera sensors.

Now to be fair, iPhone rumors are never in short supply, so part of the challenge is knowing which rumors are worth paying attention to. That said, one of the most reliable iPhone leakers in recent years delivered some welcome news for folks who can't wait to get their hands on Apple's next-gen iPhone. According to Steve Hemmerstoffe, who you might know better by his Twitter handle "OnLeaks", mass production on the iPhone 8 is slated to begin in August ahead of a September launch. Again, iPhone release date rumors are a dime a dozen, but Hemmerstoffe has a very strong track record with respect to Apple rumors, so his projections should accordingly be given more weight.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3196258/iphone-8-release-date-september-rumors.html#tk.rss_ionapple 智能手机 消费类电子产品 苹果 第一iPhone 7S传闻指向离子-X玻璃在后壳体 2017年5月10日星期三1500:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler <本文> <节课=“页面”>

有很好的理由,大部分iPhone的传言,我们看到这几天中心在万众瞩目的iPhone 8,但在混合经常丢失的是,苹果2017年iPhone阵容将不是由只是一个设备,而是三个全新的设备。根据最近的一些泄漏,苹果2017年iPhone阵容将包括一款旗舰iPhone 8的OLED显示屏,iPhone 7S和iPhone 7S加。

现在,不用说,苹果的iPhone 8意志最抢手的一堆设备,甚至有报导称,它可能会与$ 1,000的价格标签。不过,因为iPhone 8日推出可能不会发生,直到十月或十一月,有一个很大的可能性,苹果公司的其他iPhone机型将纷纷出售在此期间。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3195756/iphone-rumors-7s-glass-ion-x.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 智能手机 苹果 iPhone 8可能会在10月份发布 2017年5月8日星期一09:16:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

For anyone eagerly anticipating the release of the iPhone 8, we have some good news to share. Amid reports that production difficulties and component shortages may have resulted in the iPhone 8 hitting stores as late as November, a new report via Digitimes saysiPhone 8 mass production is on track and that the device will go on sale sometime in October.

According to the report, Apple's key partners in the supply chain will begin ramping up component production in June. Specifically, TSMC will reportedly begin producing Apple's next-generation A11 processor towards the later half of June. What's more, some of the yield issues that Apple was previously facing have reportedly been addressed. All that said, mass production is reportedly on track to get underway sometime in August or September.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3195168/iphone-8-release-2017-october.html#tk.rss_ionapple 智能手机 消费类电子产品 苹果
一份粗略的报告称,iPhone 8今年不会发布 2017年5月2日星期二12:32:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler <本文> <节课=“页面”>

在一个全新的研究报告认为,你可能要采取与盐的一个巨大的粮食,德意志银行的分析师称,苹果备受期待的iPhone 8的发布可能会被推back until 2018.

While we've seen reports that the iPhone 8 release date might be delayed sometime until October or November, this is the first projection we've seen claiming we might not  see a brand-new iPhone 8 model in 2017 at all.

The research note, obtained by Business Insider, reads in part:

Report suggests no new iPhone 8 this calendar year. As we have written in previous [research notes], several supply chain reports have suggested that key component shortages and technical challenges could delay the release of a high-end iPhone 8 device this fall. We believe this report further underscores the uncertainty around the timing of Apple's next- generation iPhone model.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3193875/iphone-8-release-date-delay-2017.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 智能手机 苹果 《韦氏大词典》将苹果粉丝称为“Sheeple” 2017年4月30日星期日09:54:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

In an effort to keep up with the times, Merriam-Webster every year adds hundreds of new words to its dictionary. After all, the language we use on a day-to-day basis is always evolving. Just this past February, for example, Merriam-Webster announced that it added more than 1,000 new words to the dictionary, including some newbies from the tech world such as net neutrality, abandonware, binge-watch and photobomb.

And just a few days ago, Merriam-Webster added the word Sheeple to its online dictionary, defining it as "people who are docile, compliant, or easily influenced." Or in other words, "people likened to sheep."

//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3193446/apple-fans-are-described-as-sheeple-by-merriam-webster-dictionary.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 苹果
如何检查你的优步评级 2017年4月26日星期三15:41:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler <本文> <节课=“页面”>


从历史上看,尤伯杯已经允许用户查看他们的个人等级,但这样做往往需要用户到几跳火圈通过。今天早些时候,然而,尤伯杯作出的整个过程更加无缝。这就是说,如果你以什么尤伯杯司机认为你是一名乘客好奇,它现在比以往任何时候都更方便地访问信息。 要在充分阅读这篇文章,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3192790/uber-rating-how-to-check.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 软件 有传言称苹果今年将发布两款iPhone 8 2017年4月25日星期二09:03:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

Just when we thought we had a grasp on Apple's 2017 iPhone plans, a sketchy rumor has entered the fray and turned everything upside down.

