有个足球雷竞技app网络世界Peter Wayner //m.amiribrahem.com. 念头美国 星期二,18日8月20日23:12:38 -0700 星期二,18日8月20日23:12:38 -0700 https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld510x510.png. 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 510. 510. https://idge.staticworld.net/nww/networkworld798x288.png 有个足球雷竞技app m.amiribrahem.com 796. 288. 14技术获奖者和失败者,Covid-19 周三,10月10日03:00:00 -0700 Peter Wayner. Peter Wayner. Coronavirus危机像往常一样震动了业务,其中一些IT战略和工具上升到的场合和其他人,符合重新思考或艰难的大流行后恢复。(内幕故事)https://www.cio.com/article/3561609/14-technology-winners-and-losers-post-covid-19.html. IDG内幕 21个热门的编程趋势和21个渐冷的编程趋势 2017年4月10日星期一06:28:00 -0700 Peter Wayner. Peter Wayner.

Programmers love to sneer at the world of fashion where trends blow through like breezes. Skirt lengths rise and fall, pigments come and go, ties get fatter, then thinner. But in the world of technology, rigor, science, math, and precision rule over fad.

That's not to say programming is a profession devoid of trends. The difference is that programming trends are driven by greater efficiency, increased customization, and ease of use. The new technologies that deliver one or more of these eclipse the previous generation. It's a meritocracy, not a whimsy-ocracy.

What follows is a list of what's hot and what's not among today's programmers. Not everyone will agree with what's A-listed, what's D-listed, and what's been left out. That's what makes programming an endlessly fascinating profession: rapid change, passionate debate, sudden comebacks.

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Python vs. R:数据科学家的思想分享之战 星期四,2017年4月06日05:15:00 -0700 Peter Wayner. Peter Wayner.

The boss’s boss looks out across the server farm and sees data—petabytes and petabytes of data. That leads to one conclusion: There must be a signal in that noise. There must be intelligent life in that numerical world—a strategy to monetize all those hard disks filling up with numbers.

That job falls on your desk, and you must now find a way to poke around the digital rat’s nest and find a gem to hand the boss.

How? If you’re a developer, there are two major contenders: R and Python. There are plenty of other solutions that help crunch data, and they live under rubrics like business intelligence or data visualization, but they are often full-service solutions. If they do what you want, you should choose them. But if you want something different, well, writing your own code is the only solution. Full-service tools do a good job when the data is cleaned, buffed, and ready, but they tend to hiccup and even throw up when everything is not quite perfect.

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9 Lies程序员告诉自己 2017年3月27日星期一06:08:00 -0700 Peter Wayner. Peter Wayner.

Programmers have pride with good reason. No one else has the power to reach into a database and change reality. The more the world relies on computers to define how the world works, the more powerful coders become.

Alas, pride goeth before the fall. The power we share is very real, but it’s far from absolute and it’s often hollow. In fact, it may always be hollow because there is no perfect piece of code. Sometimes we cross our fingers and set limits because computers make mistakes. Computers too can be fallible, which we all know from too much firsthand experience.

Of course, many problems stem from assumptions we programmers make that simply aren’t correct. They’re usually sort of true some of the time, but that’s not the same as being true all of the time. As Mark Twain supposedly said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3185205/9-lies-programmers-tell-them sonly.html.
13个理由不使用Chrome 星期四,2017年3月02日05:48:00 -0800 Peter Wayner. Peter Wayner.

OK, we’re kidding a bit. Chrome is great. Google did a wonderful job with it—and continues improving it every day. The marketplace recognizes this, and many surveys show Chrome is the most popular browser by far.

It’s not hard to see why. Chrome is stable, in part because its architects made a smart decision to put each web page in a separate process. It has excellent HTML5 standards support, loads of extensions, synchronization across computers, and tight integration with Google’s cloud services. All of these reasons and more make Chrome the popular choice.

