SASE check list: 7 key evaluation criteria

Not all SASE providers are created equal, and here's how IT decision makers can examine their options and choose the best fit.



Due to the newness of SASE offerings, though, providers are still building and refining the features of their services, so available offerings are complex, often incomplete and require integration with customer organizations’ existing network and security architectures.

Vendors of networking gear, cloud providers, and alliances of the two are trying to fulfill the potential of SASE through cooperation but also via in-house development and mergers and acquisitions. The landscape is shifting, so potential customers need to appraise SASE options carefully before choosing the one to adopt. IT leaders need clear criteria to evaluate how SASE would best fit in their environments.



SASE encompasses a tremendous breath of network and security technology across the edge and core—routing,SD-WAN,SD-Branch,云访问安全代理(CASB),身份,zero-trust network access,firewalls, secure web gateways (SWG), data-loss prevention and more.

Sase负责安全地访问云或私人的应用程序data centers从任何位置的任何设备,交付模型都包括本地硬件和云服务。

一些供应商可以提供一个完整的SASE portfolio with leading-edge networking and security capabilities, and those that do are struggling to integrate their technology acquisitions into comprehensive offerings. The upshot for IT leaders is to evaluate which aspects of SASE are most critical to them and how well each supplier meets their network and security requirements.


As events of 2020 have shown, people need secure, reliable access to all their applications and data independent of how they access them, so SASE needs to support workers on the road and on a range of mobile devices.

Many SASE suppliers have ignored remote access until recently and are working to upgrade their services to include access from home networks and mobile devices. Often their remote-access solutions rely onVPN.■并且与分支和数据中心的基于云的安全产品分开而不同。雷竞技电脑网站

IT organizations should implement unified remote-access architectures that do not require different technologies for the different ways their users access applications and data. IT pros should seek out SASE suppliers that provide remote access solutions that are well integrated – and ones that don’t mandate employees use different security services for home or remote work as compared to those in the office.

Connecting and securing people vs. things

The traditional focus of IT is to securely and reliability connect people and their PCs to on-premises and cloud-based applications. For many organizations, the next wave will be connecting and securing various IoT devices, many of them lacking in security, so they often require new security products and services.

In evaluating SASE solutions, IT organizations should seek out suppliers that have robust abilities to secure a wide range of IoT devices, and whose IoT security capabilities are well integrated with their overall SASE offerings.

SASE as a managed service


Because they may lack the in-house expertise to implement SASE themselves and be attracted by the potential for reduced operational costs, IT organizations will want to consider managed SASE services. Smaller businesses and enterprises with a lean IT philosophy will be among those potential customers.



IT leaders moving towards a SASE architecture should implement SASE solutions that are flexible enough to incorporate their current network and security infrastructure.


切换到SASE供应商的意味着更换各种网络和安全齿轮 - 这在现有IT基础架构上的近期术语或覆盖SASE架构中不太可能。因此,在评估SASE供应商方面,它对于IT决策者至关重要,以确保他们选择一个具有技术合作伙伴的广泛生态系统的人,以简化这种集成,包括网络,安全和管理。


IT teams will find that onboarding new SASE vendors or switching suppliers will be challenging to implement, take time and add risk.




Despite the elevated marketing claims, no single SASE solution is likely to fit all use cases. Suppliers, no matter how large, cannot provide everything to all potential customers, especially considering variances in company size, application breadth, vertical requirements, compliance regulations, and geography.


Migrating to SASE will bring many benefits, but also significant challenges. Picking the right partner to integrate SASE into the existing IT architecture or to deliver SASE as a managed service will be critical.


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