According to a recent report from Micgadget, Apple this year will release only two brand-new iPhone models. Recall, most other rumors we've seen thus far pointed to Apple releasing three new iPhones this year: an iPhone 7s, an iPhone 7s Plus, and an edgeless iPhone 8 with an OLED display.

Micgadget's alleged sources within Foxconn, however, seem to claim otherwise.

Some our friends from Foxconn confirmed that Foxconn received an order for two new models. It’s mean that Apple will [release] two, not three models.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3192325/iphone-8-release-rumor-two-models.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 智能手机 苹果
iPhone 8可能比iPhone 7s晚两个月发布 2017年4月24日星期一09:40:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

Apple's iPhone 8 will introduce a completely new design to Apple's iPhone lineup, a welcome change in light of the fact that the current iPhone form factor hasn't really changed much since the iPhone 6 was released more than two and a half years ago. From what we've gathered thus far from the Apple rumor mill, the iPhone 8 will, without a doubt, be the most advanced iPhone ever released by a wide margin. Design wise, the iPhone 8 will likely incorporate an edge to edge OLED display with 4mm bezels surrounding said display.

As exciting as that is, the downside is that the iPhone 8 release date may be pushed back quite a bit. Over the past few weeks, we've seen some conflicting information regarding Apple's timetable for releasing the iPhone 8. While some reports have said Apple is pushing hard for a September launch, other scattered reports said the iPhone 8 release might be pushed back anywhere from four to eight weeks.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3191838/iphone-8-release-2017-usa-november.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 智能手机 苹果
iPhone 8的发布日期可能会推迟到11月 2017年4月18日星期二18:13:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler <文章> <节类= “页”>

在iPhone 8发布日期可以被延迟,直到2017年十一月,根据新的报告从Bloomberg

呼应类似的报道我们”见过发芽了,在过去的几个月里,该报告继电器,苹果2017年iPhone阵容将展示三大品牌,新设备。当然,还有将在一个新的iPhone 7S和iPhone 7S加的形式翻新的iPhone。但毫无疑问,在苹果即将推出的iPhone产品线的主要景点将是其5.8英寸的iPhone 8,其将可能哇用户提供了一个边缘到边缘的OLED显示器。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3190925/iphone-8-release-date-2017-apple-delay.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 智能手机 苹果 未来的iMac Pro机型将以“服务器级”的内部配置为特色 2017年4月18日星期二06:22:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

It’s been a long while since we’ve seen any meaningful update to Apple’s iMac line, but as the company revealed a few weeks ago, there are some new and exciting updates in the works.

As Apple executives told a handful of journalists recently, the company is working on a brand-new iMac Pro model. And while the company didn’t provide any significant details, they did make a point of stressing that a touchscreen iMac is not in the works.

“Touch doesn’t even register on the list of things pro users are interested in talking about,” Phil Schiller said. “They're interested in things like performance and storage and expandability.”

Now comes word via Digitimes that Apple’s new iMac Pro models—which will still measure in at 21.5 and 27-inches—will feature “server grade” internals.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3190672/imac-2017-rumors-release-specs.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 硬件 苹果
iPhone 8的设计对苹果来说是一个挑战 2017年4月15日星期六16:42:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

Apple's iPhone design has pretty much remained unchanged since the company introduced its larger-screened iPhone 6 lineup in 2014. Sure, there have been slight aesthetic changes—such as the removal of the 3.5mm headphone jack—but the overall look and feel of the iPhone is arguably outdated.

Not to fear: The release of Apple's iPhone 8 is poised to change all that. Based on a number of leaks from reputable sources that have solid track records, it's widely believed that the iPhone 8 will feature an edge-to-edge 5.8-in. OLED display. Of course, this begs the question: What happens to the home button, Touch ID and the iPhone's front-facing camera?

Well, Apple has reportedly been working on methods for embedding all of the above into the display itself. Far more than conjecture, Apple has filed a number of patents detailing technologies and manufacturing processes to allow for embedding items like a Touch ID sensor into a display. Of course, the road a patented technology must take before it appears in a shipping product is often fraught with hurdles, something Apple is dealing with right now.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3190186/iphone-8-design-will-be-challenging-for-apple-to-pull-off.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 智能手机 苹果
苹果公司的车计划只得到了很多更有趣 2017年4月14日(星期五)13:51:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler <本文> <节课=“页面”>

事实证明,苹果的野心车还没有被完全关闭了。虽然苹果可能已经缩减了研发力度相对于开发和生产自己的汽车 - 一个艰巨的目标,至少可以说 - 看来,该公司仍有意开发专有的自驾车软件

到商业内幕,在加利福尼亚州的DMV网站一个新的条目表示,苹果最近获得的许可证,赋予其权限试驾自主车辆在公共道路上。 To阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3190123/apples-car-release-rumors-self-driving.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 苹果 iPhone 8价格可能会比你想象的更便宜 2017年4月08日星期六16:53:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

Apple's upcoming iPhone 8 is poised to be a complete game-changer. After years of keeping the iPhone form factor more or less unchanged, the iPhone 8 will likely feature an edgeless OLED display with a Touch ID sensor embedded into the screen itself.