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简化云计算:从数字海洋开始 2017年2月13日星期一05:53:00 -0800 Peter Wayner. Peter Wayner.

When the boss wants a prototype as soon as possible or a client needs something tomorrow, the cloud is the best place to turn. You can have a fully configured machine serving data in minutes.

One of the most developer-friendly options is DigitalOcean, a cloud that offers fast machines at reasonable prices, delivering them in seconds. It doesn’t offer the fancier features that the major cloud providers do—at this writing—but it does package raw machines in a way that’s a breeze to deploy. If you’re a developer with an idea that needs a home, DigitalOcean’s machines are blank slates ready to go.

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PHP vs. node.js:开发人员心灵分享的史诗般的战斗 星期四,2017年2月09日04:56:00 -0800 Peter Wayner. Peter Wayner.

It’s a classic Hollywood plot: the battle between two old friends who went separate ways. Often the friction begins when one pal sparks an interest in what had always been the other pal’s unspoken domain. In the programming language version of this movie, it’s the introduction of Node.js that turns the buddy flick into a grudge match: PHP and JavaScript, two partners who once ruled the internet together but now duke it out for the mind share of developers.

In the old days, the partnership was simple. JavaScript handled little details on the browser, while PHP managed all the server-side tasks between port 80 and MySQL. It was a happy union that continues to support many crucial parts of the internet. Between WordPress, Drupal, and Facebook, people can hardly go a minute on the web without running into PHP.

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10新AWS云服务,您从未预期过 星期一,2017年1月23日05:57:00 -0800 Peter Wayner. Peter Wayner.

In the beginning, life in the cloud was simple. Type in your credit card number and—voilà—you had root on a machine you didn’t have to unpack, plug in, or bolt into a rack.

That has changed drastically. The cloud has grown so complex and multifunctional that it’s hard to jam all the activity into one word, even a word as protean and unstructured as “cloud.” There are still root logins on machines to rent, but there are also services for slicing, dicing, and storing your data. Programmers don’t need to write and install as much as subscribe and configure.

Here, Amazon has led the way. That’s not to say there isn’t competition. Microsoft, Google, IBM, Rackspace, and Joyent are all churning out brilliant solutions and clever software packages for the cloud, but no company has done more to create feature-rich bundles of services for the cloud than Amazon. Now Amazon Web Services is zooming ahead with a collection of new products that blow apart the idea of the cloud as a blank slate. With the latest round of tools for AWS, the cloud is that much closer to becoming a concierge waiting for you to wave your hand and give it simple instructions.

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综述:Digitalocean保持云简单 星期三,2017年1月11日06:52:00 -0800 Peter Wayner. Peter Wayner.

云是一个很大的地方,它越来越大,因为每个人都将他们的服务器房间越来越多地移动到大型数据中心。亚马逊是云中的主要力量,但它远非唯一的选择。当市场增长这个大量时,利基可以发展。DigitalOcean is a company that has found a fertile niche by branding itself as the developer’s choice.

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//m.amiribrahem.com/article/3156663/review-digitalocean -keeps-cloud-simple.html. IDG内幕
11节目未来的预测 星期一,09年1月9日05:21:00 -0800 Peter Wayner. Peter Wayner.

The only thing that flies faster than time is the progress of technology. Once after lunch, a chip-designing friend excused himself quickly with the deft explanation that Moore’s Law meant that he had to make his chip set 0.67 percent faster each week, even while on vacation. If he didn’t, the chips wouldn’t double in speed every two years.

Now that 2017 is here, it’s time to take stock of the technological changes ahead, if only to help you know where to place your bets in building programming skills for the future.

From the increasing security headache of the internet of things to machine learning everywhere, the future of programming keeps getting harder to predict.

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你应该和谷歌一起去吗? 星期一,2016年12月5日07:09:00 -0800 Peter Wayner. Peter Wayner.

