iPhone 8可能会在10月份发布


对于那些热切期待iPhone 8发布的人来说,我们有一些好消息要分享。一份新的报告称,生产困难和部件短缺可能导致iPhone 8最晚在11月上市通过电子时报saysiPhone 8的量产正在进行中,将于10月份上市销售。


然而,报告称,iPhone供应链的上游和下游供应商,包括台湾半导体制造公司(TSMC)、SLP(类似于芯片的PCB)制造商振鼎科技和Kinsus Interconnect科技,以及电池供应商Simplo科技已经准备从6月开始增加iPhone相关零部件的供应。


话虽如此,iPhone 8何时会在10月发布还不得而知。毕竟,10月初发布的iPhone 8和10月31日发布的iPhone 8有很大的不同。无论如何,任何潜在的iPhone 8买家都应该放心,苹果大概已经解决了之前面临的生产问题。

据报道,iPhone 8将推出5.8英寸的版本。,edgeless OLED display with minimal bezels said to measure in at just 4mm. At this point, one of the biggest questions surrounding the iPhone 8 is whether Apple will be able to integrate the Touch ID sensor into the display itself or if it will have to place the Touch ID sensor on the back of the device. While some leaked schematics suggest that the Touch ID sensor might be placed on the back, it's worth noting that Apple often comes up with myriad iPhone prototype models during the design process. That said, it's probably a tad too soon to make any definitive declarations as to the final iPhone 8 design.

顺便说一句,iPhone 8还将与另外两款iPhone机型iPhone 7s和iPhone 7s Plus一起发布。可以理解的是,对于那些已经厌倦了当前iPhone外形的人来说,iPhone 8将是一股新鲜的空气。自2014年的iPhone 6以来,iPhone外形几乎一直保持不变。


