有个足球雷竞技app网络世界丰富的海因 //m.amiribrahem.com en - us 周五,2020年8月14日12时03分16秒-0700 周五,2020年8月14日12时03分16秒-0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510 510 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796 288 如何获得灵活的工作在你的公司 星期一,2016年3月28日5时22分00秒-0700 丰富啊 丰富啊 <本文> <节课=“页面”>

根据<标题=“敏捷报告第九届年会州的” href =“http://info.versionone.com/state-of-agile-development-调查-ninth.html”目标=‘_空白’>组织的敏捷报告第九届年会国家,去年VerizonOne释放(连同独立调查顾问,Analysis.Net研究)94%的敏捷实践发展。从3,925受访者报告收集的数据来确定实施敏捷时,组织所面临的挑战。

据我们的专家,它需要所有有关各方思维的转变,全力支持最高管理层的领导,在业务和开发团队。这里有一些事情,从瀑布过渡到敏捷时要考虑的。 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/3048517/how-to-get-agile-to-work-at-your-company.html 如何征服招募,保留和IT技能的挑战 星期一,2016年2月8日十点53分00秒-0800 丰富啊 丰富啊

IT has become ingrained in every part of business strategy, so it's not surprising that demand for tech talent is at an all-time high, forcing organizations to be creative when competing for talent. We're already through the month of January and employers are looking down the barrel of a competitive 2016. To help tech hiring managers and CIOs plan for a tumultuous year, several industry experts offer their advice.

"IT has always been at the heart of product offerings and growth, but today IT is impacting all types of industries in significant ways. New products and solutions will continue to demand strong IT talent. Diverse skills are required, and many IT job skills are relatively new," says Gregory Simpson, senior vice president and CTO at Synchrony Financial.

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IT认证还清了大部分2015年 2015年11月16日星期一08:46:00 -0800 丰富啊 丰富啊 <文章类=“幻灯片”> <图类=“幻灯片”> < figcaption >认证支付最2015年< / figcaption > < img data-imageid = " 100628004 " src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/11/it -认证-让- - - - - - -最-工资- 100628004 - orig.jpg”data-thumb-src = " http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/11/it -认证-让- - - - - - -最-工资- 100628004 - orig.jpg“alt = "它认证得到最支付" / > < p类=“slideCredit”>图像< a href = " http://thinkstockphotos.com "更新:2007-5-13阅读:随着科技的进步,我们的生活也会变得越来越好,越来越好。随着安全问题、云应用、遗留技术、大数据等问题的出现,颠覆性问题层出不穷。因此,难怪在技能和认证方面存在如此大的波动性,使得雇主和雇员都很难知道什么技能最有价值。他说:“如果你看看(保费)的波动性,现在大约是19%。事实上,在过去的两年里,平均增长率约为17%,”David Foote说,他是Foote Partners网站的联合创始人、首席分析师和研究官。为了帮助确定培训预算的投资方向,Foote Partners每个季度都会发布其IT技能和证书薪酬指数

With 2016 rapidly approaching, we examine the results of Foote Partners most recent data to find out which certifications are tracking the highest in regards to premium pay.


Foote Partners works with more than 2,600 employers to bridge the disconnect between job titles, job content and compensation. And although certifications on this list have done well thus far, Foote cautions that certifications making the highest premium pay today don't always equate to certifications that will be most in-demand over the next year. Volatility in the tech marketplace combined with the fact that some certifying organizations can mount marketing campaigns large enough to move the needle with organizations and their adoption of technologies.

"Historical pay premium performance is only one of many factors we consider in forecasting. It is normal in our forecasting that 50 percent or more of the skills showing the most growth in the prior three months and six months do not make our Hot List of skills that we are certain will increase in value in next 6 months," said Foote in a past interview.

Digital Disruption
1 digital disruption

Image by Thinkstock

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3005089/it-certifications-that-paid-off-the-most-in-2015.html 7个最适合技术爱好者的播客 星期五,2015年9月25日04:40:00 -0700 丰富啊 丰富啊 <文章类= “幻灯片”> <人物类= “滑动”>
对于技术爱好者最好的播客 图像通过 <跨度类= “slideCreditText”>肖像历史


播客的复苏增加了对听力的选择另一种选择。您可以串流,听他们居住或下载它们,并在自己选择的时间听取他们的意见。对于科技工作者和爱好者有更多的选择比你要评估的时间,所以CIO.com搜索Web上最翔实和娱乐技术的播客。所以,调高音量,并检查了这些播客专为谁希望被受理,告知和开明的技术人员。 <人物类=“幻灯片”>

TED无线电小时 <跨度类= ”slideCreditText“>肖像历史 阅读这篇文章完全,请点击这里 //m.amiribrahem.com/article/2985870/7-best-podcasts-for-tech-enthusiasts.html