Additionally, it's widely believed that the iPhone 8 will offer up improved water resistance, faster internals, wireless charging, facial recognition software and much more.

While nothing is ever a guarantee until Apple makes it official, there's good reason to believe that the iPhone 8 will represent one of the biggest leap forwards in iPhone technology we've seen in years. Having said that, there have been a number of interesting rumors regarding the iPhone 8's retail price over the past few weeks.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3188512/iphone-8-price-rumors-1000.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 智能手机 苹果
苹果订单9200万个来自三星的OLED面板为iPhone 8 2017年4月6日星期四21:12 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

Speaking to the immense demand Apple is forecasting for the iPhone 8, the Cupertino, California-based company recently inked a deal for a whopping 92 million OLED panels from Samsung.

While reports from earlier in the week pegged Apple's OLED order in the 70 million range, a more recent from Digitimes relays the figure has since been bumped up.

"Based on the contract," the report notes. "Samsung Display will ship 70-92 million small-size OLED panels to Apple in 2017. ... This means that about 30 percent of iPhone devices shipped in 2017 will come with curved OLED panels, given that Apple currently ships about 200 million iPhone devices a year."

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3188275/iphone-8-specs-oled-display-samsung-orders.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 智能手机 苹果
iPhone 8的发布日期可能会推迟到10月或11月 星期三,2017年4月5日15点43分00秒-0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler <本文> <节课=“页面”>

我们可能对那里的人急切地掰着指头数日子有些不好的消息,直到苹果发布其备受期待的iPhone 8.据来自中国语言新鲜报告的经济日报经由电子时报),iPhone的8发布日期可以由一个推回两个月由于技术挑战苹果遇到了在制造过程中。

据报道,苹果公司正在和参与了iPhone 8的OLED面板层压过程中的一些技术问题。此外,该公司是看到一些问题与结合装置的先进的3D相机传感器。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3188045/iphone-8-release-date-usa-delay.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 苹果 苹果公司表示,新款Mac Pros和iMacs即将上市 2017年4月4日星期二12:38:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

Apple this week disclosed to a number of outlets, including John Gruber of Daring Fireball, that the company has not forgotten about its demographic of small but influential professional users. Quite the opposite, Apple says it's already working on a brand-new Mac Pro that will feature a modular design, thereby addressing one of the longstanding complaints surrounding the company's current Mac Pro.

In the interim, Apple also revealed—at long last—that it will be upgrading the current Mac Pro's internals, thereby giving users a little bit more bang for the buck.

Specifically, the entry-level Mac Pro will feature 6 Xeon CPU cores and dual G500 GPUs, while the pricier $3,999 model will feature 8 CPU cores and dual D700 GPUs. While these spec upgrades aren't groundbreaking, it's a nice gesture from Apple given the Mac Pro hasn't changed one iota since Apple originally introduced the machine back in June of 2013.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3187570/mac-pro-new-imac-apple-2017.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 苹果
唐纳德·特朗普在呼吁抵制苹果后使用新iPhone 2017年3月29日星期三11:17:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

About a year ago, Donald Trump publicly called for a boycott of Apple products following Apple's refusal to help the FBI access data from an iPhone 5c that belonged to one of the San Bernardino terrorists. To be fair, Apple was willing to help, but was unwilling to create a custom version of iOS that would have allowed the FBI to circumvent some of iOS' built-in security features.

Apple's refusal to cower to the FBI bothered Trump to such an extent that he even referenced it during a stop on his campaign tour last year.

"First of all, Apple ought to give the security for that phone," Trump said. "What I think you ought to do is boycott Apple until such time as they give that security number."

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3185817/donald-trump-iphone-twitter-apple-boycott.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 社交网络 苹果
iOS 11传言:Siri可能会在今年晚些时候进行一次大规模升级 2017年3月28日星期二20:52:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

A new rumor from the Israeli-language site The Verifier relays that iOS 11 may introduce some sweeping changes to Siri's infrastructure. The site specifically claims that Siri in iOS 11 will have the ability to develop contextual abilities on the fly, similar to the intelligent assistant Viv Labs demoed last year. Incidentally, Samsung acquired Viv Labs a few months ago and may utilize its technology as the foundation for its new voice assistant called Bixby.

