

All IT organizations strive for innovation. To succeed in today's digital market you to adapt to the needs of your customers, outflanking your competitors and disrupting the status quo. So what's the most important thing IT leaders of innovative IT companies do that set them apart?


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Time, energy and money

在最近的CIOExecutive Council's 2016 Innovation Report,的响应IT领导者的114 63%说,他们组织的创新努力被阻碍时,50%的受访说,他们是通过预算分配阻碍,48%说,他们的组织文化是不利于创新。

The results of this particular question imply that, for most organizations, there isn't enough time, energy and money to be innovative. That rings false for Bonnie Crater, founder and CEO of marketing analytics firm全圆见解. Innovation has to be a conscious effort at all levels of an organization, but it has to start with a leadership commitment to innovation, she says.

That means baking in a culture of innovation in which everyone is accountable for it and is permitted, and even encouraged, to put forth and test new ideas, regardless of the eventual outcome, says Crater.

"Anyone who says they don't have time, energy or money to innovate is making excuses. All you have to do is commit to trying a few new ideas and tracking metrics to see if they work or not. You have to commit to failing in order to succeed," she says.

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At Full Circle Insights, Crater gives her team plenty of room to make mistakes in the interest of learning and innovation, but she does ask that they not make the same mistake twice.

"Failure is the greatest catalyst of innovation. How can you know if something's going to work if you don't try it? We encourage people to try new things and create and invent, but we do ask them not to repeat their mistakes. If something didn't work the first time, we don't see much sense in trying it, exactly the same way, over and over again," Crater laughs.

Cultural values


“客户的成功就是1号。透明度是数字2。这是在鼓励创新非常重要,因为你不能有秘密或者是模糊或不清楚,预计创新解决这一问题。成长是第三次,因为你必须以种植要提升价值,这也意味着创新团队首先是我们的第四个,我们要运行一个公司,每个人都支持和帮助对方,并在那里我们不是彼此竞争,有助于创新,因为我们给每个。其他的反馈基础上的新的思想和观念,创造新的东西。最后,我想说这几乎是最重要的,就是停机时间 - 有一个爱好这是对我们如此重要,如果我们采访一个人,他们不”。吨有一个爱好,我们不会雇佣他们。我们相信,你不能创造和创新,不断创新,如果你累了,筋疲力尽,过度劳累和你烧坏了。对于一些人来说,这是跑步,或阅读,或跳伞或什么 - 这不是所有工作只是一些当时,”她说。

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Building that culture of innovation is hard work, and it requires some vulnerability on the part of leadership to allow for and encourage failure, says Willerer. But being willing to take risks and knowing how to mitigate those is key to fostering innovation. Willerer conducts focus groups, both internally and with customers, to determine what's currently working -- and what's not -- and to anticipate and get ahead of future trends. That allows for a balance between haphazardly throwing new ideas into the mix and sticking with the status quo, since measuring results can soften the negative impacts if an idea isn't a good one. He uses a baseball analogy to explain his philosophy:

Grand slam

"A great baseball hitter is maybe .300. That means .700 - or 70 percent of the time, you're not hitting. You're failing. That's how I look at it; you can actively solicit feedback from customers, and you can actively work within the needs of your organization -- strategy wise, budget wise, innovation wise -- and you can still get it completely wrong. That's the balancing act, because there's a layer of interpretation that has to go over everything. People say they want X, Y, Z, but what they really want is Q, and you have to figure that out. It's sometimes more art than science," WIllerer says.

That approach means opening yourself and your organization to the possibility of getting it wrong, and that's OK. Every successful and innovative organization makes missteps; it's a matter of understanding how that failure fits into the larger, longer-term strategy.



"If you aren't actively working toward continuing or ramping up to be an innovative organization, if you aren't creating the kind of culture where people have the time, energy and the resources to try new things and fail at them, then you're not going to be successful. The culture is at the heart of it; anything else is just excuses," Crater says.


这个故事,“为什么IT创新如下故障”最初发表CIO .

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