2016 was full of surprises, but in the world of programming, among the biggest was the breakthrough of Go. Once a tiny niche tool, Go has officially joined the ranks of real programming languages, evidenced by its meteoric rise up the Tiobe index, a complex amalgam of search rankings and programmer preferences. Still a ways behind stalwarts like Java, C, and Python, Go hit 16th in October 2016, up 49 spots from a year prior. That’s a big change that’s caught the eye of programmers and project managers alike.

Go’s jump is likely due in large part to Docker, a package management system for deploying code that is taking over stacks everywhere. The fact that one of the hottest dev technologies in years is written in Go in a positive sign for the language’s viability. A better one may be the fact that Docker is quite solid and very successful. That’s bound to win over converts by showing that the language can support real infrastructure.

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编程中最多的7个问题 星期一,07年11月06:22:00 -0800 Peter Wayner. Peter Wayner.

It’s been said that the uncharted territories of the old maps were often marked with the ominous warning: “Here be dragons.” Perhaps apocryphal, the idea was that no one wandering into these unknown corners of the world should do so without being ready to battle a terrifying foe. Anything could happen in these mysterious regions, and often that anything wasn’t good.

Programmers may be a bit more civilized than medieval knights, but that doesn’t mean the modern technical world doesn’t have its share of technical dragons waiting for us in unforeseen places: Difficult problems that wait until the deadline is minutes away; complications that have read the manual and know what isn’t well-specified; evil dragons that know how to sneak in inchoate bugs and untimely glitches, often right after the code is committed.

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7慢性浏览器错误滥用网络 2016年10月17日星期一06:35:00 -0700 Peter Wayner. Peter Wayner.

Web browsers are amazing. If it weren’t for browsers, we wouldn’t be able to connect nearly as well with users and customers by pouring our data and documents into their desktops, tablets, and phones. Alas, all of the wonderful content delivered by the web browser makes us that much more frustrated when the rendering isn’t as elegant or bug-free as we would like.

When it comes to developing websites, we’re as much at the mercy of browsers as we are in debt to them. Any glitch on any platform jumps out, especially when it crashes our users’ machines. And with design as such a premium for standing out or fitting in, any fat line or misapplied touch of color destroys the aesthetic experience we’ve labored to create. Even the tiniest mistake, like adding an extra pixel to the width of a line or misaligning a table by a bit, can result in a frustrating user experience, not to mention the cost of discovering, vetting, and working around it.

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懒惰编程的力量 星期三,2016年9月28日05:14:00 -0700 Peter Wayner. Peter Wayner.

Whoever said working hard is a virtue never met a programmer. Yes, ditch diggers who work hard generate longer ditches than those who daydream, and farmers who lean into the plough plant more food than those who stare off into the sky. But programming isn’t the same. There is no linear relationship between sweat on the brow and satisfied users.

Sometimes it helps if programmers pull all-nighters, but more often than not it’s better for programmers to be smart -- and lazy. Coders who ignore those “work hard, stay humble” inspirational wall signs often produce remarkable results, all because they are trying to avoid having to work too hard. The true geniuses find ways to do the absolute minimum by offloading their chores to the computer. After all, getting the computer to do the work is the real job of computer programmers.

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7个有效的糟糕编程想法 星期一,2016年8月15日06:29:00 -0700 Peter Wayner. Peter Wayner.

Anyone who has listened to a teenager, sports commentator, or corporate management knows the connection between words and meaning can be fluid. A new dance craze can be both “cool” and “hot” at the same time. A star player’s “sick moves” don’t necessarily require any medical attention. And if a company is going to “reorganize,” it’s not good for anyone, except perhaps the shareholders -- even then it’s not always clear.

The computer world has always offered respite from this madness. No one stores “one” in a bit when they mean “zero.” No one types if x = 0 when they really want to say if x != 0. Logic is a bedrock that offers stability in a world filled with chaos and doublespeak.

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