Whereas Siri today can process queries that it is programmed to understand, the Siri of tomorrow may be able to glean information about a specific user and relay back user-specific answers depending on the context of the question. The origin of the report allegedly comes directly from Apple's development teams in Israel.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3186026/ios-11-rumors-siri-may-get-a-huge-upgrade-later-this-year.html#tk.rss_ionapple iOS版 苹果
苹果发布iOS的10.3 iPhone和iPad用户 星期一,2017年3月27日16点39分00秒-0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

After a steady dose of multiple betas, Apple today finally introduced a final version of iOS 10.3 for both iPhone and iPad users. While most iOS updates in between major numerical releases don't often bring much to the table, iOS 10.3 is certainly an exception. Most notably, iOS 10.3 introduces a new file system dubbed Apple File System (APFS), which brings with it stronger encryption along with better optimization for accessing flash storage.

That aside, there are more than a few consumer-facing features that are worth checking out, including new animations when opening up an app and a new "Find My AirPods" feature for those who enjoy Apple's relatively new wireless headphones.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3185524/ios-10-3-features-siri-find-my-airpods.html#tk.rss_ionapple iOS版 智能手机 苹果
iPhone 8的发布日期仍预计在9月 孙,2017年3月26日九点37分00秒-0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

As is par for the course in the build-up to any new iPhone release, we've been seeing a lot of conflicting information surrounding Apple's highly anticipated iPhone 8. Over the past few weeks, we've seen quite a few reports claim that the iPhone 8 release date might be pushed all the way back to November due to a more complex manufacturing process. Remember, Apple's flagship iPhone 8 will reportedly boast an innovative new form factor with an edge-to-edge OLED display.

Just a few weeks ago, for example, we came across a report claiming that iPhone 8 production might be delayed due to the time needed for STMicroelectronics (one of Apple's manufacturing partners) to produce enough 3D camera modules to meet what will unquestionably be remarkably high, if not unprecedented demand.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3184788/iphone-8-release-date-still-anticipated-for-september.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 智能手机 苹果
iPhone 8可能会包括令人难以置信的增强现实功能 2017年3月22日星期三16:19:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

The truth is we really don't need more of a reason to get excited for Apple's iPhone 8. After all, Apple's next-gen iPhone will likely feature an OLED edgeless display, ushering in the first change to the iPhone form factor since 2014's iPhone 6.

New display technologies aside, it's widely believed that the iPhone 8 will also feature facial recognition functionality, improved camera technology, improved internals and much more.

+ Also on Network World: New iPhone 8 concept photos are jaw-dropping +

That said, a new report via Bloomberg relays augmented reality (AR) may very well be one of the iPhone 8's defining features. Apple is said to have assembled an incredibly strong and diverse team with expertise across all facets of the AR user experience. What's more, Apple may eventually complement the iPhone 8 with a pair of AR-based eyeglasses, echoing a number of previous rumors we've seen over the past few months.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3184231/iphone-8-rumors-augmented-reality.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 智能手机 苹果
iPhone 8可能被称为" iPhone版" 孙,2017年3月19日14时十八分00秒-0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler <本文> <节课=“页面”>

苹果的谣言,有时作品以神秘的方式。随着苹果的下一代iPhone,例如,在浮出水面一个粗略的报告,中期-2016声称,苹果即将推出的iPhone就是这样一个巨大的提升,苹果打算跳过iPhone 7的命名和简单地调用它的2017年iPhone的iPhone 8,而从那里,iPhone 8命名约定被困

最近,有报道表明苹果仍然在释放三大品牌新的iPhone机型计划:一个iPhone 7S,一个iPhone 7S Plus和一个全新设计的iPhone当然,从来没有多大意义,被称为iPhone 8.此,因为释放一个iPhone 8旁边的iPhone 7S不仅将引起广泛的混乱,但也可能扼杀整个iPhone的销售。毕竟,谁愿意买一个iPhone 7S当iPhone 8已经脱离了市场上。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3182375/iphone-8-release-specs-edition.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 智能手机 苹果 新款iPhone 8概念照片令人瞠目结舌 周三,2017年3月15日14:50:00 -0700 阴户Heisler 阴户Heisler

We're about six months away from Apple unveiling the iPhone 8, and the excitement has only continued to mount with each passing month.

Of course, the big rumor surrounding Apple's next-gen iPhone is that it will feature an edge-to-edge display. In turn, it's widely believed that Apple has figured out a way to embed the Touch ID sensor into the display itself. However, as we'll get into later, the iPhone 8 release date may not actually happen until November.

That said, the main reason why everyone is so excited about the iPhone 8 is because Apple hasn't updated the current iPhone form factor since 2014's iPhone 6. Consequently, many current iPhone owners can't wait to get their hands on the first new iPhone design in nearly three years. While the ultimate design remains to be seen, that hasn't stopped some enterprising designers from churning out absolutely stunning iPhone 8 concepts that we can only hope will be similar to the real thing.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3181380/iphone-8-release-date-features-concept-photos.html#tk.rss_ionapple 消费类电子产品 智能手机 苹果